The Supreme Being was about to turn around and remind everyone, but he never thought that at this moment...

A strange ringtone suddenly came from the direction of Chen Jing.

"This is……"

Chapter 903: No return date (Part 1)

When that weird ringtone rang, all the sounds except it disappeared in an instant, and the whole world was silent... It seemed like there was only that continuous ancient ringtone.

The Supreme One looked back and saw Qiao Youning standing next to Chen Jing, already shrouded in a hazy light golden halo, and the strange ringing sound was also emanating from the bells on her ankles.

"Grandpa, stop crying."

Qiao Youning softly comforted the old man, and her gentle tone seemed to have some kind of magic power, which directly made the old man, who was almost crazy with grief, hand over the grandson in his arms.

That's right.

Chen Bofu personally handed Chen Jing into Qiao Youning's arms. He neither asked Qiao Youning about the reason nor showed any reluctance... It seemed that this was what should be done.

You must know that before this, this almost crazy old man did not give outsiders a chance to come into contact with Chen Jing. Only Qiao Youning could get in close contact with him, but looking at his crazy look... he would never let anyone in. Chen Jing was handed over to outsiders.

He just planned to hold his own grandson in his arms, and then go home...either to Sentinel Hill in the outside world, or to the ruins of the temple in Kakosa, or to the south to rebuild a city of eternal night.

This is what the old man planned.

He knew that Chen Jing was a family-loving child, so he knew what he needed to do...take this child home, and that was enough!

So when Chen Bofu suddenly handed over Chen Jing, everyone present fell into a daze for a moment. Only the "Supreme One" looked at this scene excitedly, as if there were flames burning in his eyes.

"The mother planet...actually there is still a chance, right..."

Qiao Youning's figure was already slightly thin, and her pretty back made people think she was a frail little girl, but at this moment when she was holding a grown man like Chen Jing in her arms, no one felt out of place.

"You... return my grandson to me..." Chen Bofu suddenly woke up at this moment and stretched out his hands to Qiao Youning tremblingly, "I want to take this child home..."

"Grandpa, believe me..."

Qiao Youning's face was filled with a gentle smile, and the sadness of the previous moment had long disappeared... The moment the string of copper bells on her ankles rang, she seemed to understand a lot of things.

"I have a way to save him."

Hearing these extremely confident words, Chen Bofu was stunned immediately, and everyone on the side also hurriedly gathered around, asking Qiao Youning questions.

"Sister You Ning! Do you really have a way to save A Jing?!"

"But he has no breath now..."

"Oh, don't worry, I won't joke with you about this kind of thing." Qiao Youning smiled, "I really have a way to save him."

As soon as she finished speaking, Qiao Youning hugged Chen Jing and turned around, looking at the "Supreme One" who was as motionless as a sculpture.

"This destiny...have you seen it?"

"No, no..."

The Supreme One seemed to be frightened in some way, and he was hesitant to speak for a while, but the excitement in his eyes could be seen by anyone.

"That's right, the chance of winning is even higher." Qiao Youning smiled, "You send us to the mother planet, and then escort these planes back to deep space."

Although Qiao Youning's words seemed to be ordering the "Supreme One", the "Supreme One" didn't think so, and was even a little happy.


At this moment, Chen Boxu suddenly broke free from the "shackles" and suddenly grabbed Qiao Youning's arm.

"Where are you going to take my grandson..." Chen Bofu's eyes were scarlet, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Go to the mother planet to save him." Qiao Youning said softly, with unprecedented sincerity in her clear eyes, "Grandpa, don't worry, I can harm anyone, but I will never harm him. I don't have much time left now. …”

"Can we really save him?" Chen Bofu asked eagerly.

"It should be okay." Qiao Youning nodded.

"How long will it take!?" Chen Boxu asked again.

"It could be one or two days, it could be one or two years, it could be hundreds or thousands of years..." Qiao Youning smiled helplessly, "I can't give you an accurate answer, but I believe you can wait until he comes back."

After getting this uncertain answer, Chen Bofu suddenly fell into a conflict... He really wanted to believe Qiao Youning, but Chen Jing was indeed dead. The sign of death after the aura completely dissipated... was too real!

"You... take him there..."

Chen Bofu finally let go of his hand, with a hint of cowardice in his eyes that he had never seen before, as if he did not dare to face the worst outcome. Even if the hope in front of him was not real, he could only use it as a life-saving straw. Hold on tight.

"If he can't be bring him back...I'll take him home..."

"Okay." Qiao Youning replied without hesitation.

Everyone actually wanted to ask a few more questions at this moment, but Chen Bofu waved everyone aside to make way for Qiao Youning.

Go to the "Most High".

Only then did Qiao Youning turn around.

"Remember A Jing's instructions, you should live well and be patient...he will definitely come back."

Qiao Youning's eyes swept over everyone's faces one by one. The gentle voice seemed to have a soothing magic power. Everyone who was originally restless gradually calmed down. Even Wei Nan wiped away the tears on his face.

"Sister You Ning! Leave Ajing to you! We can all rest assured!"

Hearing this, Qiao Youning also smiled and nodded, and then looked at the "Supreme One".

"let's go."

"Okay, let's go now." The Supreme One responded without hesitation, but just as he was about to take Qiao Youning to jump over a long distance, he still couldn't help but worry, "With my help... this shouldn't be considered a problem. Interfering with destiny?"

"You'll know if you see for yourself." Qiao Youning said with a smile.

"I can't see clearly..." The Supreme One whispered, "You, him, the destiny of both of you has been blurred..."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. This is what the mother planet told me." Qiao Youning gave the "Supreme One" reassurance.

After receiving such a positive answer, the "Supreme One" no longer hesitated, and directly took Qiao Youning to start the jump in the direction of the deep space mother star.

In this process.

Qiao Youning did not say goodbye to anyone, while Chen Bofu and the others also remained quiet without saying a word, silently watching them go away.

It wasn't until the figure of the three people in the group disappeared completely that everyone gathered around Chen Boxu to ask questions.

"Old man! Can Sister You Ning really save A Jing?!"

"Ajing should be able to be reborn..."

"I have no idea."

Chen Bofu shook his head, his old face full of confusion.

"But You Ning asked us to wait... I don't think she will lie to us..."

"Can she really do it?"

Keturt was the quietest among the people. He looked at the direction where Qiao Youning and the others disappeared, his eyes full of doubts.

"Is it really possible for a sequence eight creature to resurrect the King of Deep Space..."

Chapter 904 No return date (Part 2)

"who are you?"

"Qiao Youning."

"But I don't think you are her..."

"If you say it's not, then it's not."

Only for a moment.

The "Supreme One" took Qiao Youning to the galaxy where the mother star is located.

At this moment, the guidance process of the third orbit is almost over. If nothing else happens, the first material space to collapse should be the star field where the mother star is located...

"The collapse is about to begin." The Supreme One's tone was a little urgent, because the dimensional structure of this star field is very unstable, and dense "black lines" appear in many blank areas, which is a precursor to a large-scale collapse of dimensions.

As for the parent star body...

After the forced orbit conversion resulted in a violent explosion, the mother star almost lost its original appearance, and most of the material was completely annihilated. Only a fragmented star core with a diameter of about three kilometers remained.

This part of the surviving star core will not exist forever. During the large-scale collapse of deep space, it will eventually return to nothingness...

"There's enough time."

Qiao Youning said with a smile, and then raised her hand, and the remains of the mother star suspended in the vacuum universe burst open, and a golden beam visible to the naked eye extended from the crack, flying towards them like a ribbon.

Under the surprised gaze of the "Supreme One", the golden beam penetrated the bodies of Qiao Youning and Chen Jing, and then spread, spreading like translucent silk and satin on Chen Jing's body until Chen Jing was completely Wrapped in it.

"You have the power to control deep space..." The Supreme One looked at Qiao Youning in disbelief.

"It was made by the mother planet." Qiao Youning explained softly, "I let it see the opportunity for the heir to live a new life, and it naturally tried its best to help me."

The moment the words fell, Qiao Youning suddenly looked back and smiled.

"Besides, I am not an outsider. From a certain perspective, I am also a child of deep space... After all, the sequence of life originally came from deep space."

When Qiao Youning said these words, the "Supreme One"'s eyes suddenly became blank, because at this moment, he saw the shadows of the other two people in Qiao Youning...

"A-Ling, Buddha Mother, you..." the Supreme One murmured, "Three destiny... three destiny that exist in deep space... But their destiny should disappear after their death..."

"Who knows." Qiao Youning smiled helplessly.

At the same time, the "Supreme One" also noticed something strange about Chen Jing.

The life energy that originally existed in Qiao Youning's body, the life energy that had been eroded and changed by the deep space, was being slowly instilled into Chen Jing's body through the golden beam of light that penetrated the two of them at this moment.

This is also where it started.

Literally dead things... came to life!

Sensing that Chen Jing's missing aura had returned, the "Supreme One" couldn't help but get excited.

"This is incredible!!! Bringing dead things back to life is something that even I can't do!!! You actually..."

"There are conditions." Qiao Youning said with a smile, "This method is only used against the King of Deep Space who is protected by the mother star, and can only be used once."

Before the "Supreme One" could ask any more questions, Qiao Youning said softly.

"You go back to the inner world first. After the dimension collapses, remember to help me send them out..."

"What about you?" The Supreme asked hurriedly, "He just came back to life, and his condition must not be very good. If you run slower, maybe..."

"Don't worry about him, he will return to the embrace of the mother planet soon." Qiao Youning smiled.

"Then you..." The Supreme suddenly understood something.

"Give us some time to say goodbye." Qiao Youning interrupted him.

Hearing this, the "Supreme" fell silent.

"I understand."

The Supreme nodded, and then he was about to jump back to the inner world.

"... Thank you for saving him."

The dimensional collapse is accelerating. In the thirteenth second after the "Supreme" left, the galaxy where the mother planet is located was filled with those strange "black lines", and even Qiao Youning and Chen Jing were covered with these dense black lines like time bombs.

During this process, Qiao Youning did not have any fear, even if she knew what she would face next... She was still calm and silent, just looking at the lover in her arms silently.

Until he woke up.

To be honest, Chen Jing didn't expect that he would live again... When his consciousness recovered, he opened his eyes with difficulty, only to find that the downtime visual system gradually returned to normal.

"Youning..." Chen Jing half-opened his eyes, tried to turn his eyeballs, and looked at the surrounding scenery, "I remember that I seemed to be dead..."

"Don't talk nonsense, it's unlucky." Qiao Youning scolded, "Quick, don't say such things in the future."

"It's not unlucky... It's true... I remember..."

Suddenly, Chen Jing saw a familiar thing from the corner of his eye. It was the incomplete mother planet... The wreckage was split in the middle, and a long golden line emitting soft light extended from the crack.

Looking back slowly along this strange golden line, Chen Jing found that his body and Qiao Youning's body had been pierced by it.

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