
Although this old road leading to the pond was covered with thorns and vines, and even piled with boulders washed down by the rainstorm, with Bai Aji's help to clear the way... Chen Jing was extremely relaxed.

It can be said that the road was unobstructed.

Bai Aji was in a good mood, so he jumped over those obstacles.

Bai Aji was unhappy with something, raised his hand and clawed, and directly flew dozens of meters away...

It originally took more than ten minutes to walk on the mountain road, but with the help of Bai Aji, it only took less than a minute.


Chen Jing found the pond hidden in the dense forest of Dongshan.

At the same time, he was a little surprised...

The old man shouldn't lie to me, right?


Is it really a place where the barrier has been set up?

The pond in front of Chen Jing was as calm as ever, and the raging wind in the mountains seemed to never blow here.

The diamond-shaped fragments and the words in the sky were reflected on the mirror-like black and ripple-free water surface.

Everything around was normal.

There was no change in the barrier.

It just stayed here in plain sight.

If the fog around was not so thick, Chen Jing would have been able to see the pool from the bottom of the mountain even though he was a few miles away...

"The old man wouldn't lie to me."

Chen Jing walked around the basketball court-sized pool twice and found that this place was no different from what he remembered. The only natural changes around it were in recent years...

Some more trees, some fewer trees.

That's all.

"Hide here..."

"That face shouldn't find us..."

Chen Jing muttered to himself and looked back in the direction of the mass grave.

At this time, the huge and empty face had already escaped from the gray fog on the ground.

It was floating in the sky like a hot air balloon...

At the same time, Chen Jing found that its face was no longer facing downwards, but was turning and scanning in all directions.

However, in the next second.

Chen Jing desperately found that its eyes were looking in his direction...

"Old man... Don't lie to me..."

The blood in Chen Jing's body seemed to coagulate at this moment.

When his eyes met the eyes of that face, an indescribable fear quickly enveloped him, and the whole person trembled as if he fell into an ice cave.

The feeling that he might be killed by the other party at any time was very subtle.

It was like...

An ant crawling around at the feet of a human.

Humans only need to raise their feet and step on it carelessly to crush the ant to pieces.

At this moment, Chen Jing felt that he was the ant.

And the man in boots seemed to have discovered him.

"It... How did it come here..."

Chapter 91: There must be good fortune after surviving a disaster

The huge human face floated in the air like a hot air balloon.

In Chen Jing's terrified eyes.

It began to move slowly towards the direction of the Dongshan Pond.

During this process, its eyeballs kept turning, as if constantly adjusting the angle to stare at Chen Jing and Bai Aji.


Bai Aji quickly rushed to Chen Jing's side, urging him to come up quickly.

"Let's run!"

"Are you sure that thing can't catch up with us?" Chen Jing asked tentatively.

Bai Aji was stunned and didn't know what to say.

It was his instinct to run away. Facing such an enemy... what else could he do except run away?

"Let's take a gamble."

Chen Jing gently stroked Bai Aji's head and soothed him in a soft voice. Although his tone was calm, his trembling hands were enough to show that... he was really scared to death now!

Before this, he had never faced such a terrifying threat.

Not even in the other world.

Some of the natives of the other world who were once regarded by Chen Jing as "nightmare creatures" were not comparable to the human face floating in the sky.

He would die...

Or run? !

But what if he ran and died? !

Chen Jing was extremely conflicted. Although he said some words to comfort Bai Aji, his idea was still... run away.

The farther the better!

There is no possibility of resistance in the face of such a terrifying monster.

So... run away!

"The old man shouldn't lie to me... Don't lie to me..." Chen Jing's breathing rhythm couldn't help but speed up. The rapid panting accompanied by the violent heartbeat made him in a state of extreme mental tension.

At this moment.

The human face floating in the sky was getting closer and closer to them.

It was probably only a few hundred meters away.

"It found us..."

Bai Aji kept trembling.

But no matter how scared it was, it still chose to stand in front of Chen Jing at this moment, wanting to use its body to block the gaze of the human face.


As Bai Aji said, the human face seemed to have really found them and stopped just above the pool.

Then it slowly turned the direction it was facing.

Until the whole face turned over.

It was like an insect lover observing the insects in the bottle at close range.

That kind of serious and careful but extremely indifferent eyes made Chen Jing hold his breath, and his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

The dizziness caused by lack of oxygen made him feel a little confused, and he even had the illusion that he was having a nightmare.

The dark gray face was suspended in the sky.

It covered the East Mountain.

It also covered the sun behind the clouds.

Chen Jing felt that even people who did not have giant phobia would probably be forced to have this disease at this moment.

One minute...

Two minutes...

Under the gaze of those gray eyes.

The speed of time seemed to slow down.

Is it a god?

Chen Jing didn't know.

The Creator?


The old man once mentioned in the letter that the examiner's superior might come to him... This face might come from the examiner's superior, the creators who have not yet appeared in the surface world.

It took an unknown amount of time.

Until Chen Jing's legs began to numb from standing.

The terrifying face slowly lifted up, turned around, and slowly floated towards the Chen family's old house.

During this process, Chen Jing and Bai Aji did not dare to move at all.

Until the huge face drifted farther and farther away, the oppression it brought gradually weakened... Chen Jing, who was sweating profusely, dared to collapse to the ground with a heavy breath.

He looked like he had just been pulled out of the water.

His face was frighteningly pale.

"I might have nightmares in the next few days..."

Chen Jing looked back at Bai Aji, who was also frightened, and his voice was trembling slightly.

"Me too."

Bai Aji trembled and lowered his head, not daring to look at the strange face that was gradually drifting away, as if the previous horror experience reminded him of some old things.


"More terrifying than the king..."

"Even if his body has not yet come to this world..."

"I can sense that ancient and powerful power..."

Chen Jing smiled and said nothing.

He lay directly on the grass on the bank of the pond with his head raised. The previous experience tortured his tense nerves. At this moment, he only felt an indescribable fatigue.

"We were right to come to the pond first..." Chen Jing muttered, looking at the blood-red sky, feeling a little scared, "If we were a little later... if that human face found us..."

The human face must have come to find the old man, but Chen Jing didn't think it was just the old man.

Maybe it was an illusion.

Maybe it was just groundless worry.

Chen Jing always felt that the human face was too dangerous.

Even if he was not the target it was looking for, once it found him... could he really get away easily?

Thinking of the human tragedy he had witnessed in the city before, Chen Jing didn't dare to have too good an imagination about these aliens.

In order to destroy an international space station, they could even flatten the city with a palm...

A glimpse of the leopard can tell a lot.

From this point, it can be seen that they don't care about human lives.

As for exams...

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