"Are you sick?" Li Mobai was a little angry and glared at Chen Jing. "I told you so much, do you think I want to kill you?"

Li Mobai thought Chen Jing would explain, but he didn't say a word and just stared at him, which made him feel guilty.

"You are my only friend..." Li Mobai lowered his head and his voice became a little dull. "If I kill you too... I would be a beast..."

After saying this, Li Mobai found that Chen Jing still didn't say a word, and his heart was even more blocked.

"Should I not tell you this?"


"I know you will be angry after hearing this, so I..."


Seeing that Chen Jing still didn't speak, Li Mobai felt indescribable discomfort.

He lowered his head and asked the last sentence.

"Are we still friends?"


Chen Jing suddenly answered, and then reached out to Li Mobai, trying to pull him up from the ground.

At this moment.

It seemed as if the two had returned to many years ago.

That was when Li Mobai was beaten up by a group of hooligans outside the school.

It was also Chen Jing who squeezed in from the crowd with gritted teeth, and pulled Li Mobai up from the ground without saying a word despite the wooden sticks that were hitting him.

"Thank you."

Chen Jing said something that Li Mobai didn't understand, and it was not until this moment that he finally felt relieved.

The hand that he had used to pull Li Mobai up was still in his jacket pocket.

He was still holding the whistle that Bai Aji was perched on.

"Thank me for nothing?" Li Mobai opened Chen Jing's hand unhappily, and got up from the ground cursing, "Damn it, I thought you were going to break up with me! You don't know how scary your eyes were just now..."


Hearing Chen Jing's sudden cursing, Li Mobai couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, but before he could figure out what was going on, Chen Jing suddenly grabbed him and pointed at the sky outside the window.

Li Mobai turned his head and took a look.

It was only in an instant.

He became like Chen Jing, almost too shocked to control himself.


Chapter 86 Electronic devices and sky screens

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and there were countless diamond-shaped geometric patterns, as if they were cut open by some indescribable force.

These geometric patterns looked like translucent crystals.

Scarlet light kept flashing.

It seemed to be the light from the sun.

But what surprised people the most was not the cut sky, but the "text" densely packed on the sky.

These words looked very strange.

There were characteristics of hieroglyphics and cuneiforms.

But more.

They were some simple and weird twisted geometric figures.

But no matter who saw these words on the sky, they could almost instinctively understand the content.

That's right.

No matter where humans were, no matter whether they had received modern education.

As long as they saw them, they could recognize and understand them word for word.

"We guide the birth of every civilization."

"We witness the demise of every civilization."

"We are in the deep space of the dimension and in the wasteland."

"We descend as civilization develops to the 'red line of ascension'."


"Here we come."

Chen Jing and Li Mobai read the words in the sky almost at the same time, and then they looked at each other with different expressions.

"It seems that something extraordinary is going to appear." Chen Jing seemed a little nervous.

"Great..." Li Mobai trembled.

Chen Jing could see that he was so excited that he couldn't speak clearly.

"Red line of ascension! It really happened!"

"Why are you so happy?" Chen Jing was a little helpless.

To be honest, Chen Jing was still somewhat wary of Li Mobai.

He was not afraid that Li Mobai would hurt him...It was mainly because this kid acted like a mental patient, which was completely different from Li Mobai in high school!

It was only five or six years.

Will someone really change completely from the inside out?

Chen Jing thought it was unlikely.

Of course.

This may also be because he has too few contacts.

After all, in this absurd world, nothing is strange.

If Li Mobai has experienced too many major events that have a negative impact on him...

"Fuck! How can I not be happy!" Li Mobai explained excitedly, "I'm waiting for this day!"

"Is it that serious..." Chen Jing looked at his crazy appearance, and suddenly felt a little like a crazy grandfather in the other world. He couldn't help but put his hands in his pockets again and held Bai Aji's whistle.

From Li Mobai's conversation with the two extraordinary people, to his previous confession...

Although Chen Jing has preliminarily confirmed that Li Mobai will not harm him.

But for some reason, seeing Li Mobai's excited face, Chen Jing was inexplicably afraid.

"Are you waiting for this day?" Chen Jing couldn't help asking, "Are you really taking reality as a novel and rushing to become a god?"

"No..." Li Mobai shook his head, "Becoming a god or not is secondary, but I need power."

Chen Jing was stunned, feeling that he couldn't figure him out.

"Ah Jing, what do you think of this world?"

When Li Mobai asked this question, his tone was indescribably serious, and that serious expression made Chen Jing a little confused for a while... What's wrong with this kid?

"Not so good." Chen Jing answered truthfully, which was also what he thought in his heart.

"That's right... Everyone has an ideal world in their hearts... I have one too!" Li Mobai said excitedly, "So I need power to change this world!"

Hearing what he said, Chen Jing thought about it very seriously, and then asked him tentatively.

"You are not planning to be an emperor, are you? Conquer the world and then pull all the beautiful women into the harem..."

"Me! Am I so vulgar! Is that how you look at me?!" Li Mobai was so angry that he wanted to strangle him to death, "You dog! If that day really comes! I will pull you into the harem first!"

Chen Jing rolled his eyes at him and continued to observe the changes in the sky.

Those indescribable twisted words were like living creatures, constantly crawling under the scarlet dome. The whole sky seemed to have become a huge screen, and those words were dense bullet screens.


Keep appearing.

Until... every human being in the world can see it.

"I want to create a perfect world."


"It's the kind that is both fair and beautiful, without disputes or private fights, everyone lives just for themselves, and no one dares to bully or oppress others at will..."

"It's different after going abroad and drinking some foreign ink. The ideal has become so lofty?" Chen Jing looked at him in surprise, always feeling that Li Mobai's rhetoric had been heard somewhere before, "You are not just making big promises here, are you?"

Li Mobai glared at Chen Jing unhappily, and swallowed the dirty words on his lips after enduring again and again.

"I just think the world shouldn't be the way it is now... The reason why I became like this... Damn it, why am I telling you this!"

"You killed so many people to create your ideal world?"

After hearing this, Li Mobai fell silent, as if thinking about how to explain to his good friend.

"Whether you believe it or not... reality is like this..."

Li Mobai frowned and looked at Chen Jing nervously, as if afraid that he would misunderstand.

"In this world, every liberation of human nature will inevitably involve certain sacrifices. In fact, I don't want to..."

"If you say so, you don't seem to have changed much."

Chen Jing suddenly said this, and his calm expression made Li Mobai a little confused.

"I remember when you were in high school, you said that your ideal was to travel back to ancient times to become a hero. You like to help others when you see injustice..."

After that, Chen Jing patted his arm with his hand.

"I've been caught in the rain, so I want to hold an umbrella for the whole world, Mr. Li, is that what you mean?"

"Get lost!"

"You're so impatient, and you can't say anything..."

Chen Jing suddenly realized that he seemed to have a bit of bad taste.

It's quite interesting to tease this fool.

Suddenly, Chen Jing and Li Mobai's mobile phones vibrated at the same time.

They both took out their mobile phones and took a look.

Then they looked at each other in surprise.

"The record on the stone tablet is indeed correct!" Li Mobai laughed loudly, without any fear at all, but excited to the point of going crazy, "A Jing, you can wait to hug my thigh in the future!"

Chen Jing didn't say anything, and lowered his head to check his mobile phone again.

After the network was disconnected and there was no signal, everyone's mobile phone turned into a brick, even Chen Jing's.

But now... the signal is full, and the main page of the mobile phone screen has also changed.

It seems to have been infected with some kind of virus.

On the dark screen is an ancient totem with unknown meaning.

And in the center of the totem.

Then there are those words that still fill the sky.

Even if I don’t recognize a single word.

But I can somehow understand their meaning.

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