"Then I'll tell you one more thing."

"Grandpa, tell me."

"Actually... I feel very guilty. When I left you that letter, there were still many things I didn't have time to write."


Chen Jing suddenly raised his head, as if he realized something, and looked at the old man in front of him in disbelief.

"Grandpa, you..."

"As you said before, the creatures in the inner and outer worlds are bidirectional. When they pass through the door, they will merge together inexplicably."

Chen Bofu shrugged and smiled helplessly.

"Although I don't want to merge with that bad old man, the reality is this... He and I are one, just like your relationship with the other Chen Jing. I have all his memories."

"You!! Then you said he was dead before!!!" Chen Jing suddenly opened his eyes in disbelief and couldn't help but want to bite this bad old man, "Why are you trying to scare me!!"

"Oh... I just want to give it a try... to see if you will cry... After all, Grandpa, I also want to see who you have a deeper feeling for... Do you understand my little idea?" Chen Bo Fu blinked.

"You!!! I am so!!!"

Chen Jing was so angry that he didn't know what to say and glared at the old man fiercely.

"Didn't I cry when you were injured!!! You are my grandfather too!! What's so tempting about this!!"

"Okay, okay, don't be angry..." Chen Bofu gently patted his grandson on the back to calm him down, as if he was coaxing a cat with angry fur, "Besides, haven't you been lying to me before? , we’re even!”

"I didn't mean to lie to you..." Chen Jing spoke in a muffled voice, "I admit that I was a little afraid of you at first...but then I stopped being afraid...I really regard you as my grandfather..."

"I am your biological grandfather!" Chen Bofu rolled his eyes at him.

"I don't dare to tell you the truth after that, because I'm afraid you'll be sad. After all, most people can't accept this kind of thing." Chen Jing said calmly, "It's hard for me to have such a caring grandpa, so I don't dare to take risks... "

"What's the point!" Chen Boxu said angrily, "Don't think of your grandpa as being so petty! I'm actually a very open-minded person!"

With that said, Chen Bofu put his arm around Chen Jing's shoulders, and the two grandsons sat next to each other on the steps.

"Actually, he also left you an important message, which can only be told to you personally through me after the fusion."

"What important information?" Chen Jing calmed down a lot. When he looked back at the old man, his eyes were as clear as usual.

"You are at Sequence 8 now, right?" Chen Boxu asked.

"Yes." Chen Jing nodded.

"Have you received the divine inspiration to be promoted to Sequence Nine?" Chen Boxu asked again.

"Of course not!" Chen Jing said in a dumbfounded voice, "The promotion sequence is not like playing video games, how can it be so easy... Wait! Why do you ask this?!"

Hearing this, Chen Boxu couldn't help but reveal a mysterious smile and raised the corners of his mouth proudly.

"I know where the divine enlightenment of sequence nine is!"

Chapter 829 The Biggest Trap (Part 1)

Although Chen Jing knew that the old man would not lie to him or brag about certain key matters, it was undeniable that the key information Chen Boxu told him about the "Sequence of Nine Gods"... was indeed He didn't dare to believe it.

Because from a practical point of view, the promotion paths of Chen Jing and Huang Wang are completely different, especially after the high sequence, they embarked on completely different paths from each other, and there is nothing to learn from... As Huang Wang said , Chen Jing can only rely on luck to get through on his own. It is impossible to say how far he can be promoted.


Huang Wang couldn't give much reference. Promotion from Sequence Seven to Sequence Eight depends on luck, let alone promotion to Sequence Nine... Huang Wang was not familiar with that stuff. When he was promoted to Sequence Nine, he was always on the wrong side. Spelled out, it has no reference meaning.

So the old man from the world said that he knew how to advance to Sequence Nine, which sounded like nonsense to Chen Jing.

Not to mention whether the grandfather of the world is an old descendant, even the creator "Mr. Fog" may not know about the "high-level secret" of deep space promotion to sequence nine, so how did he know?

But take a step back.

Chen Jing didn't believe that the old man would lie to him, especially on such a big matter. It was impossible to say such things without absolute certainty.

"The Divine Enlightenment who was promoted to Sequence Nine...is this the message he left you? Do you need to tell me through you?" Chen Jing asked tentatively, wanting to make sure he heard correctly.

"That's right." Chen Boxu nodded. "He doesn't know what will happen after the fusion. He might lose part of his memory... So to be on the safe side, he asked me to remember this information that is related to the overall situation."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Boxu opened his white sweatshirt, opened his abdominal cavity with his right hand and reached into his stomach for a while, taking out seven or eight notebooks in succession.

Some of them are notebooks given as gifts when shopping, and some are useless cartoon diaries that Chen Jing bought when he was a child.

Opening a page at random in these notebooks, they are all densely written with words, and the content is repeated... a paragraph is repeated thousands of times.

"As the saying goes, a good memory is not as good as a bad pen." Seeing his sweet grandson's eyes looking strange, Chen Boxu hurriedly explained, "Although I am very confident in my memory, he is worried and has to let me find some media to record it. Come down."

Hearing this, Chen Jing just smiled and silently glanced at the content recorded in the notebook. The repeated passage was actually not difficult to understand.

"Sequence Nine was born from deep space...return to the source of deep space to find your 'mother'...He will give you the original power...this is where the 'Supreme One' was born..."

later in this passage.

There is also a pattern that resembles a star map.

Chen Jing always felt that the star map looked familiar, but if he looked closely, he saw some stars arranged in an unfamiliar sequence...

Directly below this star map, there are four large characters clearly written.

"In the southeast."

Chen Jing silently pondered the message left by the old man and the star map. He knew very well that this was a clearly marked instruction map, which was the "source of deep space" he mentioned...

"The galaxy drawn in this star map is in the southeast of deep space?" Chen Jing carefully recalled his previous experience of traveling in deep space, and felt that the southeast was not unfamiliar to him. When repairing and completing deep space, he I've been there a few times, but there's nothing special about that place.

Compared with the star fields in other directions, it is just more empty and the stars there are rarer, that's all.

But then again.

Deep space is constantly expanding. Just like the outer material universe, it always maintains a constant speed and expands outward for a period of time... During this process, countless stars are formed by With this birth, the empty star field in the southeast may become lively.

Just like what is depicted on the star map...

There might be a galaxy that Chen Jing has never seen before, and the source of deep space is in that galaxy.

"I'll go take a look." Chen Jing took a notebook from the old man's hand, put it in the pocket of his yellow robe, and said excitedly, "If we're lucky, let's do a sequence eight to nine sequence. Seam connection, what kind of deep space speed is this!”

"There's no rush for a moment."

Chen Bofu shook his head and turned to the last few pages of his notebook. There was a passage densely written there that he kept repeating.

"Waiting for the mother planet to recover."

Seeing this scene, Chen Jing took out the notebook he had just put in his pocket, opened the last few pages, and found that the same words were written on it.

"What is the mother planet?" Chen Jing murmured as if talking to himself, with confusion written on his face, "Is there a mother star in deep space?"

"I don't know either." Chen Boxu shrugged, "Anyway, I have memorized all the important information he said, and I haven't missed a word!"

"Actually, I don't understand a bit..." Chen Jing kept looking at the notebook in his hand, becoming more and more confused, "How did he know this important information... The secret of promotion to sequence nine in deep space is not even known to the creator. It must be clear... King Huang at the time also had only a half-knowledge..."

"I'm also curious about this matter." Chen Bofu lit up another cigarette with a smile on his face, "So I asked him at that time... Why do you, an ordinary person who is not even an ancient descendant, know? So many things?”

"What did he say?" Chen Jing looked at the old man curiously.

"He said he didn't know either..." Chen Boxu shook his head. "This information was poured into his consciousness by external forces, including his remaining consciousness. It was also because of that external force that it was preserved."

"external force?"

Chen Jing was a little confused for a moment, thinking that the only person who could achieve this step, besides the Creator, was... No! Certainly not the Creator!

Even if those guys have the ability to preserve the old man’s consciousness and allow him to live until now and become one with his “self in the other world”, they definitely don’t know the secret of promotion to sequence nine in deep space…

“Is it the ‘Supreme One’??”

Chen Jing only had this analysis result in his mind, because no matter how you look at it, the powerful foreign aid who is capable and likely to be on his side can only be counted on his fingers as the "supreme one".

"The Supreme One?" Chen Bofu frowned, "The Lord of the material universe, the being who stands at the apex of biological evolution?"

"Yes! Grandpa, you should also know Him, right?!" Chen Jing nodded.

"I don't know." Chen Bofu shook his head and answered truthfully, "I got part of the information when I merged with his memory, but the external force did not come from the Supreme Being... This is what he told me. of."

Chapter 830 The Biggest Trap (Part 2)

The external force that helped the old man did not come from the "Supreme One"?

This answer was something Chen Jing didn't expect.

Because no matter how he analyzes it, the only answer lies in the "Supreme One". Only that god with nearly infinite power can know the ancient secrets related to deep space.

not to mention……

Judging from the current situation, even if the "Supreme One" did not explicitly pull his side, he was still more or less on his side. If it were not for the rules of the "Supreme One", the emperor in red would have given his ashes to him in eight lifetimes. Yang.

"That external force should come from the 'Supreme One', right?" Chen Jing asked tentatively, "Did you make a mistake? After thinking about it, it seems that He has the strength to help us..."

"No." Chen Bofu shook his head, "I know the 'Supreme One', and he also knows it, and we have seen Him with our own eyes."

Upon hearing this, Chen Jing was stunned.

"Have you ever seen the 'Supreme One' with your own eyes???" Chen Jing looked at the old man in disbelief and said to himself that I underestimated you too...

"I have only seen him once. After the promotion sequence, when I merged with your grandfather, I saw his eyes." Chen Bofu said in a low voice, "Your grandfather saw him twice in total, and the latter time was With me, the other time... was when he was fed that information."

Hearing Chen Boxu's words, Chen Jing suddenly felt even more confused. Since he saw the "Supreme One" when receiving those messages, how did you make sure that these messages were not given by the "Supreme One"?

"I know what you are thinking." Chen Boxu said helplessly, "But that information really has nothing to do with the 'Supreme One', because your grandfather made it very clear that that information was given to him by another creature."

Chen Jing's face was filled with question marks and he looked at the old man in confusion.

"Another creature?"

"Yes, that is a very vague creature that is outside of time and space, standing side by side with the 'Supreme One'."

Chen Bofu couldn't help but sigh with emotion when he said this, and said loudly.

"He said the creature was a vague shadow, emitting a faint yellow light, and you couldn't even tell if it was humanoid or not...like a lingering thick fog."

"The yellow light..." Chen Jing murmured, "Could it be King Huang?"

"Do you think King Huang has that ability?" Chen Boxu glanced at him, shook his head and said, "That shouldn't be King Huang, but another creature similar to the 'Supreme One'."

"But except for the 'Supreme One', there is no one who can reach this level. Even the leader of the Creator tribe, the emperor in red is far behind!" Chen Jing became increasingly puzzled.

"Then I don't know." Chen Bofu shrugged, "Anyway, that's what the bad old man said. I wasn't there at the time, and I didn't see it with my own eyes... But having said that, your exam should be entering the final stage. Bar?"

Chen Dingding nodded and said yes. As long as the examiner can be killed, the exam will be over. From now on, he no longer has to worry about other risks and can live a peaceful life.

"I remember there are two options for completing the exam, one is to kill the examiner, the other is to destroy..."

"Destroy the dimensional core of the other world." Chen Jing took over the words and said with a smile, "As long as this world is destroyed, the exam will be over."

"You must have chosen to kill the examiner, right?" Chen Boxu asked tentatively.

"Otherwise?" Chen Jing looked at the old man helplessly and couldn't help but want to roll his eyes at him, "Your grandson is not that cruel, right?"

"That's true!" Chen Bofu smiled, "You have been soft-hearted since you were a child! It's normal to be reluctant to destroy the world and risk your own life!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Bofu lowered his voice and added carefully.

"But I suggest you be prepared."

"How do you say that?" Chen Jing frowned slightly.

"If you can't kill the examiner, you might as well destroy the world... first transform everyone into a dependent family and take them to deep space to take refuge, and then destroy the world, and you won't be able to cause many crimes. "

Chen Bofu had been thinking about his grandson from beginning to end, fearing that this soft-hearted child would go astray. There was no need to risk his life for things that could be solved with his brain. He had realized this a long time ago.

"It's useless." Chen Jing shook his head.

"What's useless? I think this trick is useful!" Chen Boxu thought it was because Chen Jing couldn't bear to be cruel, so he hurriedly tried to persuade him, "It's just a world plane. At worst, we can find other ones later..."

"What I mean is that even if everyone is transformed into a dependent family, as long as they are creatures born in this world... no matter where you hide, you will be buried with you when the dimension is shattered."

Chen Jing said helplessly, feeling in his heart that the old man was too naive... But in fact, he didn't blame him for being naive, because Chen Jing had thought of this idea a long time ago and had analyzed the feasibility. At that time, he felt that the success rate was ridiculously high and stuck. This BUG can directly put an end to the biological jump exam.

Until he went to Hanging City.

The dimensional core was "cheated" from Turing.

At that moment, Chen Jing realized that some things were not as simple as they seemed... Often the options that seemed easy and pleasant actually contained thunder that could make him regret deeply.

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