Over the Qin capital

Dark clouds covered the city, thunder rumbled

Boom boom boom

White light flashed from time to time, and hundreds of insect people from the downtown area appeared out of nowhere in the city, and were being suppressed by several major legions

The ancient rhinoceros beetle looked up at the sky

"Hongdou, do you think it's okay for Canglong to fight two alone?"

Hongdou licked the ice cream in her hand with her little tongue, and looked up at the sky

"Brother Qin said that when there is thunder in the sky, everything should be left to Canglong"

"It at this time"

"It is a natural disaster"


In the air

The pterosaur looked at the clouds in surprise, and the might had reached the level of natural disasters

If this high-level super beast was hit by it, there would definitely be nothing left

Looking at the thunder ball that had already gathered and formed

The pterosaur's eyes showed murderous intent, and he gritted his teeth and made a decision in his heart

This is the only way!

At this time

The blue dragon Yunju in the sky stared at the two beasts with his eyes wide open, his white beard fluttering in the wind, and he said

"No matter who is behind you, if you dare to mess with my Great Qin Insect Kingdom"

"There is only one end, death!"

"Yunnu·Lei Lin"


The sky was covered with lightning, and there was no escape

The pterosaur man shouted to the sky

"Look at me"

"Infinite Shield!"

He used his claws to throw the wailing parrot into the sky, just in time to meet the thunder that was about to fall

The wailing parrot's small eyes were full of doubts

I have seen Xiaoshengchu, but I have never seen Xiaochusheng!

Aren't you talking about the Infinite Shield? Where is your shield?

Why did you throw me?

"MD! Bastard!"

But the thunder was coming, and the wailing parrot could only make a shrill cry

At this moment

It realized

What is the real sadness? It is not being defeated by the enemy, but being betrayed by the person you trust the most

Internal damage is the real sadness


It hurts so much!

"Emotional materialization"

"Sadness·Soul-breaking Slash"

It was too late to break through in the battle, and the lightning as big as a train struck vertically, and the wailing parrot slashed it head-on



Sorrowful Parrot, dead

The body fell from the sky into the forest

A mantis appeared out of nowhere in the forest and inserted its foot blade into the body of the Sorrowful Parrot, swallowing its fantasy beast gene

Sorrowful Mantis

The species is being upgraded...

In the air

The pterosaur man managed to escape by chance by relying on the narrow space blocked by the parrot

It flapped its wings and quickly flew out of the attack range of the Azure Dragon, and fled without looking back

"A Azure Dragon? What a scary guy"

This strength has reached the level of natural disasters, right? But the opponent did not pursue him, which shows that it should have certain limitations

The overall strength cannot be completely calculated as a natural disaster level

The intelligence obtained in this operation is very important

The real and fake situation of the top combat power of the Qin army is completely understood

One suspected natural disaster, two high-level super beasts, and a mantis with the strength of an initial super beast

In addition to the insect emperor, who is above the natural disaster

The current strength of the Qin State is indeed very strong, but it is not unsolvable

Using intelligence, it is confident that it can conquer the Qin State within a week if it defeats them one by one in a targeted manner

"Hehe, Qin State"

"I will come again, and next time I come, it will not be a test"

A trace of greed flashed in the eyes of the pterosaur man. If the genes of these strong men can be seized, then the whole world can be taken into the pocket

Then eat all the creatures!


The blue dragon in the sky looked at the pterosaur going away and did not chase it, because this dark cloud could not be taken away

The ability to use has certain venue restrictions

While the thunder and lightning have not dissipated

Look down at the insect people who are making trouble in the city

"I will kill you little insects"


The genes of all the troublesome insects received a gene alarm prompt

[The thunder is initiating location sharing with you...]

White light flashed frequently

The crackling sound of lightning was endless, and screams continued

The whole city was in a thunder and lightning, and it was completely quiet after ten minutes

All the surviving troublesome insect people were subdued and taken away, detained, and interrogated on a chosen day

Canglong turned into a white horse and appeared beside Hongdou

"One escaped"

Hongdou was surprised

"Huh? That pterosaur was so powerful, but it could escape from your hands?"

Yunju's eyes were solemn, he lifted the cloud on his feet and stepped lightly on the air

"This matter is not simple. I always feel a terrible sense of being watched recently. There may be powerful enemies behind them. I want to find the master"

"Then go, why tell me?"

"I mean, you and Shan Gu Niujiaoxian had better not leave the base, at least...stay in the base before I come back"

"Okay! I have no problem, but I don't know if Niujiaoxian, the upgrade maniac, is willing to do it"


As soon as I said the Bullhorn Beetle, it came

A dull male voice sounded

"I'm fine too, Canglong Envoy, you can go with peace of mind, I and the others are enough here"

Canglong Yunju nodded, turned into a white cloud dragon, and flew into the sky

It disappeared in the blink of an eye


Canglong followed the pheromones left by Qin Yuan all the way to the giant forest and saw a huge nuclear bomb crater

There is the breath of the master

But it was yesterday

Continue forward and came to the human Sanjia Town, which is also deserted

All the way north

Come to the mangrove... ruins...

The pheromone stops here

The whole land in front seems to have been turned over by something, like... plowing the land?

What would do such a thing?

Is it a cow?

The clue is broken

The blue dragon is like a headless fly, spinning wildly in the sky. It suddenly thinks of another pheromone

When in the town, there are two pheromones left on purpose, as if they were left for someone

"It's the clue the master gave me!"

So that's it

The master knew I was coming to find him a long time ago, and gave me a hint on purpose. Maybe he is in trouble, I have to help him quickly

Thinking of this

The blue dragon turned around and quickly chased in the direction of another pheromone


At the same time

Underground cave

Qin Yuan was closing his eyes and concentrating on absorbing the energy of the meteorite. The huge energy of the meteorite made his exclusive skill experience soar wildly

Exclusive gene growth +1%





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