"If you don't hate me, I'll kiss you again!"

"... Be careful of the impact."

Chen Jing's old face flushed and he dared not look at her. He raised his hand and pointed at the old man who was taking out his phone.

"No taking photos in the temple!"

"When did this rule come into being?" Chen Bofu was stunned.

"Fuck you!!!"

Li Mobai, who was acting as the CPU host processor at the side, couldn't stand it anymore and almost yelled in anger and grief.

"Can you treat me like a human being?! Don't make out in front of me, okay?! I'm still calculating the data!!! You..."

In an instant, Li Mobai lost his voice without warning, and Chen Jing on the throne suddenly changed his face.

"What's wrong?" Chen Bofu became nervous when he saw the expression of his grandson. "What went wrong again?!"

"The Red King disappeared..." Chen Jing muttered, and then denied his words, "No! It's not that He disappeared! It's that He stopped swallowing up various material spaces!!"

"Isn't this a good thing?" Mr. Wu analyzed with his imagination, "Could it be that the guy felt that he couldn't compete with you, and he couldn't "eat enough" to complete the promotion anyway, so he just gave up?"


These three words were said by Chen Jing and Mu in unison, because they sensed a familiar breath at this moment, and this breath happened to be in the deep space... Suddenly appeared silently, without any sign before.

"It's the Red King!! That guy broke in!!!"

Chapter 847 The Horn of Doomsday (Part 1)

Billions of years ago.

The other world ushered in a heavy rain that lasted for tens of millions of years.

Life was born.

The desolate planet finally had a different splendor.

But billions of years later...

Today, billions of years later.

"Another sudden heavy rain, everything will come to an end..."

The voice that everyone heard came from the figures that appeared out of thin air in the temple square.

"I wanted to avoid this war... but you made too much trouble... I didn't expect that I couldn't escape even if I hid outside of time and space..."

The speaker was a middle-aged man. He was pale and thin, which was his first impression. He was wearing an old-fashioned classic suit. Under his black and slightly curly hair, his eyes were faintly flickering with a faint green light.

"The land is really uncomfortable..." The half-fish man standing next to the man was covered with scales, and there were webbed membranes between his fingers. The muscles in his arms were horribly developed, like the embodiment of the devil muscle man.

"Tekeli! Tekeli! Tekeli!"

The strange creature that made the strange sound stayed next to the half-fish man, like a black asphalt ball with tentacles, rolling back and forth on the muddy ground, making puzzling calls.

Compared to these three unfamiliar guests, the one standing at the edge is an old acquaintance of Kakosha. After all, he has visited Kakosha before, and has been here several times. He is considered an ally of Kakosha...


Professor Armitage squeezed out of the crowd and looked at the three strange creatures beside the Shagong priest in disbelief.

"Why did you bring them here?!"


The Shagong priest seemed to have not figured out the situation yet. He was a little confused and took a few seconds to explain.

"I was brought here by the great Ketuart... He said Chen Jing needs our help..."

That's right.

The group of people who came are the allies of the Old Sea.

In addition to the old friend Shagong, the high priest of the secret religion, the three ancient gods of the Old Sea were also present.

Ketuart, who had confronted the Yellow King in the old days, and Dagon and Tekili trained by Ketuart...

They wanted to avoid this doomsday battle.

But the facts prove that some things cannot be avoided just by wanting to avoid them. Even if they hide outside of time and space, the Red Emperor's devouring still poses a huge threat to them. It can be said that there is no safe place in the world that can avoid this disaster.

Can't escape?

Then fight to the death.

It's better than hiding outside of time and space and being devoured by the Red Emperor.

"Are you also an ancient god in the old days?" Xi came over and looked at Ketuart and Dagon Tekili with interest, "Why haven't I seen you?"

"Just a small figure." Ketuart smiled and put his attitude very low, "I was not a famous person in the old days, it's normal that you haven't seen me... But then again, I should be here in time, right?"

Ketuart looked up at the sky dyed red by the blood rain. He hadn't felt such fear for many years. Even the Yellow King at the time didn't make him feel this way.

"This rain... smells like pollution from the outside world..." The scales on Dagon's body kept wriggling, opening and closing like gills to breathe, and his voice was very dull, "That is a being more powerful than you..."

"The one more powerful than me is inside the temple." Cturt glanced at the closed door of the deep space temple and said helplessly, "This guy has caused too much trouble..."

The scarlet blood rain not only fell on the inner world, but any celestial body suspended in the deep space environment was experiencing the invasion of this bloody rainstorm...including those planets with intelligent civilizations that were rescued by Chen Jing.

Except for a few people, the rest of the creatures did not know what this heavy rain meant, and could only feel the ominous and oppressive feeling.

"Are you the king's friends?"

Yegotos suddenly appeared beside Keturt, with a deep space totem floating on his ancient golden armor. The energy aura emanating from him was terrifying. Although he had not broken through to Sequence Eight, his strength was not worse than that of an ordinary ancient god.

To be honest.

When facing the ancient god "Xi" of the Western Continent, Yegotos could vaguely feel that he had the strength to fight, and maybe he could kill him with a sword.

"I heard the king talk about you, the ancient creatures of the Old Sea, who once cooperated with the Yellow King..."

"I've seen you." Ketuart smiled, "We have all seen you, the hunter under the Yellow King... Oh no, I should call you the first hunter, right?"

"You are here to help." Although Yegetos seemed to be asking a question, his tone was very firm. It was rare for him to show kindness to these foreign creatures. "I express my gratitude to you on behalf of the king."

"Don't." Ketuart waved his hand, "We are just seeking self-protection. If we were not accidentally implicated, to be honest, I would still like to find a place to continue to hide..."

At this moment, Ketuart seemed to have seen something, and his expression on his face changed slightly. He gave Yegetos a look.

"Is that also from your Kakosha?"


Yegetos was stunned for a moment, followed Ketuart's gaze, and saw a vague scarlet figure standing outside the temple door.

According to Chen Jing's instructions.

The temple is completely isolated from the outside world.

Not only did he set up a ban for this, he also arranged for Yegetos and Baiaji to patrol outside, strictly prohibiting any creature from approaching the Deep Space Temple without authorization.

So Yegetos has been keeping a close eye on it. Even when facing old acquaintances like Hasad, he still drove all these friends to the square.

"Who are you?!"

When Yegetos asked this question, he had already pulled out the cross broadsword covered by holy light, because he recalled carefully and found that he had never seen the red figure before, and there was no familiar breath on the other party...

No, to be precise, there was no breath at all.

It was like a false projection.

Like air, it was unnoticeable.

"Let Him in."

At the moment when Yegetos mobilized the energy in his body to enter the wartime state, Chen Jing's voice suddenly appeared in his mind, and it was this voice that stopped him in time...

Before Yegetos could figure out what was going on, he saw that the scarlet figure suddenly passed through the gate of the temple, completely ignoring the ban set by Chen Jing, and walked in so brightly.

This scene.

Everyone present could see it.

"Who is that person?" Hasard couldn't help but get nervous. The cigar in his mouth was soaked by rain, but he still held it in his mouth. "Why have I never seen him before?!"

"He looks unfamiliar." Armitage nodded. "We shouldn't have this person in Kakosha."

"Why didn't Yegetos stop him?" Wei Nan asked anxiously, "A Jing is still fighting with the Red Emperor in the air! If an outsider goes in, it's just..."

"The king said to let him in."

Yegetos also heard the questions raised by everyone, so he turned around and explained.

"I don't know who he is, but the king said to let him in..."

At this moment, Keturt suddenly exclaimed, with unbelievable fear in his tone.

"I remember who that person is!!!"

Keturt looked at the temple gate in doubt, his voice trembling.

"That red shadow... I have seen it in the old days... It is the red king of the Creator tribe!!!"

Chapter 848 The trumpet of doomsday (Part 2)

In the empty temple, the scarlet figure slowly took steps. From the moment he passed through the temple gate, the misty feeling on his body gradually disappeared...


Chen Bofu stood up as soon as he saw him, staring at him as if he was facing a great enemy, his hands trembling faintly.

"Can this guy just kill me?!"

Compared to Chen Bofu who was swearing, Mr. Wu and Mu were obviously much more silent... From a certain perspective, they seemed to be inferior to Chen Bofu, so what if they had the strength of the Creator?

Looking at this former leader, their expressions were tense and no one spoke.

"Ah Jing! Are we going to be finished!"

Li Mobai was also panicking at this moment. His huge body kept squirming, and the metal cubes that made up his torso even made bursts of buzzing when running at high speed.

"If He could kill us, He would have done it long ago, why would He wait until now?" Chen Jing said softly, then held Qiao Youning's hand tightly, and lowered his voice to comfort her, "Don't be afraid, nothing will happen."

"What are you afraid of?" Qiao Youning blinked, and said with a smile, "As long as I'm with you, I'm not afraid of anything with you."

At this time, the scarlet figure had walked to the bottom of the steps, and the misty blood mist on his body dissipated, revealing His true face.

It was a skinny humanoid creature.

It was very similar to humans.

But there were two sunken lines on his cheeks, and there seemed to be a row of biological tissues similar to compound eyes hidden in them.

From his appearance, he was already an octogenarian, with withered skin tightly wrapped around his bones. His skin-and-bones look a bit creepy, but his eyes... didn't look like those of an old man at all.

Bright, spirited, pure.

Without any impurities.

The moment he looked into his eyes, he could sense the seemingly endless vitality in his body.

"Chen Jing."

He gently shook open his wrinkled red robe, sat on the ground without putting on airs, and didn't seem to have any intention of climbing the stairs. He sat only two meters away from Chen Bofu and the others.

"I wanted to see you a long time ago, but unfortunately the one above didn't let me..."

Chen Bofu wanted to stand between the Red King and Chen Jing, but was finally pulled away by Mu. The three of them quietly moved a few steps to the side, leaving room for Chen Jing and the others to talk.

"This should be your clone, right?" Chen Jing said calmly, without any fear on his face. "The aura it emits is wrong, and the energy feedback is also wrong. It is far worse than your original body."

"I don't have an original body now." The Red Emperor smiled.

"Yes, you should have no original body..." Chen Jing stared at the Red King intently, without showing too much hostility to this uninvited guest, "Your original body is gradually merging with the material space... This is the clone you made when you had time..."

"Good eyesight." The Red King still smiled.

"So you broke into my temple at this critical moment, just to disgust me?" Chen Jing asked with a smile, "I have always thought that you are a petty person, and it seems that you are really."

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