From the time Chen Jing returned to the inner world and started to kill the last monster that refreshed in the depths of the wasteland, it took only more than a minute, which was much faster than the efficiency of his transformation of the followers.

"Fortunately, you are here..."

In the outer city area of ​​Kakosha, Ketuart had already collapsed on the ground and began to breathe heavily, while Dagon and Tekili always guarded him.

After being transformed into a follower, Gu Shenxi looked much better than Ketuart. After all, this guy had been slacking off before. If Ketuart hadn't been in the front line and almost died suddenly, this guy would have been torn apart by the monster on the opposite side.

"A Jing, what the hell is this..." Hasard trembled and wanted to light a cigar, but after three consecutive deaths, the cigar he was carrying had long been soaked in blood. If it weren't for his quick reaction to use energy to build a layer of "new clothes", this old guy would have been beaten naked when he was resurrected for the first time.

"Are they summoned by the Red King?" Armitage had died the same number of times as Mr. Shu, and had died four times in a row at the hands of those monsters, which almost caused him to have a psychological trauma.

"You should have wiped them all out, right?!" Mr. Shu was already a little crazy, and after being killed several times in a row, his mental state was even more worrying, "They won't come back to life again, right?! If they come back to life again, I won't live anymore..."

"They probably won't come back to life again."

Chen Jing looked at the gradually dissipating scarlet mist in front of him and gave a fairly positive answer, but this answer was obviously not enough to comfort people, because the ominous premonition from the soul was getting stronger and stronger, and even the rat spirit on Mr. Shu's shoulder trembled and said...

"Maybe it's not that simple... I feel they are still..."


Jerry's induction was not wrong.

This "crazy talk" it said because it couldn't suppress its fear was also the "truth" that everyone avoided talking about.

Judging from the current situation, Chen Jing has indeed killed all the alien creatures in the inner world by himself. Even those monsters that have been integrated to the extreme and whose strength is comparable to that of the Creator cannot survive a round in front of Chen Jing.

All the creatures wiped out by Chen Jing disappeared, and have not been reborn until now.

But even so, their breath is still there.

Even if the scarlet mist in the sky dissipates, their breath is still there!

"I can't find them." Chen Jing's face was as gloomy as water, and he obviously knew the seriousness of the matter. "My perception has scanned this world more than once, but whether it is on the ground, underground or in the ocean, I can't find any signs of the actual existence of those monsters."

"In the sky?" Hasard raised his hand and pointed to the sky.

"No." Chen Jing shook his head, "My perception is enough to cover the entire deep space... No, not a single one."

"Are there these creatures in the other planes you moved in?" Xu Ye asked tentatively.

"Yes." Chen Jing nodded, "but they have all been killed by the Creator. My two friends... never mind, let's not talk about that for now."

"Could they be in other dimensions?" Armitage asked, frowning.

"I have scanned the dimensions that I can control more than once, from high to low." Chen Jing said helplessly, "There is indeed no trace of their existence. If there is, I will definitely find it..."

"Even you can't find it... What's going on with these auras?" Ketuart grabbed the curly hair on his head, and his expression on his face hadn't been so ugly in many years, "I said that all of you deep space sequence are fucking disaster stars... The original Huang Wang was like this... You are also like this... Big troubles one after another..."

"How do you talk to your master?!" Although Xi's strength is not as good as Ketuart, after being transformed into a deep space family, he is very confident in speaking, "Don't forget that you are also a part of deep space!"

"Yes, I am also a fucking disaster star." Ketuart didn't get angry because he was confronted, holding his head with a look of despair, "I always feel that this matter is not over, the Red King will not let us go so easily... Hey! Can you still be promoted!"

"Almost." Chen Jing sighed.

According to the instructions of the old man in the surface world, he has found the galaxy that gave birth to the "mother star" and has set up several teleportation points there. The specific location coordinates are also deeply engraved in his mind.

But until now, the mother star has not appeared.

This is not a good sign.

"You said it was almost there... How long will it be so bad..." Ketuerte no longer cared about the classical gentleman's demeanor in the past, and cursed like a rogue, "If it's later, everyone will be finished..."

"Don't talk about this for now." Xuye advised, and then changed the subject, "Ajing, how is the temple?"

"Safe." Chen Jing answered simply, "Bai Aji has been reborn, it and Yegetos should be patrolling..."

Before the word patrolling came out, Chen Jing's voice stopped abruptly, and his face became solemn in an instant.

"What's wrong?" Keturt noticed the change in Chen Jing's expression and asked hurriedly, "Is there something wrong?"

"The breath disappeared."

Chen Jing looked back in the direction of the Deep Space Temple, and then prepared to use the deep space jump to quickly retreat.

And at this moment.

Everyone only found that the surface of Kakosha began to shake rapidly, shaking wildly like an earthquake.

The next second.

Everyone saw that the Deep Space Temple was held in a blood-red giant hand, and it was lifted up without warning...

It was a giant's arm.

Like a ridge made of scarlet flesh and blood, it directly tore through the surface of Kakosha and stretched out from the ground. After lifting the Deep Space Temple with ease, its five fingers slowly closed...

Accompanied by a violent energy explosion, the temple was crushed by it.

Looking at the dust in the sky.

The voice of the Red King suddenly sounded beside Chen Jing's ears.

"The immortal species are not really immortal... Every time they are reborn, they consume a lot of deep space origin... When the energy stored in the deep space is exhausted... They will really die..."

The Red King paused here, and then couldn't help laughing.

"The origin of the deep space has always been used by you to repair yourself... but now it is used to supply them with rebirth... It seems that you really can't tell the priorities..."

Chen Jing didn't care what the Red King said, but just looked back at Ketuart.

"You stay in Kakosha, I'll take that bastard away now. That guy's strength has surpassed the Creator. I can't fight him in Kakosha..."

"Are you sure you can defeat him?" Ketuert asked, his voice trembling slightly, "That guy's aura is stronger than the previous monster... It's like a world of difference... It's definitely not weaker than you!"

"I have to do it even if I'm not sure. I can't just watch it destroy this plane..."

Chen Jing patted Ketuert's shoulder and then strode forward.

"You don't have to participate in the rest of the battle. I'm enough. If even I can't defeat it..."

Chen Jing didn't finish his words, but everyone present understood what he meant.

If even he can't defeat it.

Then there's no need for us to resist.

Chapter 853 The Elegy of Deep Space (Part 1)

The creature that tore through the surface of Kakosha and crawled out still looked the same, wearing a striking red robe, and it was obviously formed by the fusion of countless "derivatives"...

When it crushed the Deep Space Temple with its bare hands, Chen Jing could already be sure that this guy's strength exceeded that of a regular Creator. Even if Mr. Wu and Mu faced this creature together, they would most likely be killed on the spot.

In other words.

The strength of this creature is very similar to that of Chen Jing. Before a direct confrontation, Chen Jing did not dare to say how much stronger he was than it. It is very likely that they are on the same level...

So Chen Jing understood that his battle with this monster must not take place in Kakosha, or even in the inner world.

"As expected of the leader of the Creator tribe... A creature that was tossed out casually can be so powerful..."

Looking at the huge scarlet figure, Chen Jing was a little shocked... He thought that the gap between him and the Red King was visible, just like the two scales on a ruler, even if he couldn't catch up, he could see it at a glance.

But the reality is not like this.

Compared to this strange creature that looks like a giant, Chen Jing's "external body" is obviously still weak. If he wants to deal with this guy, he can only disperse this clone and deal with it in the state of the main body. Maybe there is still a chance of winning.

But if he uses the main body to fight...

The previous plan will be ruined. No one will move the material space that makes the Red King "drool". When He eats up the materials needed in the deep space, he will go to the outside world to continue eating. I am afraid it won't take long... This guy will be promoted again!

If you move the main body, you may die.

But if you don't move the main body, you will definitely die.

This giant creature in a red robe in front of him is absolutely capable of destroying the inner world, and it is also capable of killing the so-called deep space immortals over and over again, until they are constantly reborn and resurrected to exhaust the original power of the deep space...

By that time, Chen Jing can't even save himself.


When they heard these two words, everyone subconsciously looked at Chen Jing, only to find that this guy had disappeared silently, and the huge monster in a red robe also disappeared in an instant.

This drastic visual contrast only made everyone confused for a while, as if the horrible scenes they had seen before were all illusions, and now they were awake...


Hearing Chen Bofu almost roaring and cursing, everyone hurried to the source of the sound.

About three kilometers away from the Deep Space Temple, Chen Bofu and his group were here.

That was when the temple was crushed, Chen Jing used the power of deep space to send them here, Chen Bofu, Qiao Youning, and Li Mobai were all safe and sound...

Oh, and there is also the Red King.

"Fuck you!!!" Chen Bofu looked at the smiling culprit in front of him, and almost couldn't control his temper. If Qiao Youning and Li Mobai hadn't desperately pulled him, he would have slapped the Red King.

When everyone arrived here, they thought that the Red King was also one of the monsters. Except for Ketuert who had a little bit of insight, the others were ready to take action until Li Mobai hurriedly shouted.

"Don't do it! This is the Red King!!!"

Because the temple had been closed before, Ketuert and the others didn't know what happened inside. Although they also saw the shadow that walked into the temple, the monsters that appeared later made them misjudge and thought that it was one of them.

So when they heard Li Mobai's words, everyone calmed down immediately.


Maybe a little.

But more puzzled.

Since the Red King's body is here, why did Chen Jing only take the monster away?

"This is what happened..." Li Mobai knew that the situation was special, so he told everyone everything that happened in the temple in a concise way.

In the process.

The newly resurrected Yegetos and Bai Aji also rushed over. They wanted to take action as soon as they saw the Red King. Fortunately, Chen Bofu stopped them in time, otherwise everyone would have to taste the bitter fruit of failure.

"This is the basic situation."

Li Mobai still looked inhuman, and countless metal cubes were floating slowly. The rapidly changing forms were enough to show that his heart was not calm.

"So we can only watch Him being arrogant here. Once we fight with Him, we will be killed by Him?" Yegetos asked.

"That's it." Li Mobai nodded.

Li Mobai's general meaning was correct, but he selectively hid a lot of key information. After all, not all the people present were candidates, there were also natives like Hasad Armitage, and it would be troublesome to explain too much.

"So He is restricted by the rules and cannot directly attack us, is that what you mean?" Armitage stared at the Red King.

"Almost." Li Mobai nodded again.

While Li Mobai was explaining to everyone, Wei Nan and Yan Que had already trotted to Qiao Youning's side.

"Sister Youning!" Wei Nan was covered in blood and looked dirty, with the hair on her head sticking up randomly, just like a savage in the wasteland, "You were also teleported here by A Jing to help!"

"Yes." Qiao Youning smiled gently, as if she really treated the two little girls as her sisters, and her concern was revealed between the lines, "Did you suffer a loss in the previous battle with those monsters?"

"What did we suffer? They suffered a loss!" Wei Nan raised her hand to wipe the blood off her face, and said excitedly, "The immortal species is awesome! We died twice and survived!"

"It hurts..." Qiao Youning took out the handkerchief she brought with her and gently helped Wei Nan wipe it. Wiped his face, "You are really amazing, you can actually block so many 'derivatives'..."

"We can't block them at all." Yan Que shook her head, "If it weren't for A Jing coming to save the situation, we would probably all die, not a single one would be left alive, and the speed of resurrection can't keep up with being killed by them..."

"Can you say something good!" Wei Nan bumped her with his arm and glanced in the direction of the Red King, "There is a powerful enemy at hand! Don't say those words that will boost others' morale and destroy your own prestige!"

"Fuck you!"

Chen Bofu is still the same. Although according to the rules and regulations, it is not allowed to attack the Red King, but it is okay to talk, right?

If you have the guts, let Him kill me and try?

It is He who breaks the rules!

"You are such a beast!" Chen Bofu stood in front of the Red King, pointed at the guy's nose and started to curse, "You hate my grandson because of a small matter, and now you chase him to kill him, you have lived in vain for so many years!"

Chapter 854 The Elegy of Deep Space (Part 2)

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Bofu has not cursed anyone so happily for many years. As for whether he is reasonable or not, that is another matter. After all, his personality is that he would rather take action than talk. If he has a grudge, he will basically take revenge on the spot without wasting words.

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