"You don't know how important we are." The Red King tried to suppress his anger, and the scepter in his hand was almost crushed by him. "Without us, those creatures will only be born and die in a cycle. Without us, who will protect the rules and order of this material universe?"

"Survival or destruction, this is their own choice, we have no right to interfere..." After passively making his position clear, Mu ended the disguise of countless years, "They were not born because of us, we are neither their 'father' nor their 'mother', not to mention..."

When he said this, Mu slowly took off the hood on his head, revealing his beautiful and holy face.

"We are also part of them, we are all creatures, just a little stronger than them..."

Mu whispered without any fear, and every word he uttered seemed to stab the Red King's heart.

"We are not the gods who created everything, not the father who created the material universe, nor the so-called creator... Red King, your idea was wrong from the beginning."

It is no exaggeration to say.

In these countless years, apart from the "Supreme One", no one dared to speak to the Red King like this, let alone say such rebellious words...

These words seem to be non-aggressive, just stating facts, or expressing Mu's own thoughts, but to the Red King, this is an undisguised insult and arrogant provocation.

In the empty palace.

The cracks of dimension collapse can be seen everywhere.

Even if the Red King suppressed his anger and did not take action, his emotions also affected this space.

"Mu, it seems that you still hate us..." The Red King suddenly exhaled a long breath, with a disappointed expression on his old face, "Your civilization is destroyed... That is the law of nature... It is the choice of the cosmic order..."

"It's your choice."

Mu said calmly, staring at the Red King with a pair of eyes like dead water, without any anger or hatred, as if she had already seen it clearly... Civilization is destroyed, and creatures are leaping.

Everything is just the choice of higher-level creatures.

"You should know the consequences of saying these things to me."

The Red King slowly stood up. This was the first time he had left the throne in many years. His skinny and shriveled body seemed to be more fragile than an old human, as if a gust of wind could blow him down.

"I know." Mu nodded calmly.

At the same time, Mr. Wu, who was standing next to Mu, took a step forward, and a thick gray mist suddenly spread over his body.

"Who doesn't know your petty virtue?" Mr. Wu sneered, "Since you have discovered us, we don't want to live anymore. At worst, we will die together!"

"If we only look at it from the perspective of courage, I have to say that I actually admire you. There is no creature more daring than you in the entire Creator Clan."

The Red King raised the scepter in his hand, and the violent energy fluctuations caused the space inside the palace to distort. Even if Mr. Wu and Mu were both Creators, the gap between Creators... was indeed too big.

Looking at the glimmer on the top of the scepter, Mu and Mr. Wu knew that what was coming could not be avoided, unless...


At the moment when the Red King was about to kill the traitor, the eyes of the supreme god suddenly appeared in the palace.

From this moment on.

The memory image in front of Chen Jing became blurred, and the sound of their voices gradually became unclear...If nothing unexpected happened, this should be the great power left by the "Supreme One". Even after billions of years, this memory image from the Red King is still deeply affected by it.

"Mu let me see another way of biological evolution..."

In the blurred memory image, Chen Jing suddenly heard the voice of the "Supreme One", and this sentence sounded clear.

"I thought... Deep Space... would not have any descendants..."

"Deep Space..."

"No more descendants..."

As the two sentences were repeated, the memory image suddenly began to flash violently, and a symptom similar to photosensitivity headache suddenly attacked Chen Jing. Although he no longer had a physical body at this moment, the severe pain from the depths of his consciousness was extremely real.

It was as if something was struggling hard in the depths of his head, not only tearing his brain tissue alive, but also prying open his skull to get out.

This heart-wrenching pain made him unbearable, but at this moment, the blurred memory image gradually became clear.

"She is the descendant of Deep Space."

Under the stunned eyes of the Red King, the "Supreme One" suddenly turned his eyes and slowly looked at Mu under the steps.

"It's a pity that her evolution failed."

"It's her fate." Mu responded calmly, "It's not that Deep Space chose me, but I happened to meet Deep Space. I'm lucky to be alive."

"That Yellow King..." The Supreme spoke in a very gentle tone, without any of the aura that a superior should have, "He is the one chosen by Deep Space... I can sense it... He is only one step away from seeing the ultimate of living things..."

"The people who come after him will be stronger than him." Mu smiled, "I guided him for a while, and he left a door for future generations. Sooner or later, Deep Space will usher in a new successor."

"I'm looking forward to it." The Supreme One's eyes turned slightly, and he looked at the red king quietly, "The sect of all kings, the last of all kings, he has already given a prophecy, and I believe it will be fulfilled one day."

"It will definitely happen." Mu's tone was very determined, as if he had foreseen the distant future, "The successor of Deep Space will definitely surpass us until he reaches the realm where you are."

As he spoke, Mu hesitated for a moment and finally added.

"At that time, you will no longer be alone, and this farce of biological leaps will completely end."


The Supreme One murmured, his tone a little disappointed.

"It seems to be like this all the time. Expectations always fail. I just hope I won't be disappointed again this time."

Chapter 862: The mother star that gives birth to all things (Part 2)

The King in Red had a lot to say, and he even wanted to point at the nose of the "Sovereign One" (if He had one) and ask Him what he really was?

Why not let Him kill these two traitors?

Why give the descendants of deep space a way to go?

Could it be...

If I can't stand your eyes like this, am I not as good as that deep space?

"Do you have something to say?" The Supreme One looked at the Red King, as if he knew what he was thinking.

"Yes." The King in Red nodded, "I have been chasing your footsteps. I just want to be able to stand side by side with you one day and be qualified to solve your problems..."

"I know." The Supreme One's eyes curved slightly, as if he were smiling, "So I will give you two ways."

"Two ways?" Mr. Wu looked at the "Supreme One" warily. It seemed that in her eyes, except Mu, who was trustworthy, no one else could be trusted, including this aloof being.

"There is a road for you to take." The Supreme One looked at Mu and said calmly, "You are responsible for leading the descendants of deep space."

"What if he fails?" Mr. Wu suddenly asked, "What if he is like King Huang... and dies inexplicably?"

"That is his destiny." The Supreme One replied, "I should have kept an eye on deep space a long time ago. Even if the next successor dies, there will be another one... As long as you have the patience to wait, you will meet that person sooner or later. suitable."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Supreme One looked at the red king again.

"There is another way for you to take."

"Me?" The king in red was stunned for a moment, seeming to feel flattered.

"You are the being closest to me in all dimensions. Although you are not a descendant of deep space, you still have the ability to cross limits...I will give you a chance to take another step forward."

This is the promise made by the "Supreme One" to the Red King, and it is also the inducement that makes the Red King crazy with his obsession.

"Whether it is you or the deep space successor, I am optimistic about it..." The Supreme One murmured, "But it's a pity that there is only one position beside me."

"I don't understand..." the red king said calmly.

"All known dimensions...all material spaces...together they can only support two 'me's."

Chen Jing had never heard of these words spoken by the Supreme One, and even Liam and Mr. Fog had never mentioned them.

"In other words, whether it is you or the successor of Deep Space, as long as one person breaks through to my realm first, the other person will not be able to advance for the rest of his life..."

After hearing this, not only Mu and Mr. Fog were extremely surprised, but even the King in Red looked at the "Supreme One" with an incredible look.

"I have another question..." The king in red couldn't help but ask the most puzzling thing at this moment, "What is your connection with deep space? Why do I feel that you are very familiar with deep space... …”

"I was born in deep space."

Faced with the answer given by the "Supreme One", Mr. Mu and Mr. Wu seemed to have known it before, so they had no reaction. Only the red king was kept in the dark...

"Were you born in deep space???" The King in Red looked surprised, because he had been curious about the origin of the "Supreme One" a long time ago, but he didn't dare to ask, and he couldn't go through other channels. Find clues.

He originally thought that the "Supreme One" was born in the main universe, existed when all things were in chaos, and was the first creature born in the world.

Facts have proved that his guess was not too wrong, but he just didn't guess the right place of birth.

"That was in the ancient era when the main universe was not even born... everything was in chaos... all laws and regulations were blurred... and there was no concept of material space..."

The Supreme One did not hide his life experience from the three people present. Even in the process of patiently telling the story, he used energy to manifest a strange scene from ancient times...

It's like a holographic projection playing in a palace.

On top of that hundred-foot-high "projection" is a piece of dark material that is slowly crawling like sticky muddy water.

"This is the primordial deep space, and it is also the first material space to appear in chaos before the birth of all dimensions."

As the "Supreme One" spoke, the picture on the projection gradually zoomed in. After penetrating the dark matter... everyone saw a celestial system that was operating stably.

That's a galaxy.

The earliest... galaxies born in deep space.

"I was born inside that star."

The Supreme One pointed at the planet in the middle of the galaxy... No, it should be a star. It was a central celestial body that was rotating. It looked like it was made of black metal, but it seemed to be in a gaseous state. Many colors beyond the known spectrum are slowly flowing on the surface.

At this moment.

Compared with the "parties" such as the Red King, Chen Jing was no less shocked by the scene in front of him... and everyone was shocked in different ways.

The Red King with Mu and Mr. Fog.

They were shocked to learn the ultimate answer to the origin of the universe.

As for Chen Jing...

It was because he saw that familiar galaxy.

That's right.

In the ancient and splendid picture shown to everyone by the "Supreme One", Chen Jing saw the celestial system that was first born in the deep space... That galaxy, both in terms of the shape and number of stars, can be compared with the star map left by the old man. Correspondence!

No, not only can it correspond to the star map, but the coordinates Chen Jing located in the deep space... the galaxy he found according to the star map is the one shown by the Supreme Being!

Exactly the same.

There's no difference...well there's a slight difference.

"Mother star..."

Chen Jing stared at the huge celestial body that was constantly rotating in the memory image, that star that looked like it was made of black metal but was in a gaseous state... That's right, that was the mother star. Even the "Supreme One" said it himself , where He was born!

"If this guy is not joking... there is only one place beside Him... all the dimensions combined can only support two 'hims'..."

At this moment, Chen Jing finally understood that killing the Red King was not the most important thing at hand, and the Red King's primary goal... was not necessarily to kill him first.

Now it’s just one word.


Whoever gets the opportunity to break through first will be the final winner. Even if the second person is a little slower, it will be impossible for him to continue to be promoted.

The whole situation is like a deadlocked chess game.

There is no lose-lose, no lose-lose, and there will be no tie.

Whoever moves the last chess piece and takes a step forward first will win. The losing family will not even have a chance to make up for it!

"So how was the mother planet born...why can't I find it..."

Chapter 863: Method to Awaken the Mother Star (Part 1)

"Were you born inside this star?"


In the memory image, the King in Red is staring at the "Mother Star" in the deep sky. In addition to being curious about this star that gave birth to the "Supreme One", he has only longing. He just wants to see with his own eyes what this star can do. An extraordinary thing born of the "Supreme One".

"This star not only gave birth to me, but also gave birth to everything in the deep space... so that the outer material universe is derived from it."

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