
Under thousands of square meters of leaves

The Ape King is telling Qin Yuan all the information he knows

"This all started with the meteor shower that day. I was originally the monkey number 133 in the Monkey Mountain of Nanshan Zoo in Dongxing City. Later, one day, the keeper was lazy and didn't come to feed me, so I looked for food by myself. I searched and searched and found a rusty wire, and then I used the wire to hook the bolt on the door lock and escaped outside to find food..." (2345 words omitted here)

Qin Yuan stood beside him with a black face

A well-shaped character appeared on his forehead

"Reduce it to less than 20 words, if it exceeds one word, I will kill you!"

The Ape King's head shrank

"Zhang Lili is in the tree hole, ask her about human affairs"

"I don't know anything else"

Qin Yuan nodded

"Well said! Useless thing"

"Since you grow jade For the sake of rice, I don't want to bother with you."

"Come with me to see if this platinum corn is ripe. If it is, we will have a feast today."

"Yes! King."

The two came to the corn husk again one after the other and began to carefully explore. The Titan Ape scratched his head while touching the same corn husk.

"King, how can you tell whether it is ripe or not?"

"Look at the reaction. The one that resists fiercely is immature, and the one that actively seduces you to eat is ripe."

"If it is, what about the one that is reluctant but willing?"

"Oh! There is this kind?"

"My Lily is this kind."

"... Get out!"

The two explored all the way to the center, but unfortunately they didn't find a ripe platinum corn leaf.

Until they reached the center, the surrounding corn silk whipped like a whip. Who were they protecting?

Don't want Qin Yuan and Titan Ape to enter

Qin Yuan showed an evil smile

"Ha! The more you resist, the more excited I am!"

Look at my 999-pound rebelliousness!

Blocking us from entering, and even not letting us see?

There must be treasures!


"Little monkey, charge wildly! Come on!"

"Okay! Haa ... ......


He squatted down with his legs to concentrate the strength of his muscles at one point, and suddenly jumped up

"Come again! Just corn whiskers"

The huge corn whiskers as big as tall buildings came from all directions. This time, the moment the Titan Ape saw the whiskers, he used his own muscles to step on his right foot with his left foot to complete the second force change

Even the corn cob was stunned!

Step on the right foot with the left foot?

Can you still play like this?

The Titan Ape began to fight back, picked up the corn husk and crawled towards it, and his eyes were like a devil from hell coming to the world


The corn stalk was so scared that it directly cut off the corn whiskers. What is this called?

This is called emergency avoidance!

It's really scary for plants!

All the corn silks dared not block it anymore. The Titan Ape successfully cleared the way, released the Titan's Rage mode, and swung towards the center by grabbing the corn silks in the air.

Qin Yuan spread his colorful wings and flew at high speed, reaching the center one step ahead of the Titan Ape.

Pushing aside the corn stalks blocking the front, he finally saw the plants hidden by them.

"It's actually a secondary mutant bead"

There is a pink mutant bead in the center that is tenderer than other corns.

It only grows half the height of other plants.

But the quality of the fruit it produces is not comparable to other mutant corns.

The secondary mutant strain is a rare treasure. It can not only make up for its missing vitality, but also enhance its strength and gene reserves.

What a treasure!

This strain

can resist millions of insect beasts!

The Titan Ape didn't understand these things, and immediately lost interest when he found a seedling in the middle.

"My king, there are so many corns, but there is not a single edible one."

"How can there be no corn? Isn't there one right in front of you?"

Looking at the seedling that was only half as tall, the Titan Ape was confused for a moment.

"How can it be?"

"Have you ever heard of "pulling up the seedlings to help them grow?"

"What seedlings are you pressing? I only know how to press Lily."

Bang! A slap

Is Lily's mind full of monkeys?

"Little monkey! Listen to me, now let's go kill some more bloodMany mutant beasts come back and are placed on the root of this mutant corn to let it absorb."

"When it is full, it will naturally bear fruit. Then we can just pick the fruit directly."

"Oh! So, I understand, my king."

"Let's split up, you go that way, I go this way."

The Titan Ape nodded to show that he understood.

The two began to kill monsters separately.


"Ancient Underworld·Emperor Domain"

"Underworld·Bone Chaos Kill!"

Puff puff puff~

Qin Yuan used a small skill and instantly killed thousands of creatures in the forest.

"Hey? Am I too efficient at work? This is enough."

"By this calculation, isn't it too easy for the little monkey? ”

“No, we can’t let it sit idle.”

“We need to call it over.”

After a calculation, I’ve become a laborer?

What a loss!

We need to keep the little monkey busy

When Qin Yuan found the Titan Ape again, he killed monsters with his left hand and ate with his right hand

A mouthful of blood

“Little monkey, how many have you killed?”

“Hey, you may not believe it, but I’ve killed 21! No need to praise me, I’ve always been so efficient.”

“Where are your materials?”

“On my right hand… Hey? Disappeared! It's amazing!"


Qin Yuan smiled and punched its head to the ground

"Come with me, your efficiency is not as good as the old lady in the workshop..."

Wait for it to kill monsters?

Wait until the next day to come back and tell you that it is full

Just like that

The Titan Ape was dragged to work as a coolie, responsible for carrying corpses. The genetic energy contained in each corpse was absorbed by Qin Yuan

In just half an hour, the genetic energy in the corpses behind was almost dissipated

Absorbed the genes of thousands of mutant beasts killed

Qin Yuan's genetic growth rate reached 12%, thousands of heads only increased by 4 %, it is better to practice on your own.

Soon, the roots of the mutant corn plants were filled with corpses of animals and insects, and the blood dyed the whole land red.

The roots of plants grew from the red land, penetrated into the corpses and began to dissolve them into nutrients. This process did not last too long.

A huge fruit grew from the small corn stalk. This was the only corn cob on the whole corn stalk.

With the continuous infusion of nutrients,

a huge corn cob of 60 meters was grown.


the corn silk on its head gradually softened.

The mutant corn fruit

is ripe!

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