At this moment, Chen Jing, wearing a yellow robe, has become a human skeleton. Strands of golden light dust are like lingering fog, pouring out from under the robe and constantly entwining Chen Jing's body.

They replaced Chen Jing's flesh and blood, and it is also through this that the stability of this body can be guaranteed, so that it will not be dragged down by hundreds of millions of clones.

Chen Jing had thought in advance that this action would not go smoothly, but he did not expect it to be so difficult. He felt exhausted soon after the beginning...

In short, it is "brain overload". The reaction speed of the brain can no longer keep up with the constantly split "external bodies", and the deep space energy retained in the body is not enough to support this terrifying consumption rate.

So he can only use the deep space throne as a medium to pull deep space, and constantly draw energy from the origin of deep space to replenish himself, but even so, his body is still on the verge of collapse. It is not difficult to see from the shape of this skeleton... He is already playing with his life.

Chen Jing's plan is actually very simple.

From near to far, Chen Jing began to dispatch clones to locate coordinates, especially in the material universe where everyone was. Chen Jing dispatched a total of five clones... Four of them went to the other side of the universe in different directions, and the single one was dispatched to the vicinity of the Creator's hometown.

Since the Red Emperor's devouring of the material universe started from the Creator's hometown, and it spread radially to the far end, Chen Jing wanted to try whether he could pull out more material space from the tiger's mouth and send it to deep space.

At the same time.

Chen Jing, who was in a state of meditation, suddenly heard a familiar person calling.

"Ah Jing!!!"

"Boss Chen!!!"

"Living father!!!!"

After becoming Chen Jing's family, Li Mobai never regarded Chen Jing as a "master" at all. From the beginning to the end, he was still that shameless dead look. From the moment they parted, his voice never stopped in Chen Jing's mind, complaining non-stop.

Either he complained that Chen Jing left him alone to face the mess of Hanging City, or he complained that Chen Jing was disloyal... If you had known that being a deep space family member would have so many benefits, why didn't you convert me earlier!

To be honest.

After converting Li Mobai into a family member, Chen Jing really regretted it.

Because the family contact was so straightforward, as long as Li Mobai wanted to contact Chen Jing, he could let Chen Jing hear his call in real time by "praying"... It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Jing was almost annoyed to death by him.

But there are also good things about this.

At least when Mr. Wu brought this bad news, Chen Jing could notify Li Mobai, who was far away in the universe, in time, and successfully bypassed the examination system to ensure that he would not be noticed by the Red Emperor.

Facts have proved that Li Mobai is more cunning than Chen Jing imagined.

After parting with Chen Jing, the first thing Li Mobai did when he returned to the Hanging City was to "drive" this huge mechanical city to escape. At that time, the Red Emperor had not yet begun to devour the material universe, so Li Mobai's action directly saved everyone in the Hanging City...

Compared with the distance between the inner world and the Creator's hometown, the Hanging City is obviously closer to the source where the Red Emperor is. If Li Mobai had not relied on his intuition to let the Hanging City start to escape at a high speed, I am afraid that the first wave of material space devoured by the Red Emperor would include this mechanical city.

From a certain perspective.

Most of the choices made by Li Mobai are based on intuition and analysis.

For example, this time.

In Li Mobai's view, Turing is a pawn of the Creator tribe. Since He has been killed by the Deep Space Resurrectionist, it is possible that the Creator will start the next step. God knows whether the Hanging City will be affected... No! It will definitely be!

At this stage, he is the one who replaced Turing to control the Hanging City, and he is also a close friend of the Deep Space Resuscitator. It is easy to guess that the Creator will never let him go. As long as there is a chance, those guys will definitely kill him to sacrifice to the heaven. It is also a good choice to use his life to disgust the Deep Space Resuscitator!

So, Li Mobai ran very fast, and he never showed up. He kept the people of the Hanging City in the dark from beginning to end... Although a small number of people sensed that the Hanging City was moving rapidly, they did not have any special reaction, and they all thought it was arranged by Turing Tianzun.

"Living father! ! Godfather! ! Come and save me quickly! ! Pull us into the deep space first!!!"

"Continue to move to the south."

Sitting on the throne of deep space, Chen Jing looked a little tired. The index finger and thumb of his right hand were constantly calculating. At this moment, all his clones had been dispersed, and the hundreds of millions of sensory feedback and visual systems were synchronously connected with him. It can be said that in order to control these "outside bodies", he has consumed his mind to the limit of collapse.

"Keep running south?! Do you need me to give you the coordinates?!" Li Mobai asked anxiously.


Chen Jing raised his head slightly. In his empty skull eye sockets, the most noble energy light in the material universe was beating... It was the supreme embodiment of deep space energy and the source of the laws and rules he could understand.

"All dimensions are in my eyes, like a picture... You continue to fly south for about 300 light years, and I will let my clone pick you up."

Chapter 840 Death Sign (Part 2)

In order to better understand the situation of these dimensional planes, Chen Jing drew a picture of the feedback he sensed.

In his eyes, each dimensional world is a separate painting, which is equivalent to reducing them to low dimensions, making everything clear, and even the cells in the living body can distinguish various details.

For example, at this moment, Chen Jing is paying attention to the direction of the Hanging City's escape. In his opinion, the Hanging City is just a slowly moving light spot on the map. Compared with the scope of the entire universe, the speed of the Hanging City's movement near the space jump is still not enough. look……

But enough is enough.

After all, Li Mobai led them to run fast and escaped from the first wave of attacks before the red emperor took action.

This is luck, right?

Chen Jing didn't know what to say. No matter how he looked at it, Li Mobai was destined to be lucky.

"I saw your clone!"

When Li Mobai "drove" the suspended city to escape quickly to the south of the universe, he could sense that the material space was quickly disappearing even without looking back... Some of them were moved directly to deep space by Chen Jing, and some of them were in the deep space. Within the striking range of the Red Emperor, the first wave was completely devoured by him.

It is impossible to say that I am not afraid.


They were all so scared to death!

Although Li Mobai had witnessed the battle between Chen Jing and Turing, to be honest, the generosity of the red emperor was beyond his imagination. The battlefield started from the material universe in front of him and spread to all the existing ones. In the dimension of knowledge...

All things are unified.

This is what the red emperor is doing!

Li Mobai knew how much he weighed, so he didn't dare to think that he could help Chen Jing. As long as he could ensure that he would not cause trouble to the other party... that was enough!

Escaped at high speed in the black material universe, Li Mobai's nerves were tense from beginning to end. The indescribable fear lingered in his heart. It was the fear that transcended life and death... All things returned to nothingness, and everything returned to the original state. .

Li Mobai would tremble uncontrollably when he thought about the final outcome of this universe.

It wasn't until he saw the humanoid creature wrapped in golden light dust that Li Mobai relaxed a little, and his anxious heart became depressed.

That was Chen Jing's clone.

Li Mobai recognized him at a glance.

In the known dimensions, only Chen Jing can possess such pure deep space energy.

"I met your clone!"

"I know...I can see you..."

Chen Jing's voice also sounded in Li Mobai's mind, and his tired tone revealed a sense of exhaustion and decline.

"Let the Hanging City stop accelerating..."


Li Mobai did not dare to hesitate and instantly followed Chen Jing's instructions to bring this breathing mechanical city to a slow stop.

at the same time.

The hazy golden figure also raised his hand and opened the rift leading to the deep space with a single wave.

At this moment, Li Mobai could clearly sense an irresistible pulling force... It was pulling the hanging city forward until it entered deep space.

"After entering deep space, you must settle the Hanging City as quickly as possible, and then you can come find me."

"Looking for you?" Li Mobai was stunned and asked hurriedly, "Is there anything I can help with?"

"Of course." Chen Jing smiled bitterly, "This war of annihilation started by the Red Emperor involves more than billions of dimensions. My brain is running out of calculations. Lend me your brain. ”

"Hey! What does it mean to specialize in a skill? Why don't you just leave this kind of thing to me..."

Li Mobai smiled proudly, and before stepping into the deep space, he took the time to look back.

You don’t know this by looking at it.

When I saw it... I felt a chill in my heart.

Most of the stars that passed by him before have disappeared. Although some of them were transported away by Chen Jing, at least 60% were swallowed by the red emperor.

The reason why Li Mobai can easily tell the difference is because the red emperor will leave a "chaos" after devouring the material space.

It is like a piece of turbid muddy water floating in the vacuum universe, colorful and sticky. They gather together to form a long river across the entire universe, flowing slowly and silently outside of time and space...

"The emperor in red is getting faster and faster." Li Mobai immediately reported to Chen Jing, "This guy is almost catching up with me!"

"I underestimated Him."

Chen Jing sighed helplessly, with a hint of frustration in his tone.

"That guy, like me, has projected his clones in all dimensions and planes. Their devouring of material space and laws and regulations started simultaneously. Many of my clones have been swallowed alive by him..."

"I'll come to you right away!" Li Mobai didn't dare to delay and said hurriedly, "I'll find a parking space as soon as I get in! It'll be quick! You must wait for me!"


After Li Mobai took the Hanging City into deep space, Chen Jing also relaxed a little. After all, he was also worried that Li Mobai would run too slowly and the red emperor would catch him up. If he was really unlucky enough, Chen Jing wanted to save him. Nothing can be done...

"My dear grandson, are you okay?"

The old man's voice sounded next to Chen Jing. Although he knew he shouldn't disturb his grandson who was in meditation, the state of Chen Jing in front of him was really worrying!


Chen Jing still maintains that terrifying white bone shape. Compared with before, the current skeleton obviously has many damaged areas. It seems that it has been eroded by wind and sand. Not only are there cracks on the bones, but there are even some obvious discolorations. The holes are incomplete...

"I'm fine."

Chen Jing was still the same. He was unwilling to speak out about anything he encountered, because speaking out would not help. The old man could not help, so there was no need to worry him...

"Too much energy?" Chen Bofu asked cautiously.


Chen Jing slowly raised his hands and supported the armrests on both sides of the throne, trying to sit up straight with his thin and withered body, but unfortunately he was already beginning to lose strength. He struggled hard for two times, and finally was supported by the old man to sit up slowly.

"My dear grandson, don't scare me!"

"It's okay, I'm just a little weak... I'll be fine in a while."

At this time, Chen Jing had realized his stupidity. He found that he thought things were too simple... He thought he could do whatever he wanted after being promoted to Sequence Eight, and the nearly endless deep space energy in his body was the basis of his confidence.

But what about now?

The energy in his body has been exhausted, and he can only temporarily draw it from deep space to replenish it. This also makes it almost impossible for him to stabilize the state of this body. It may dissipate soon. Only then will it be a real trouble...

Chen Jing lowered his head weakly, looking at his incomplete hands, and the old man's worried inquiries were in his ears...For a moment, his brain was in an empty state that shouldn't have been there, which was a precursor to the difficulty of maintaining consciousness.

"It looks so unlucky."

Chen Jing retracted his hands under the wide yellow robe, and an ominous premonition gradually surged in his heart.

"That guy came too suddenly...My body was destroyed by Turing and I haven't had time to recover...Now I'm exhausted at the beginning...This is not a good sign..."

When he just completed the promotion to Sequence 8, Chen Jing was full of vigor and vitality. He believed that he had surpassed the Yellow King who led the way for him, and it was not difficult to win this biological leap test.

But now, he suddenly felt powerless.

It was like an ordinary person met the Creator, and had to fight to the death with the Creator.

"Maybe I will die..."

When this thought arose in Chen Jing's mind, it instantly turned into a haze that lingered in his mind.

This is not a good sign.

Absolutely not.


"Godfather!! I'm here to help you!!!"

When Li Mobai was guided into the inner world by Chen Jing, he came to the Deep Space Temple directly through positioning and teleportation.

The first time he stepped into the temple, Li Mobai saw his best friend who was sitting on the throne like a withered skeleton.

"Fuck!! Brother, how did you get into this?!"

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