"You two? What are you doing here in secret?"

Qin Yuan looked up and saw a half-meter-tall little monkey hanging upside down on a tree. Its hair was black and shiny. Although its eyes were big and round and shining, there seemed to be a layer of gray mist in the depths of its eyes

"Little monkey, I'm here to challenge the Ape King. Go and call out your boss."

The little monkey jumped in front of Qin Yuan, and its big eyes were puffing and circling around him curiously

"Why do you want to challenge the Ape King?"

"Huh? Why should I tell you?"

"I am the Ape King!"

Qin Yuan stared at the little monkey

The little monkey stared at Qin Yuan with wide eyes

The air froze


"You are not"

"I am"

"You are too young"

"Oh! I really know how to thank you"


Qin Yuan didn't want to pay attention to it. When he flapped his wings and was about to fly towards the tree trunk, the little monkey grabbed his calf

Qin Yuan raised his eyebrows


What a great strength!

"Are you really the ape king? Then why are you so small?"

He pinched a gap with his thumb and index finger

The little monkey did not answer, but looked like a dog

"Lily is taking a nap, don't disturb her, if we want to fight, let's fight under another tree!"

Who is Lily?

So you learned these dirty words from her, right?


"Sure, choose a place"

It's called PK, but for Qin Yuan, it only takes a second to get serious

I'm in a good mood today

Let's have some fun

"Come with me, let's fight in the cornfield"


Is that a place for a serious fight?

Although he complained in his heart, Qin Yuan still followed the Ape King to the cornfield he mentioned. The corn leaves here are hundreds or thousands of square meters, like green arenas. The towering corn husks are like twenty-story buildings, and the huge red beards hang down and swing freely, protecting the corn cobs inside like octopus tentacles. Qin Yuan's eyes lit up immediately. "Oh! There are quite a lot of corns." "Is this golden corn or platinum corn? There is such a good thing here." Not only is it nutritious, but it also tastes first-class. It is a rare evolutionary delicacy in the world. If you encounter special corn, it can replenish your life energy. However, this kind of corn usually has a powerful guardian beast. Why didn't you see the guardian beast? "Human, what are you looking for?" Looking at Qin Yuan who was shaking his head, the Ape King was very confused. This man might be a fool. He smiled foolishly when he arrived here, and then glanced around. These little arms and legs looked like they couldn't fight. I thought he was a strong man just now. If I had known, I would have dealt with him right away, and I wouldn't have brought him here.

"Little monkey, isn't there a guardian beast in this cornfield?"

"Call me Lord Ape King!"

"Okay, little monkey"

"Hmph! This cornfield is planted by me, and the surroundings are my territory. No beast dares to come in."

The Ape King raised his head proudly, his tail almost reaching the sky

"Oh! I see!"

This monkey is the guardian beast

The Ape King looked proud

"Hmph! Stop talking nonsense, are you going to fight?"

Qin Yuan already had an idea in his mind

He wants these corns and the guardian beasts

I want them all

"When you lose, you will be my subordinate in the future, specializing in growing medicinal herbs ”

“Haha! Will I lose? Stop kidding, okay, let’s fight! Let’s fight! Watch this…”

The Ape King has lost his patience, showing a cruel grin, squatting slightly, tapping his toes to exert force on his lower limbs, and rushing to Qin Yuan in one step

The shoulders and arms formed an L, and a powerful punch came. Before the punch arrived, a strong wind hit his face, and the sweat hair on his face was bent to 90 degrees by the wind

The fist the size of a ping-pong ball, but with a stronger impact than a locomotive, smashed down

“Ape King Hammer”

The Ape King’s eyes were red, showing his murderous nature, and the corners of his mouth were cracked to reveal jagged edges. He could already see the scene of brains exploding and splattering in his eyes

Go to hell!




Qin Yuan easily grasped the heavy punch weighing over a hundred tons with one hand, and the powerful wind of the punch whistled around him

"Liwei, are you ready?"

"How is that possible!!"

The Ape King widened his eyes in disbelief

This is a punch weighing over a hundred tons!

It can easily blow up an ordinary second-level insect beast

Animals of the same size should not be blocked!

Is it really as the other party said

because he didn't eat breakfast?

Is breakfast so important?

"You...let me go..."

The Ape King's fist was held by Qin Yuan and could not be pulled out

It found that the other party's palm was like an iron hoop, firmly holding its palmInside, even if he kicked his legs on the opponent's hand, he couldn't shake it at all

"I just used only 10% of my strength, it doesn't count! Let's start over"

Qin Yuan let go of his palm, allowing the Ape King to successfully pull his hand out

"Little monkey, you should transform into a giant ape, otherwise"

"But the monkey will die!"


The Ape King rubbed his red wrist and grinned at Qin Yuan, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart

This guy

is really

so strong!

He is less than two meters tall, but he has such a strong strength

Think of him, the Titan Ape, but he is one of the most powerful ancient species, and he is also a strong one among the ancient species. He has no rivals since his awakening

Now he was slapped in the face by a human

How can I bear this?

"Human, you are very strong. I respect you and have decided to fight you with all my strength."

"Watch out, I will show you what is... the strongest power!"

After that, the ape king's body began to rise continuously

Second form, five-meter-tall ape king form, 20% strength

Third form, thirty-meter-tall handsome King Kong form, 50% strength

Final form, fifty-five-meter-tall Titan ape form, pure black fur, orange pupils, a bus-like thick tail, 100% strength

The ape began to beat its chest frantically

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom....

It took a deep breath and puffed up its chest

It opened its huge mouth and roared to the sky


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