It is a deal given by the gods in their mercy.

Chapter 858 Mu and the Red King (Part 2)

The civilization where the Red King lived was destroyed by the "Supreme One".

Of course, describing it as destruction is a bit excessive, because the "Supreme One" did not destroy any living things, he just converted the original materials that made up these living things into the original state and merged them into one with the Red King. That’s all.

As He said.

This is what the King in Red earned through his own choice.

However, from Chen Jing's point of view, this deal is not fair, because the "Supreme One" only gave the Red King a chance to choose, but did not give any other creatures any choice... Those tribesmen are like fish on the chopping board, they can only Let others slaughter you.

But this is exactly what all living things in the material universe should understand.

There is no real justice in the universe.

Everything comes from strength.

Then the "rules" established by the "Supreme One", what He calls "fairness and justice"... all of these are derived from the strength of the "Supreme One".

Back to business.

The King in Red entered Sequence Eight after the destruction of his tribe. Although there was no specific classification of Sequence Levels in that era, it cannot be determined from the information observed by Chen Jing that the King in Red was at Sequence Eight at that time... Slightly stronger than Xi and Kturt, but not at the level of ordinary creators.

Following the prompts of the "Supreme One", the Red King began to travel aimlessly in the universe. He witnessed the birth of countless intelligent civilizations and the destruction of countless intelligent civilizations.

Just like "The Most High".

He has witnessed the rise and fall of the material universe.

Like a detached observer, never participating in anything and never missing anything.

I don’t know how many years have passed.

The King in Red broke through Sequence Nine and reached a level beyond the conventional Creator... Although it was difficult for Chen Jing to understand why one of his levels could span so many levels, this was the reality.

The King in Red originally thought that he would travel to the end of the universe. Maybe he would not be able to get the answer he wanted until the day the universe was destroyed, but the "Supreme One" found him without warning one day.

"The Most High" said.

He was very disappointed with these creatures born in the universe.

The red king replied.

He felt so too.

"The Most High" said again.

I want to help these ignorant creatures, but I can no longer interfere at will in the evolution of creatures in the universe.

The king in red replied...

"So, you need my help?"

The King in Red felt that this answer was very presumptuous, and he even felt as if he didn't know the heights of the sky... Although the King in Red was the most powerful creature in the material universe at that time, he was still weak in front of the "Supreme One" Like ants.

But what does it matter?

The King in Red could really feel that the "Supreme One" just wanted his help... so he asked, even if it was a bad rule.

"Yes, I need your help." The Supreme Being did not care about the other party's presumptuous actions, but rather appreciated it, "I knew you could help me, just like I helped you."

At first?

The King in Red almost couldn’t remember what happened back then.

Because it's too far away.

In fact, this is also difficult for Chen Jing to understand.

That's right, the King in Red doesn't hold any grudge against the "Supreme One" at all, nor does he have any pity or shame for the vanished ethnic group. His thoughts seem to have always been so extreme... He feels that as long as he lives, the ethnic group will always exist. .

This concept is consistent with the current concept of the Red King.

So what if the Creator race is destroyed?

As long as he is alive.

That means that the Creator Race still exists.

He alone is the entire clan.

After this.

The memory fragments that Chen Jing could glimpse gradually became blurry.

He could only see vaguely...

With the acquiescence of the "Supreme One", the Red King selected an unlucky intelligent civilization and started the "Biological Leap Test" recognized by himself. It was also the first "Biological Leap Test" that appeared in the known dimension.

The test results were no surprise...

Civilization is destroyed.

Then it was the second time, the third time...

In the process of constantly taking these exams, the Red King also had close discussions with the "Supreme One" many times, gradually improving the details of the exams and the corresponding rules.

Until the ninety-seventh exam.

The first batch of creatures that passed the exam finally appeared, and the King in Red also led the civilization behind those candidates to make a high-dimensional leap in accordance with the predetermined rules...

At that time, the King in Red had already surpassed the Creator in the conventional sense, and also surpassed Chen Jing, who is now in Sequence Eight.

And the dozens of candidates who passed the exam also received the appreciation and blessings of the Red King. They ascended to the position of Creator, and joined hands with the Red King to establish the prototype of the Creator ethnic group... At that time, they called themselves "gods" , so this organization was called the "Gathering of Gods".

After that.

It is the "biological leap test" where the rules are constantly improved in rounds.

There are more and more exams taking place at the same time.

The number of examiners who helped the King in Red achieve his wish to be the "Supreme One" quickly grew from the initial dozen to hundreds.

Until that day.

A test center at the edge of the universe went haywire. A candidate killed the Creator, the examiner, with his bare hands, and completely destroyed the "monitoring room" where the examiner was located... What the Red King could not tolerate the most was that the candidate even called on his people to refuse to participate in the test.

She wanted to start a war.

Because whether civilization should leap forward should be chosen by them, and no creature is qualified to forcibly interfere with the development of civilization.

Why should we be destroyed if we fail the test?

Have you asked us if we want to participate in this test?

The Red King was angry.

This was also the first time he got angry in millions of years after leaving the tribe.

He wanted to kill the reckless and ignorant creature with his own hands.

But in the end, he was stopped by the descending "Supreme One", just like what he had experienced before... The "Supreme One" suddenly descended when the candidate was on the verge of death, not only blocking the "heavenly punishment" cast by the Red King, but also instantly healing the candidate's injuries.

"She can help us." The Supreme said, "She is qualified to survive."

"But this violates the rules of the exam." The Red King questioned the Supreme.

"Yes, we value fairness the most..." The Supreme hesitated for a moment, but in the end it was the Red King who solved the dilemma for Him.

"Take their lives in exchange for hers, that's fair." The Red King said so.

Without any hesitation.

The Supreme immediately agreed, and praised the Red King's "cleverness".

So far.

The rebellious candidate became a member of the Creator tribe, and the tribe behind her and even the entire civilization were destroyed.

The candidate became the person he was most unwilling to accept, and completely fell into a fate similar to that of the Red King.

Rebellion, resistance.

All this is useless in the face of powerful strength.

The so-called "courage" has also become a joke, especially in the eyes of those Creators, this is a living laughing stock.

The memory image of the Red King was not clear, but Chen Jing still saw the face that was still childish but full of hatred...

He was very familiar with that face, very familiar.

At the same time.

At the last moment when the memory image was about to jump.

Chen Jing also heard the Red King calling the name of the candidate.


Chapter 859 The Silent Fire Thief (Part 1)

M was unwilling to accept this ending.

For her, the plane she was in was completely erased, which made her no longer want to continue to live... Fight to the death, this was the choice Mu made immediately.

Unfortunately, in front of the "Supreme One" and the Red King, her idea was not presentable at all, and before she even had time to resist, the Red King escorted her to the "Supreme One".

"Kill her." This is how the Red King described Mu. "Leaving her here will only bring us trouble. In order for the future biological leap exam to proceed smoothly, such a person cannot be left here."

"Let me talk to her."

The Supreme did not directly agree with the Red King's opinion, but just sent the Red King away, and then talked to Mu alone for a long time.

The Red King did not know what they talked about specifically, but it turned out that the "Supreme"'s words were still useful. At least after this conversation, Mu completely integrated into the role of the Creator, and did not reveal anything strange under the Red King's long-term observation.

She seemed to have really let go of this grudge.

The Red King also thought that she should let go.


In the face of the great issues of the universe, what grudges can't be let go?

After gradually gaining the trust of the Red King, Mu finally got the qualification to be the chief examiner in the 120,000th year of joining the Creator tribe. From then on, she became the most reliable chief examiner in the Creator tribe...

Abide by rules and order.

But know how to be flexible.

Apart from being quiet and taciturn, she had almost no shortcomings.

During that period, Mu was also the "tribe member" that the Red King valued most. He even wanted to train her personally several times, but every time before he could speak, this idea was dispelled by Mu's lifeless eyes.

Mu was like a qualified tool, never expressing any opinions, nor would he take the initiative to make any requests.

Except for the Red King's instructions to her, which could get some responses, the other creators had no way to communicate with Mu.

This also made Mu gradually become isolated and became the only outlier in the creator tribe.

Until nearly a million years later.

Mu finally had a friend to talk to, and his personality changed a little.

The name of that person was also a word.

Her name was Wu.

When the creator tribe gradually prospered, the Red King no longer took any biological leap exams. He always hid behind the scenes and devoted himself to "cultivation", because He felt that his road had not yet come to an end, and there must be some opportunities to grasp...

As long as he took one more step, he would be above the highest.

The Red King’s thoughts are not that complicated. He never thought of stepping on the head of the “Supreme One” from the beginning to the end. In fact, for a long time, He regarded the “Supreme One” as the only “Father”. To that high and mighty existence, the Red King is like a family member. In addition to loyalty, he is only fanatical.

So He wants to go a step further.

It would be even better if he was qualified to stand beside the “Father”…

This is what the Red King thinks.

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