"What's wrong?"

"Is this world going to be destroyed?" Qiao Youning blinked, but there was not much fear on her face, "Is it the...end of the world that Li Mobai said?"

"Who knows." Chen Jing smiled and lay back on the car seat, his neck pressing down so much that the U-shaped pillow sank, "Are you scared?"

Qiao Youning was about to nod and say she was scared, but after thinking about it, she felt that she was not that scared.

"It's normal not to be afraid." Chen Jing suddenly said this, closed his eyes and began to rest, "Look at these people on the road."

Hearing this, Qiao Youning turned her head and looked outside.

Due to the difficult road conditions, the traffic jams made people want to go crazy.

At this moment, many people got out of the car, either smoking cigarettes with anxious looks to relieve their boredom, or looking around for fear of those "giants" coming.

"Communication is down!!"

"I can't contact my family, I don't know my parents..."

"Is this fucking coming from aliens?!"

"Why do I feel like my spiritual energy has revived..."

Panic, fear, despair, hope...

Almost all kinds of expressions can be seen on the faces of these passers-by.

Qiao Youning even saw a few young people with excited faces squatting on the curb, smoking and pointing at the "giants", as if talking to each other, with a look of relief in their eyes.

"Those people don't seem to be afraid." Qiao Youning whispered in a surprised tone, "They seem to be... quite excited?"

It was difficult for Qiao Youning to understand the mentality of those people, because in terms of age, they should be about the same age as herself, maybe a few years older. They couldn't be the kind of young boys who can't think of the consequences.

"It's normal not to be afraid, just like you." Chen Jing leaned on the U-shaped pillow as if he was about to fall asleep, and spoke in a very soft voice, "They just have a different mentality from you. You are more... wooden."

"Are you trying to say that I'm stupid?" Qiao Youning asked cautiously.

"They are different from you, just like a colleague I met when I was at work..." Chen Jing did not answer Qiao Youning's question and said to himself, "His mentality is the same as the people you see."

in this world.

There are always people who expect the end of the world.

Some people are born with the desire to see the world burn.

Some have lost all hope in the world.

And some people have a miserable fate and feel unfair in their hearts, so they just hope that something can come to end this world...

For example, Chen Jing's former colleague was this last type.

Chen Jing still remembers what he said.

"This world is inherently unfair. The only fair thing is that everyone will die..."

At this time, Qiao Youning seemed to suddenly discover something.

"Why is Li Mobai walking towards the back? Can't find the car?"

"Leave him."

Chen Jing seemed to have guessed what Li Mobai was going to do. He opened his eyes and looked in the rearview mirror, then quietly opened the car door a crack.

The next second.

Baiaji, who had been hiding in his backpack, turned into a long line only as thick as a hair. Like a snake, it fell along the crack of the door to the ground, twisting and crawling back.

From the rearview mirror, Chen Jing could see clearly.

About fifty meters away from them, in the traffic jam... there was a car that looked very familiar.

That's right.

It's that Santana again.

It's that old car again carrying members of the association.

Chapter 81 Falling out and threats

"Jingzhe, I said before, you will definitely get into trouble if you do this."

Zhou Haiguo, who was sitting in the driver's seat of Santana, was biting his cigarette holder. It was obvious that his whole mood was not quite right.

His fingers kept flicking on the steering wheel, seeming very anxious.

"I just want to leave the city." Jiang Jingzhe said disapprovingly, "It was just a coincidence that I met them on the way."


Hearing Jiang Jingzhe's words, Zhou Haiguo could only smile bitterly.

"Don't forget that that bastard is from the headquarters. He came to warn us last time. If we let him this time..."

Before he could finish his words, Jiang Jingzhe took the initiative to open the car window and muttered something.

"Isn't he already here?"

Zhou Haiguo didn't speak anymore, staring closely at the young man who was gradually walking towards them not far away, biting the cigarette holder and taking a deep breath.


The young man who took off his suit and put it on his shoulders came over.

He didn't say a word. He just glanced at Zhou Haiguo who was driving, and then at Jiang Jingzhe who was sitting in the passenger seat. He smiled, opened the door, and sat directly in the back seat.

"It's not over?"

Unlike in front of Chen Jing, in front of these "old acquaintances", Li Mobai seemed to be a different person.

No longer that kind of silly look.

Whether it's the tone of his voice or the look on his face, it almost always makes people feel a sense of inexplicable fear.

Even if he was just laughing.

His smile was also aggressive.

It's like a beast showing its fangs to its prey.

"I remember I warned you last time, right?"

Li Mobai raised his feet and put them on the back of the car seat. He didn't care that his shoes almost touched Zhou Haiguo's face, and his expression was extremely impatient.

"Did I say that you can't embarrass my friends without clear instructions from the headquarters?"

"No one is going to embarrass your friend." Zhou Haiguo tried to explain a few words, but Li Mobai directly raised his leg and kicked him on the car seat.

Violent shaking.

Zhou Haiguo, who was sitting in the front, felt palpitations in his heart. He just felt that something might go wrong today. He originally thought he could explain a few more words to Crazy Li, but in this situation... the man surnamed Li was obviously going crazy!

Compared with the nervous Zhou Haiguo, Jiang Jingzhe, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was not intimidated by Li Mobai.

She just felt insulted at the moment.

"Do you feel that no one can control you in Asia?" Jiang Jingzhe tilted her head and stared at Li Mobai and said, "The headquarters has been pressing for this disappearance case. We just want to take Chen alone." Jing went to ask a question, but you stopped him again and again..."

"Answer your first question first."

Li Mobai looked at Jiang Jingzhe impatiently, and his seemingly arrogant answer revealed a sincerity that told the reality.

"Not to mention in Asia, there aren't many people anywhere in the fucking world who can take care of me. At least members like you... are not qualified!"

It has to be said that Li Mobai's words were extremely insulting, especially the last three words, which were the finishing touch. Almost instantly, a young man like Jiang Jingzhe with little experience broke his guard.


"I have already told you the answer to the second question."

Li Mobai interrupted Jiang Jingzhe's curse words, with an impatient look on his face.

"He doesn't know the details of Chen Bofu's disappearance at all, and he has never met Smith's gang. Do you understand?"

Jiang Jingzhe wanted to say something more, but Li Mobai raised his leg again and kicked the passenger seat violently.

"I have made it clear. As for whether you are willing to listen to it or not, that is your own business. I have submitted the investigation report to the headquarters, and it has been reviewed and approved... If you come to trouble my friend again, don't blame me. Give you face!"

"Headquarters?" Jiang Jingzhe sneered, "I will also make a report to the headquarters later and report the truth about you deliberately protecting Chen Jing. To be honest, I doubt you have any purpose..."

Li Mobai said nothing and stared at her without saying a word.

"Maybe Chen Jing knows some inside information, but you don't want the headquarters to know these things, so...heh, Crazy Li, you don't really want to imitate Smith and others and betray the organization, do you?"

"Do you want to listen to what you are saying?" Li Mobai's face lost all expression, and even the previous impatient expression disappeared without a trace.

"I'm afraid no one in the association knows what kind of person you are, right?"

Regardless of Zhou Haiguo's obstruction, Jiang Jingzhe still chose to confront Li Mobai tit for tat.

"You are a lunatic who will do whatever it takes to pursue fame and fortune, a guy who will betray even his colleagues and superiors at will..."

"You would actually protect a friend you haven't contacted for so many years?"

"Do you think that's possible?"

"Oops?" Li Mobai was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me, it turns out I am such a beast..."

Smile and smile.

Li Mobai suddenly reached out and pinched Jiang Jingzhe's neck. Before Zhou Haiguo could react, he turned his face and looked over, his tone cold and the smile on his face unabated.

"You'd better not move, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to help but kill you too."

"We are not enemies..." Zhou Haiguo held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, cold sweat on his forehead, as if he knew exactly what kind of monster he was provoking, "If you have anything to say..."

Zhou Haiguo had guessed before that once Li Mobai discovered the following, a head-on conflict would likely occur, but what he didn't expect was...

I originally thought that the head-on conflict between the two sides was just a verbal conflict. At most, they would just leave a few harsh words like last time. As long as my side surrendered first, that would be enough.

If Li Mobai is given a step down, he will not go too far.

But now it seems.

It seemed that Li Mobai was really going to kill someone.

Although Li Mobai does not work in the Yajing branch of the association, almost no one in the association does not know how he got the nickname Crazy Li.

Li Mobai is the youngest SSS transcendent in the [Aether Association] and the most unscrupulous person in the association.

In order to complete the tasks assigned by the association, it is not appropriate to say that he is ruthless, because he has done many unscrupulous things!

Kill the whole family and destroy the whole family.

These are nothing to him.

Human life?

This lunatic seems to have no idea.

The only thing Li Mobai could see was the path to the extraordinary.

In order to advance to an extraordinary level.

He is willing to do anything and can do anything...

But he is such a madman.

He would actually attack one of his own for a classmate he has not contacted for many years. Doesn't he know what this means...

"If something happens to her, the headquarters will not sit idly by and ignore it."

Zhou Haiguo seemed to have mustered up his courage and said through gritted teeth, half threatening and half reminding.

"If you let the headquarters know that you killed for that friend of yours... don't you think the headquarters will turn its attention to you?"

At this moment, Jiang Jingzhe was on the verge of losing consciousness, her pretty face became bruised and swollen, and her neck was almost deformed by Li Mobai's pinch.


Li Mobai looked at Zhou Haiguo, with no intention of letting go, and the smile on his face was still terrifying.

"In my eyes, the headquarters is nothing!"

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