"Jingjing, when you realize the principle of the fusion of the same-dimensional body and the organism, I believe you have completed the final fusion, which is also a necessary condition for the ultimate fusion..."

"In fact, all candidates are the same. As long as they have entered the inner world, figured out the rules of the inner world, and understood the mutual fusion characteristics of the same-dimensional body and the organism, the 'self' of the two worlds will merge into one."

"This change is even incomprehensible to me."

"It's as simple as waking up a sleeping person with an alarm clock."

Chen Jing's hands holding the letter paper trembled faintly, and it was difficult to accept this fusion change.

"Child, you don't have to be confused. You are still you, and he is also you. You are one..."

"The same-dimensional world, one body and twins, sharing consciousness, are all self... This is what 'they' often say, the fourth law of the universe dimension."

"Jingjing, I don't have much time, so I can only hurry up to answer some questions for you. You must remember all the information I left in this letter, especially the following six points, which will be of great use to you in the future."

Seeing this, Chen Jing couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He temporarily put aside the shock brought by the theory of isodimensional bodies and tried to digest the information revealed by the old man next.

"First, this exam has not officially started. You are just a test number arranged by the 'examiner'. In the words of you young people... it is called an internal test number?"

"So when the official exam is held, the exam rules will be different from the rules of your internal test this time, but the difference will not be too big."

Internal test number? !

Chen Jing did not expect the old man to drop such a bombshell.

Looking at the scribbled handwriting on the letter paper, he just felt that he really underestimated the old man...

In such an exam that determines the life and death of civilization, he can actually let himself cheat? !

If you say that the old man has no relationship with the examiner, Chen Jing will never believe it! This is most likely the "transaction" mentioned by the old man!

"In short, this is your secret. No one can know it no matter what. Otherwise, you and I will die, and even the 'examiner' will be affected and punished by 'them'..."

"So, you have to remember."

"Keep your own secrets."

"This is the most critical point for you to survive successfully!"

Chapter 64 Eat well and go to bed early

In these few paragraphs.

Chen Jing probably understood.

The examiner must have made some deal with the old man.

But this kind of deal can only be hidden in a dark box and must not be exposed to the sun, otherwise everyone will be finished.

But the old man did not say more specific content of the deal in the letter, but just continued to popularize it to Chen Jing.

"Second, when you travel back and forth between the inner world and the outer world, the place you cross each time is fixed. Where you go, you will be there when you come back, so I prepared a good place for you."

"You should remember that there is a pond in the woods behind Dongshan. I set up a barrier on the shore of the pond, just like the barrier in the study at home..."

"Except for you, no one else can see or enter it, so you will be much safer when you travel between the two worlds."

Seeing this paragraph, Chen Jing felt that the old man who wrote the letter was worthy of being his own grandfather. He was so well prepared...

And according to the old man's words, the pond can be used as a temporary shelter!

As long as I hide in there, who can find me?

"Third, the promotion sequence of the old descendants is not as simple as you think. There are not only 36 promotion sequences in the inner world, but actually 38 sequences. The deep space sequence you awakened is one of them..."

"Sequence promotion does not require any ceremony, nor does it require you to use anything as a medium for sacrifice. It just requires you to walk the path and do things that the 'old gods' have walked again..."

"Those 'old gods' who have long disappeared in the empty past are the ones you have walked step by step. If you can successfully reach the end... you can also reach the realm of the 38 old gods."

The information about the "old descendants" left by Chen Bofu on the letter paper made Chen Jing ponder for a long time.

Before this, he really had never heard anyone talk about the origin of the old descendants' promotion sequence...

Walk the path of the old gods again?

Repeat what they have done.

In this way, you can... be promoted?

Chen Jing was puzzled and couldn't figure out what the principle was.

But there was one thing that Chen Jing noticed.

When the old man mentioned the old gods, he used "they" instead of "them" that appeared on the letter paper before.

"Since you were in a test state that blocked the outside world when you first went to the inner world, the dimensional channel was a little unstable. When the outer world enters the group crossing period, the channel will be completely stable..."

"At that time, not only you, but all candidates can carry items to the inner world at will, and can also bring items from the inner world back at will."

"But the total volume of these items cannot exceed 1 cubic meter, and they must be in direct or indirect contact with your physical body as a connection. Not everything can follow you through the two worlds, such as life forms. Can't cross with you."

"The definition of a living body can only be determined by the laws of dimensions. It can currently be confirmed that living bodies existing in all known or unknown life forms cannot travel through dimensional channels, including souls."

"However, the dependents owned by the candidates do not count, because the dependents are part of the old descendants and can be regarded as an organ or part of the limbs of the old descendants, just like your Bai Aji."

"Fourth, you don't have to worry about the difference in the time flow rate between the inner world and the surface world. When you go to the inner world, the real world time flow rate is suspended for you, and vice versa, which world you are in, the other world The world is at a standstill.”

"Fifth, only you can see the garbled text that appears on the candidate's personal operation interface. Do not disclose it to outsiders. Moreover, those prompts are completely credible. You don't have to doubt this."

"Sixth, after a candidate dies in the examination room of the other world, no matter how he dies, he will return to the real world with other surviving candidates after the end of this round of examination... Be careful of those corpses!"

"I can only tell you this much, otherwise I will reveal too much and the superior eyes and ears of the examiner will discover it."

"They have been patrolling recently, especially when you first entered the examination room. If you have too many secrets in your mind, you might be caught by them... This is what the examiner told me."

After these words, the scrawled writing on the letter paper has reached the end.

Chen Jing flipped it to the back and continued reading.

"Jingjing, grandpa actually doesn't want you to carry too many things... The extinction of civilization and the end of the world, I don't think these have anything to do with you."

"Don't put too much burden on yourself. The reason why I made the deal with the examiner is just to enable you to protect yourself in the doomsday."

"As far as I know, when most civilizations go through exams, most of them are already on the verge of extinction before they complete the exam. It is not the examiners who exterminate them, but the candidates who have shed their mortal bodies..."

"You can't imagine how terrifying it would be for a group of extraordinary beings to suddenly appear in a world that relies on basic physical laws."

"I know you are not the kind of person who likes to bully others, but I must ensure that you cannot be bullied by others."

"Jingjing, grandpa regrets not taking good care of you and protecting you, that's why you..."

Seeing this, a trace of panic flashed in Chen Jing's eyes, because he didn't expect the old man to know about the past.


How much does he know? ?

Chen Jing couldn't help but become nervous.

He held his breath and continued to read, only to find that the old man only clicked to the end and did not continue writing.

"You did nothing wrong in that matter from beginning to end, so stop blaming yourself. They all deserved their death."

Chen Jing raised the corners of his mouth and wanted to smile indifferently, but in the end he failed to smile.

"Grandpa is really happy to see that our sweet Jingjing has friends in the other world..."

"As a gentle, sensible and kind-hearted boy like you, you shouldn't be alone, so opening your heart to others occasionally is not necessarily a bad thing for you."

"Grandpa is still alive and well. Don't worry about me."

"I faked my death not to avoid those scumbags in the [Ether Association], but to avoid inspections by the examiner's superiors... Don't go looking for me blindly, there is no need."

"For some special reasons, I did not merge with the 'me' in the other world."

"But fortunately, the 'me in the other world' treats you well. I once lacked you, and I hope he can help me make up for it, although it is a bit excessive to say so..."

When Chen Jing saw this, he didn't know what expression to put on.

Is this a bit too much?

This is obviously too much!

If you lack me, just come back and make up for it!

Why should you let the old man from the other world help you make up for it? !

"You have to remember."

"Eat well and go to bed early."

"Remember last."

"Don't come to me, don't come to me, don't come to me..."

Chapter 65: Me, I suspect that my grandfather has been kidnapped

After reading this letter.

Chen Jing squatted under the eaves in the rainy night and was in a daze for a long time.

Until it gets dark.

The rain is fading.

He slowly stood up, rubbing his numb legs from time to time, with no expression on his face.

"Old man..."

"You have really paved a long way for me..."

Chen Jing looked at the letter with a wry smile, feeling like he wanted to cry but couldn't.

"Aji, it's almost done." Chen Jing carefully folded the letter and said to Aji without looking back, "Let those four guys come out and walk out of the yard."

"Woo!" Bai Aji nodded.

Suddenly, Chen Jing's expression changed.

The letter in his hand was inexplicably shattered, as if neatly cut by countless invisible blades, and turned into thousands of pieces of paper in an instant.

Before they hit the ground.

The wind blew and dispersed.

Chen Jing hurriedly grabbed the scraps of paper that were flying in the wind, and his panic and embarrassment made outsiders think that all the money flying into the sky was money.

But when Chen Jing finally grabbed most of the scraps of paper, he opened his palms and saw...the scraps of paper had turned into powder, just like the white ash he had seen in the old man's study.

Chen Jing knew that this was the old man's method, and he also knew that the old man was afraid that this thing would be accidentally discovered by others.


Bai Aji noticed that something was wrong with Chen Jing's mood, so he immediately ran over in small steps, tilted his head and looked left and right, and occasionally nudged him twice with his head.


"I'm fine..." Chen Jing shook his head, casually scattering the white ash in his hand, and his gentle smile returned to his face.

"Good boy, fly up."


Although Bai Aji didn't understand why Chen Jing gave this order, he still obeyed and started to slowly flap his wings.

It seems that the holes on its wings do not leak air. It does not make any sound when it flaps its wings, and there is not even any wind caused by waving the wing membranes.

Everything was eerily quiet.

At this time, the four corpses had walked out of the yard.

According to Chen Jing's arrangement.

Baiaji controlled them and walked towards the mountains without looking back.

"You go too, it's time to eat."

After hearing Chen Jing's words, Bai Aji looked back.

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