Smith answered truthfully and made no secret of it.

"When the awakening ceremony was held within the association, I was already too old to compare with these young people..."

"Are there many A-level members like Zhou Guojian in your association?" Chen Jing looked at the body that had gradually turned black and decayed, and asked slowly.

"How could there be so many..." Smith was amused by Chen Jing's innocence.

He explained patiently: "There are no more than five hundred A-class members in the world. If there were tens of thousands of people like them who could easily dodge bullets, then the world would have been in chaos... "

"Tell me about your association." Chen Jing looked away from the corpse and turned to look at Smith.

"How about... you take me to your grandpa's study first?" Smith said with a smile, raising his finger to point at the cloudy sky, "It's raining so hard now, it's not appropriate to stand here and chat..."

Chen Jing said nothing, just smiled politely and remained unmoved.

"Okay... I can only tell you part of the association's affairs..." Smith struggled a little and then gave up.

He accepted Chen Jing, a tough guy like Hob Meat who wouldn't eat anything.

Although Smith wanted to seize this close opportunity to subdue Chen Jing, he just wanted to think about it.

Smith doesn't intend to take risks without being completely sure.

Because the day of evolution is not far away, he still wants to keep this old life to welcome the new round of evolution...

To put it bluntly, Smith has not lived enough.

"The Ether Association was established in 1975. At that time, representatives from various countries went to the Antarctic to participate in the conference called 'The End of Civilization.' After that, they negotiated and funded the establishment of the Ether Association to deal with the end of the world."

"Are all countries involved?" Chen Jing frowned, not expecting their backstage to be so strong.

"Yes, everyone is involved."

Smith nodded, then threw out the bait in his eyes.

"If you are willing to cooperate with us, I can serve as a guarantor and send you to the association. With your ability, it is only a matter of time before you are promoted to the top of the association."

"Money, power."

"It's all within your reach."

"And I can also help you submit an application for level promotion to the association and ask them to host a second awakening ceremony for you..."

Chapter 56 Garbled codes and lies

It was still raining heavily in the sky.

Smith made no sound after throwing out the bait.

He waited patiently for Chen Jing's reply. He was very confident that Chen Jing would agree to it.

the reason is simple.

He had read Chen Jing's information.

I also know what Chen Jing’s living environment is like.

Smith knows that almost all people living in this land do not want to pursue fame and wealth...

"How do I know if you are lying to me?" Chen Jing asked doubtfully.

Hearing this, Smith was ecstatic.

But he didn't dare to show any emotion, so he could only rack his brains to appease Chen Jing and give explanations.

"From the moment you showed your extraordinary ability, I will never lie to you again. You have no idea how valuable a powerful extraordinary person like you is to the association..."

After saying that, Smith stretched out a finger and pointed at the three corpses one by one in turn.

"Even if you tell the association directly that you killed these three members, the upper echelons of the association will not punish you. They will only praise you for your youthfulness and vitality..."

"Realistic enough." Chen Jing couldn't help laughing.

"This world has always been like this." Smith raised his finger and pointed at the dark clouded sky. "Right and wrong are all in their minds. You just need to show your due value."

"It seems that this organization of yours has no human touch at all... If I join... I might be sold out by you one day..."

Chen Jing said with a smile and changed the topic before Smith could answer.

"Tell me, why did you come to my grandpa today?"

This time, Smith gave a quick answer.

It was as if it had been prepared in advance.

"For some documentation."

In Smith's eyes, his words sounded extremely credible.

He observed Chen Jing calmly, hoping to see something from Chen Jing's face, because he had no way of determining whether Chen Jing's previous performance was true or false.

Did Chen Boxu tell him what happened back then?



He should have been told.

Since this kid is a transcendent, it means that Chen Boxu must have done something to him, and it is very likely that he will give him the incident that happened back then...

"Isn't it a document?"

Chen Jing knew that Smith was talking nonsense.

But he always remembered the psychological knowledge taught to him by his university tutor.

So Chen Jing knew that he couldn't tell all lies now.

Only half-truths and half-falsehoods will seduce such an old man who has read countless people.

"Why do I remember it's a stone tablet?"

"You!! You really know everything!!!"

"know a little."

Chen Jing admired the astonishment and surprise on Smith's face with great interest, but his words were still half-truths and half-falsehoods.

"But my grandfather did not say anything about your [Ether Association]. He once mentioned you to me..."

"What did he say about me..." Smith stared at Chen Jing closely, trying to see the flaws in his subtle expression.

Chen Jing shrugged his shoulders with a fake smile, which was considered as an answer to the old man.

He was actually betting.

He bet that the experiences Smith mentioned before were true.

Because he had never heard the old man say those things.

If Smith said something false, but he acted like he believed it, then Smith would definitely doubt him no matter how stupid he was.

But if it was true...

"I understand the principle of taking shelter under a big tree." Chen Jing seemed to treat himself as a chess piece and moved forward one step on the chessboard. "As long as the conditions you offer are suitable, it is not impossible to join your association..."

When Smith heard this, his complex expression was immediately replaced by a smile.

"Kid, you can make any conditions. These three lives are mine. I will help you explain to the association."

Those two people were killed by you.

Still yours?

How shameless.

Chen Jing couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"First, today's matter ends here. Don't use this matter to trouble me again..."

"Don't worry about this. I won't do that."


Chen Jing scratched his hair that was wet by the rain and put forward the most critical condition.

"Let's just forget about the matter of you coming to my grandfather to get the stone tablet... Can we just stop here?"

"This! This won't work!"

Smith's reaction was somewhat unexpected by Chen Jing. He was so excited that he was stuttering.

"The association specifically asked for the stone tablet to be taken back! This! There is no room for negotiation!"

Seeing this, Chen Jing couldn't help but sigh.

He thought he could just let it go.

At least at this juncture, he didn't want to provoke a behemoth like the [Ether Association]...

If the scale of the [Ether Association] is really as large as Smith said, then it would be very difficult to get out of it after joining.

But if the negotiation with Smith fails, and then let this big man go back.

This is undoubtedly letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

But if he was a little more ruthless and chose to kill and silence the witnesses...

No need to think too much, the association would also cause trouble for him.

After all, four living people disappeared in the mountains, no one was found alive or dead, how could the association not suspect him?

So the only optimal solution at present is to join them.


Join the [Ether Association].

Even if Chen Jing doesn't want to do this, this is the only choice at present.

In the final analysis, it's still not strong enough...

He is just a little old descendant who is afraid of even light thermal weapons.

If he has the strength of the crazy grandfather in the other world, let alone being afraid of any association coming to cause trouble, even if the president comes, he will have to be slapped by him!

"This is troublesome..."

Chen Jing felt a little headache.

Before seeing Smith's eagerness to recruit talents, he thought this matter could be discussed easily.

But what he didn't expect was that the stone tablet actually had such great significance to the association...Ask for it?

The stone tablet should be in the old man's study, right?


Do you want to use the stone tablet as a token of surrender?

First, give him the things and let him take them back to the association.

As for the future, we'll talk about it later.

There will always be a time to get things back...

"It's not impossible to give you the stone tablet..."

Just when Chen Jing was hesitating whether to agree to him, the examination screen that he had closed suddenly lit up.

It did not show the candidate information page, but a line of garbled text.


[He is lying to you %%¥Don't agree to SSS joining the association¥ # You will die... [*Invalid characters detected]]


Chen Jing looked at this line of information with hints in disbelief, and then looked at old man Smith who was only two meters away from him.

At this moment.

The information on the screen changed again.

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