"Not only are they spreading the faith, they also contributed a lot to our Kakosa's infrastructure construction being so fast!" the pigherder added at the side.

At this moment, Xu Ye also slowly walked out of the crowd, wearing a clean windbreaker uniform, with the totem of deep space engraved on the end of the brooch on his chest.

"Deep space has gradually become the main belief in this world. Whether they are refugees in other cities or tribes in the wasteland, most of them have learned to call the name of deep space."

Su Ye looked at Chen Jing with a smile, and couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes.

The time she lived in Kakosha was the happiest time in her life... She could realize her ideals and ambitions here, unlike in Eternal Night City, where she had to fight with others day and night. .

"Ajing, you are now considered the king of this world!"

Chapter 833 The bad news brought by Mr. Fog (Part 1)

Everyone was sitting on the floor in the Deep Sky Temple. There was no serious atmosphere of a meeting at all. Wei Nan and the others even took a bunch of snacks and held them in their arms. While listening to Chen Jing talk about the experience of the Hanging City, they threw potato chips into their mouths.

Chen Jing did not tell everything about the Hanging City. He just selected the parts that could be said and then deleted or deleted them... Anyway, that's what it sounds like.

After listening to Chen Jing's story, everyone had longing expressions on their faces, wanting to follow Chen Jing to the depths of the universe.

For these old descendants who were born and raised in the other world, it is almost inevitable to stay in this world for the rest of their lives. Even if they are promoted to become ancient gods, they may not be able to leave this world for too long. After all, only a small number of ancient gods have the ability to escape from their own planes. The ability to explore the universe.

"Ajing, when can we go out and have a look?" Wei Nan asked enthusiastically, raising his hand to gesture, "Go for a walk around the other side of the universe! Let's go see other intelligent civilizations!"

"Let's wait until we pass the last hurdle." Chen Jing shrugged.

"Are those creators difficult to deal with?" Yan Que asked curiously.

When Chen Jing recounted his experience in the Hanging City before, he brought a few words about the Creator, but he did not explain it too clearly. He only said that it was Turing's backstage, and they took a fancy to a certain thing in Turing's hands. A treasure, and now this treasure has fallen into his own hands.

So they have to deal with themselves.

This is also the biggest difficulty at present.

"The Creator..." Hassad played with the cigar in his hand, frowning in confusion, "This kind of creature that transcends the boundaries of the mortal world actually exists..."

"They seem to have appeared in some old myths."

Professor Armitage also spoke at this moment, with a rather heavy tone, because Chen Jing had made it very clear before... In fact, the group of creators was not difficult for him to deal with at this stage, except Hong, the leader of the creator group. Emperor Yi, that was an ancient existence that could kill him easily.

"Can't even defeat you?" Old Lawrence said quietly. Sitting in the corner, he was still the same as before, silent and introverted.

"The higher the sequence level, the greater the difference between levels. Forget about killing monsters by leapfrogging levels, it is simply impossible." Chen Jing shook his head.

"Not bad!" Hassad smiled, "It's beyond our imagination that you can defeat those creators. As for the emperor in red... He shouldn't be coming in a short time, right?"


Chen Jing had not made it clear to everyone before, nor had he mentioned that the Supreme Being had any restrictions on them, so what Hassad and the others were most worried about now was that the red emperor suddenly came to the other world.

Of course, Chen Jing said it was impossible, but in fact he was worried.

As the saying goes, a dog jumps over the wall and a rabbit bites someone when it's anxious... let alone the emperor in red?

If nothing unexpected happens.

He should be waiting now, waiting for a foolproof opportunity.

"We've finished talking about you, come and listen to ours... This is the end-of-month summary I made yesterday. I have recorded all the changes in Kakosha on paper."

Xuye handed the information in his hand to Chen Jing. As soon as he took it, Chen Jing felt heavy. He thought to himself that Jiuyi is indeed an Jiuyi. How long has it been since yesterday? Such a stack of paper is still densely written. , Chen Jing felt a headache just looking at it... But as the owner of Kakosha, he still had to see it, otherwise the "employees" would be so chilled!

It has to be said that it is right to hand over tasks such as urban management to experienced people like Xu Ye. Not only can the city develop in an all-round way according to Chen Jing's ideas, but it can also pay attention to every detail in an orderly manner...

Urban planning, people's livelihood issues, and management of ethnic minorities.

The changes in Kakosa during this period of time are all recorded in this heavy stack of information.

"So there are quite a few Familia who have been promoted with me..." Chen Jing quickly flipped through the information in his hand, like a spoof version of "Quantum Reading". With the clattering sound, he flipped through the information in just two seconds. , "It seems that except for the old man, no one can break through Sequence 8 anymore."

Hearing what Chen Jing said, Yagertos and Baiaji couldn't help but sigh. They are the family members who have followed Chen Jing for the longest time. They have always regarded themselves as the "high-level combat power" of the deep space camp, but now Woolen cloth?

Became a laggard.

Even the old man has been promoted to Sequence 8, why are we still Sequence 7!

"King, I let you down..." Yegetos looked at Chen Jing with shame and guilt, and said pitifully, "I couldn't be promoted with you this time... but I will definitely do it next time!"

"It's really weird!" Baiaji couldn't help complaining, "I'm not going to talk about it anymore. Yagethos has already reached Sequence Seven. Why can't he be promoted to Sequence Eight this time! There must be a bug in this. !”

"I am related by blood to my grandson, and coupled with the connection of the family members...you know what it means to be a close relative, do you have any objections?" Chen Bofu snorted coldly, as if he felt that these two guys looked down on him too much. "Besides, I was Sequence Seven years ago, and I have been stuck at this barrier. I took advantage of my grandson's promotion to take off with me. What are you dissatisfied with?"

"So there are quite a few Sequence 7 family members in Kakosha now, and most of them came from Sequence 6...including you?"

"Yes." Xu Ye nodded with a smile, "If you are promoted again, maybe I will have a chance to break through to the realm of the ancient gods!"

"What a beautiful idea!" Bai Aji interrupted Xu Ye's unrealistic imagination and gave her a fierce look, "We have to be the first to break through to Sequence 8! You still have to queue up!"

"You can't say for sure." Xu Ye smiled, "This thing is very luck-based. Maybe we can be promoted together?"

Bai Aji has a bad temper and hates being confronted by others when he is in a bad mood. So when he heard what Xu Ye said, he immediately got into a physical argument with her.

But Chen Jing didn't give it this chance.

"Since everyone is here..."

Chen Jing reached out and held Bai Aji in his arms, as if holding a fluffy puppy, and gently rubbed its head to comfort him.

"Then let me tell you my next plan."

Hearing Chen Jing talk about business, everyone in the room suddenly became quiet. Even Bai Aji, who was having a bad temper, fell silent obediently.

"In this world plane we are in, there is currently no creature that is qualified to be called our enemy."

With that said, Chen Jing raised his finger and pointed at the dome of the temple.

"Our enemy is only that one."

When everyone heard this, their expressions looked a little heavy. After all, Chen Jing had just admitted before that he was no match for that person at this stage.

"So, we're moving!"

Chapter 834 The bad news brought by Mr. Fog (Part 2)

Chen Jing did not hide his fear of the red emperor. He made it clear in front of everyone present that he was indeed no match for the leader of the creator... If that guy really attacked, the world plane would be completely destroyed. It is inevitable that it will drop, and the deep space sequence may also end here.


You must be prepared for everything you can.

For example... moving the entire world plane into deep space.

"With my current ability, it is not difficult to move the entire planet into deep space. Only by doing this can we provide a layer of insurance to the world." Chen Jing sighed.

For the red emperor.

All the known ritual protections are useless.

Even if we don't talk about the leader of the Creator, just talk about Chen Jing who has been promoted to Sequence Eight... In his eyes, all the protection methods in this world seem a bit ridiculous. They are just playthings in the face of laws and regulations.

As long as he wants to do so.

He can completely erase the other world in an instant.

This operation is very easy for him, just like eating and drinking.

So in the end we can only rely on deep space.

We can only rely on that eternal and strange dimension to isolate the outside world from invading the inner world.

Can the red emperor kill him directly in the deep space?

Chen Jing was not sure about this either.

But it’s never wrong to try.

Having such a layer of real protective measures is better than staying at the original coordinates and being single, right?

"Let's do it!" Chen Boxu decided immediately and supported his grandson's decision without hesitation, "Deep space is no different from the physical universe we live in. If the emperor in red really comes to kill, that place will also be yours. At home, you still have the advantage in the fight!"

Chen Jing wanted to say that that advantage was of no use, it was just one more slap for the emperor in red, but seeing that the old man was also in high spirits at the moment, he chose to shut up and did not dare to dampen the old man's enthusiasm.

"When are you leaving?" Xu Ye only asked this question.

"The sooner the better." Chen Jing made some mental calculations. Although it is easy to move the other world into deep space, it does take a while to find a suitable Feng Shui treasure land. "Twelve hours, I almost can be ready.”

"Then we'll leave in twelve hours." Xu Ye made a decision immediately without any hesitation, "We can't delay this kind of thing. The longer we delay, the more passive we will be."

"Let me ask a question!"

Hassad, who was sitting aside, raised his hand and looked at Chen Jing with a puzzled expression.

"Do we have to hide our move?"

"What else?" Chen Boxu rolled his eyes at him angrily, "There are so many idiots in this world. If you let them know that the planet has moved to another dimension, you might be afraid of what they would be like. !”

"But you will know sooner or later, right?" Hassad scratched his head.

"We'll talk about it later." Chen Jing smiled, "Now we just need to ensure that this planet can safely enter deep space. As for what others think, that's their business. Just don't cause us any trouble at this juncture."

"Actually, no one knows whether you will move or not." Wei Nan bit a fruity lollipop in his mouth, finally showing some wisdom and foolishness at this moment, "The creatures living on this planet don't know what's outside. So, at most, there are some changes in the night sky... Oh, and the sun!"

"Don't worry, I will try to find a galaxy with a structure similar to ours." Chen Dingding nodded.

"When you move this world to deep space, changes in gravity are also a risk." Professor Armitage took off his glasses, with some worry in his eyes, and couldn't help but remind Chen Jing, "And the process of being moved to deep space If it's like the way you used to carry people with you when you were jumping in deep space, it would be fatal."

"I will pay attention to this." Chen Jing said with a smile, "Don't worry, there will be no problem."

"Okay! That's it!"

Chen Bofu was not a patient person to begin with. Seeing that the matter had been decided, he immediately greeted him.

"My grandson has been promoted to Sequence Eight! Why the hell shouldn't we help him celebrate? How did you become a family member!"

"Old guy!" Hassad couldn't help but cursed, "You're talking like you're not a member of the family!"

"I am! That's why I'm so proud!" Chen Bofu said with a smile, "My grandson has the ability to transform me into a dependent, what can I be unhappy about?"

"Then... it's still the same thing?" The Pigherd, the head of logistics, raised his hand tentatively, "Let's have a dinner party?"

"That's it!" Chen Boxu nodded, and then began to give directions, "If you need to help, just help! If you can't help, I will put on a show at night to entertain everyone!"

After hearing this, everyone present immediately complained.

"Old man, you are really good at summoning people..."

"I just said this old thing is nothing!"

"This...this is a show..."

"You bunch of losers! You can live without the program! The family members who are my grandsons can't even do a serious job! If you don't live, aren't you dead?"

Just when everyone was making a fuss, Chen Jing suddenly felt a familiar aura, and then heard an old acquaintance calling his name.

"Chen Jing, come here."

"Hey, I..." When Chen Boxu heard that someone dared to call his darling grandson by his name, and still used an instructive attitude, his temper suddenly rose, "Who doesn't have a good eye?! How dare you follow him like that? My grandson speaks?”

Everyone also looked at the sound at this moment and saw a misty figure standing outside the temple gate.

"Who is it?" Chen Bofu asked with a frown, feeling that the person's aura was strange and unclear.

"They can be considered friends..."

Chen Jing was also a little surprised when he saw Mr. Wu. He thought that this guy had been arranged by the "Supreme One" to run away, but he didn't expect that he would still appear here.

"Is she an Old Descendant?" Chen Bofu frowned more and more, "Why is this person's aura so weird... Even I can't figure out her specific sequence level... Is this guy also an Old Descendant of Sequence 8? ?”

"She is not an old descendant, but she is definitely a bit stronger than the Eighth Sequence." Chen Jing patted the yellow robe on his body, stood up and walked towards Mr. Wu.

Almost instantly.

Chen Jing came to Mr. Wu.

"You haven't left yet?" Chen Jing looked at her curiously, "I thought you had run away!"

"No more running."

Mr. Fog shook his head, his tone a little bitter.

"I came to see you for two purposes."

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