Speaking of this, Chen Jing slowly turned his only remaining eyeball and looked at the motionless Red King beside him.

"I said that the third form of this ritual can kill him... Look... This guy can't move anymore..."

At this moment.

The Red King has completely lost his ability to move. Compared with the incomplete Chen Jing, his stiff state is more exaggerated, and he can't even move his eyeballs...

He can only stare at Chen Jing motionlessly, maintaining the expression at the moment when the ritual was activated.

Anger, confusion, unwillingness...

What a complicated god.

Chen Jing turned his eyes back weakly, looking at the vast deep space in front of him, without too many negative emotions in his heart, nor was there any unwillingness... It can even be said that he was a little happy.

After all, he used the power of his mother planet to achieve an unprecedented feat.

This is a miracle that has never happened since ancient times.

With the strength of Sequence Eight.

Killed a being second only to the "Supreme One"...

Although there is a suspicion of cheating, isn't it enough to kill the Red King? Can others kill Him with cheating?

"The power is fading..." Chen Jing murmured in his heart, and couldn't help shivering a few times, but it looked more like a muscle spasm due to pain, "I should be getting closer and closer to mortals... Now my strength is not even at Sequence Three..."

"How dare you say that!!! I have never seen such a miserable and miserable king of deep space!!! You are simply a disgrace to deep space!!!"

Hearing the miserable and angry roar of the "Supreme One", the smile on Chen Jing's face did not decrease at all. On the contrary... He was quite happy, because he could hear that this guy who was not a human seemed to really care about him.

"You scolded me like that... I have an illusion... It's just that one of your kind is missing... Don't pretend to care about me..."

"I... I admire you very much!" The Supreme could only come up with this answer, and no longer concealed his admiration for Chen Jing, "People like you are qualified to be my kind! We have the same blood! We can be brothers!"

"Then am I... not qualified to be your brother now..." Chen Jing asked.

"Yes!! So you listen to me!! End the ceremony of removing the crown immediately!!!"

"I said there is no turning back..." Chen Jing said softly, "If I stop... the ritual will also be unbalanced and explode... I will not survive..."

The third form of the ritual actually has a variety of induced guiding conditions. In addition to Chen Jing directly speaking out and issuing instructions, he will also trigger the ritual's prohibition at the moment of dying, so no matter what... whether the Red King will kill him instantly or not, the ending is doomed.

This is also the advantage that Chen Jing admires the most.

In his opinion, this is a fucking impeccable ritual. As long as the second form of the ritual is completed, it will be forced to switch to the third form directly... No one can stop it, but no one can stop it.

"Since you think I am qualified to be your brother... then can you do me a favor..."

"You say."

"After I disappear... deep space will exclude all external matter... and those creatures... they will all return to the original plane... the inner world too..."

Chen Jing's voice became weaker and weaker. According to the sequence level measurement standard of the inner world, he is not even a sequence 2 now... just a beginner sequence 1.

"Brother... you can help me watch the inner world... you can watch it for as long as you want... the longer the better..."

"I am worried about my grandfather and others... especially my grandfather and You Ning... I know their personalities too well... one is more extreme than the other... after I die... I am afraid they will not be able to accept it..."

"Why don't you think about whether I can accept it!" The Supreme interrupted Chen Jing and asked angrily, "Until now, you only worry about others! Can you think about yourself!? Even if you are a little selfish!!!"

"Brother... I beg you..."

Chen Jing turned his eyes with difficulty and looked at the direction of the "Supreme" from a distance, with pleading in his eyes...

"Since we have a little connection... help me..."

"I... got it."

Chapter 900 There is no deep space in the world anymore (Part 2)

In fact, in the final analysis, Chen Jing has no relationship with the "Supreme", and their so-called blood relationship theory... that is not valid. After all, the "Supreme" has left the deep space, and Chen Jing was not born from the deep space.

But at this moment

At the moment when the "Supreme One" watched Chen Jinggu's flesh decay.

An emotion that had never appeared before suddenly took root in the consciousness of the "Supreme One" and spread rapidly... It was an indescribable sadness.

He had never had such an emotion.

But at this time... He really had this kind of human-like emotion like those low-level creatures.

"Relatives... Fellows... Blood relatives..."

Countless titles flashed through the mind of the Supreme One, and the pair of eyes that were much larger than the stars were constantly trembling.

Those were the eyes of the gods.

They were the eyes of the supreme.

It should have been majestic and solemn... But at this moment, it was filled with indescribable sadness.


When the first tear flowed from the eyes of the "Supreme One", the deep space made a terrifying roar, which was a scream like a dimension being forcibly torn apart by external forces...

At this moment, the "Supreme One" finally understands that there is no otherworldly and supreme thing... In the final analysis, He is just a kind of living thing. The emotions that He thinks he does not possess have never disappeared.


After Chen Jing received the answer from the "Supreme One", his hanging heart was finally relieved, and he was completely separated at this moment. He no longer had the strength to even turn his eyes, and his eyes were half-opened and filled with turbidity.

"I go first……"

The Supreme Being is unwilling to stay here, because He has already foreseen Chen Jing’s next ending... The old king of Deep Space will be tortured terribly by the backlash, and Deep Space will eventually kill this former controller. .

"I want to kill you with my own hands... to help you free yourself... but if I really do this... the ritual will be out of balance in an instant..."

Although the Supreme One said he wanted to leave, he could not move. Looking at the body that was gradually thinning and withering, His eyes were filled with tears.

"I can't interfere with your destiny... I'm sorry... I really want to save you..."

"I know." Chen Jing's voice became increasingly blurry, and the Supreme One might not be able to hear it clearly unless he listened carefully. "Actually, the moment the mother planet revived, I saw part of the destiny. If you help me, it will only lead to confusion." There will be worse results..."

At this point, Chen Jing paused for a moment, then laughed.

"Why don't you leave...I will die in a very ugly way...Don't look at it...I don't need you to help me with my funeral..."

When he heard this, the "Supreme One" had just wanted to curse for a damn long time, and had the intention to talk such nonsense, but at the moment when He was about to speak...a very familiar energy wave suddenly appeared from the mother planet. came from the direction.

This kind of energy fluctuation is something Chen Jing cannot sense at this stage.

But he soon learned that something had happened on his home planet...

Because the ritual is suspended.

That's right.

The ritual process of removing his crown was suspended, and the stiff red king gradually began to tremble. This was a sign that he was about to escape from trouble...

"What are you doing!?!" Chen Jing immediately understood that this was the work of the home planet. Even though he was on the verge of death, he still managed to make a sound, "Keep going!!! This guy in red is going to... "

At the moment when Chen Jing asked, the king in red suddenly stopped moving at first, and a more violent energy fluctuation came from the direction of the home star. Even Chen Jing could feel it...

"Can you see what's happening over there..." Chen Jing asked hurriedly. It was precisely because of the drastic change in mood that his body was about to run out of fuel. "The mother planet What happened..."

"The mother planet... destroyed itself..."

The Supreme One seemed to have seen some unbelievable scene, and there was even a trace of confusion in his sorrowful eyes.

"The mother star...disappeared..."

The moment the "Supreme One" finished speaking, a bright and brilliant light suddenly struck from the direction of the mother star, and spread to the entire deep space universe at lightning speed.

It was a strange color that flowed like an aurora, a dazzling color that all living beings had never seen before.

That was the scene at the beginning of creation.

This is a scene that should not appear in this era.

"How could the mother planet suddenly die... Just like when deep space was created... Do you know something?!"

When the "Supreme One" looked at Chen Jing, he only found that he had shed tears silently. In the eyes that had been hollowed out by the red king, turbid blood flowed freely like tears.

"It... doesn't want me to be tortured anymore..."

Chen Jing already got the answer at this moment, and also heard the message that the "mother" sent to him before she died.

"It said... it doesn't want to look for heirs anymore... it wants to end the fate of deep space... and also wants to end itself..."

The muscles on Chen Jing's face kept twitching, and tears flowed uncontrollably.

"Why do you have to do it for a mortal like me...I don't understand...why..."

When the third form of the ritual is activated, Chen Jing has no way back... To put it simply, as long as the ritual is successfully launched, Chen Jing is completely bound to it, and he will continue to die as the ritual progresses. .

And all that the mother planet has done cannot prevent his demise.

But it can make him suffer less.

At least the mother planet used itself as a medium and did not need to remove his crown, allowing him to get a decent ending as the King of Deep Space...

"There will no longer be a place in deep space..."

Chen Jing's eyes became increasingly cloudy, and tears mixed with blood left mottled marks on his face. It was obvious that he had reached the end of his life.

"You clearly know that I am the most incompetent child...I don't listen to a word of your words...Why..."

Just when Chen Jing lost consciousness, he suddenly saw a golden figure from the corner of his eye.

It was the humanoid form transformed by the "Supreme One". This was also the first time that Chen Jing was... so close to this aloof existence.

"It serves as a medium for you, so you don't have to stay here anymore. It doesn't matter where you die... I'll take you back to Kakosha."

The Supreme One never thought that he would pick up a human being with his own hands, but at this moment, Chen Jing was indeed not a human being in His eyes... but a blood relative of the same ancestry.

"I know you want to go home...go see them again..."

The Supreme One did not get any response from Chen Jing, so he knew that his time was running out.

Just as He was holding Chen Jing in his arms and preparing to take him back to Kakosha by long-distance jump, a piece of dark yellow cotton and linen suddenly appeared on Chen Jing's arm, as if it had grown out of his remaining flesh and blood...

That was his yellow robe, but there was only this little bit left.

As Chen Jing's sequence level continued to decline, he was no different from ordinary humans, so this was the largest form that the yellow robe could grow...

But it was still alive and was still trying to extend outward, as if it wanted to completely cover Chen Jing's bloody body and leave some final dignity for the king, but it was a pity that it couldn't do it.

"I'll help you."

The Supreme One said softly, raised his hand and flicked it, and the yellow robe returned to its normal form... It kept hugging Chen Jing tightly, constantly extending and wrapping around Chen Jing's body until the incomplete torso was completely covered.

At the same time.

The Supreme One also took Chen Jing back to Kakosha.

When everyone was still at a loss, the "Supreme One" who appeared in an instant like a golden light and shadow appeared in front of the old man holding Chen Jing.

This is his relative.

So the "Supreme One" was only willing to hand him over to this old man.

"You... who are you..."

Chen Bofu looked at a loss, and the moment he saw the "Supreme One", he only subconsciously asked this question, and then saw Chen Jing held in his arms.

"I am... his blood... brother..."

The Supreme One slowly handed Chen Jing over, motioning for the old man to take it.

"He wanted to come back to see you before he died..."

Chen Bofu's mind was in a mess, and he subconsciously took his grandson wrapped in a yellow robe, and felt that his hand was light and weightless, as if it was only thirty or forty pounds...

"What before death..."

The muscles on Chen Bofu's face kept twitching, and he couldn't help making a sound of inhalation in his nasal cavity... At this moment, even if he realized what happened, he didn't want to believe it.

It was not until the old man mustered up the courage to remove the dark yellow shroud and saw the blood-stained scarlet skeleton that the tears that the old man had been holding back finally flowed down his face.

Before everyone gathered around, the old man covered Chen Jing with a yellow robe. He didn't want anyone to see Chen Jing's current appearance... He knew that his grandson was very proud and didn't want others to see his worst appearance.

"When has my Jingjing ever been so thin..."

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