In the underground cave

Qin Yuan's absorption progress is nearing the end

This large meteorite is still more than 90 meters high. Even with Qin Yuan's current huge gene storage capacity, he cannot absorb it all

[Ancient Dark Crystal Emperor Ant (Mutated Mythical Species)]

[Gene Growth: 27%, Normal 3700 Tons of Force]

[Exclusive Genetic Abilities: 1 Super-Limited Strength (100%), 2 Ancient Divine Poison (100%), 3 Seventh Super Sense (100%), 4 Dark Crystal Armor (100%), 5 Super-Speed ​​Regeneration (100%), 6 Ancient Dark Emperor Domain (100%), 7 Super-Limited Micro-Control (100%)]

●Super-Limited Micro-Control (New): You can perform subtle manipulation of your muscle strength and internal genetic energy beyond the limit, increasing the efficiency of energy and strength use by 300%.

In simple terms: damage × 300%

[Gene skills: 1 Emperor Combo (King level), 2 Dark Crystal Shield (King level), 3 Bullet Time (King level), 4 Dark Crystal Shattering Ray (Myth)]

[Armed genes: 1 Dark Gold Purple Wing (Gold 2 stars), 2 Dark Phoenix Wing (Gold 2 stars), 3 Dark Crystal Poison Blade (Gold 1 star), 4 Dark Bone Sword (Gold 1 star), 5 Void Feather (Gold 1 star), 6 Soul Imprisonment Dagger (Red 3 stars): 4 Eye of Death (Red 5 stars)]

Unfused: 1 Sand Fury Fang ( Orange 1 star), 2 Broken Time Stopwatches (Damaged), 150g Life Essence

[Super Genetic Ability: 1 Fantasy Critical Hit, 2 Nether Phoenix Nirvana, 3 Element·Sand]

Nether Phoenix Nirvana:

First Death (Already Enabled)

After the Second Death, all attributes*400, 50% probability of exclusive hunting mode activated, priority consumption of reserve gene energy + gene source power + part of potential + vitality + mental power (not enabled)

●Current reserve energy (full): 100% can not consume potential, additionally increase the probability of advanced special mode

After the third death, all attributes*500, 10% probability of death world mode activated, consumption of gene source power + all vitality + all potential + soul power (not enabled)

Fourth Death Mode: Not Enabled

[Mythology Exclusive Rule Skill: Disorder, Rule-type Skill, can make everything in the range disordered, including rules of the same level]

[Resistance: Death Resistance +80 (8% probability of resisting death), Fire Resistance +3200 (Immune 3 200° or lower high temperature)]

●Atomic state·Nuclear explosion ant (mythical mutant)]

[Exclusive gene ability: 1 Atomization (100%), 2 Nuclear explosion force (100%), 3 Ultra-high temperature (100%), 4 Shock wave (100%), 5 Nuclear radiation (100%), 6 Nuclear energy field (100%), 7 Nuclear fission (100%)]

●Nuclear fission (new): Explosive nuclear reaction causes huge lethality, and all skills can be combined to produce a combined effect to cause greater damage.

[Exclusive gene skills: 1 Nuclear explosion star cannon, 2 Nuclear energy explosion]

[Mythical rule ability: Destruction, can destroy everything, including rules]


Qin Yuan looked at his gene growth and murmured

"It seems like another day has passed"

Gene growth increased by 5%, which is almost the amount of one day

So, today the legendary item will also be born!

Legendary: Artifact

It's time to go out

After this upgrade, my overall strength has doubled again, or even several times more

I really want to find someone to practice with

Qin Yuan's eyes were as bright as the shining starry sky, his mouth corners raised, five fingers pointed upward, and he raised one hand

"Sandification control"

"Get up!"


First, the ground trembled slightly

Then the whole land began to shake, and the yellow on the surrounding rock walls began to shake and fall, and then the stone walls

The surrounding rock walls also began to desertify

Countless yellow sands gathered, and the rustling sound kept ringing in my ears

The sky full of yellow sand condensed into a huge dragon, a hundred-meter dragon head emerged, and then Dragon body, dragon claws, dragon scales, dragon tail...

Nine 100-meter-long dragons appeared in the ground, roaring and emitting a deafening dragon roar. The nine dragons circled around the meteorite, wrapped their bodies around the claws and hugged the meteorite tightly, and began to soar upwards

The sand and rocks above broke all the way and gave way

Nine dragons pulled the stone


On the rock

The Shadow Vanguard didn't know what happened. First there was an earthquake, then there was a dragon roar

Then he saw countless underground sand beasts fleeing like crazy, and the scene was comparable to an insect tide attack

He suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart

"That stupid crocodile is not dead yet!"

With such a big commotion, I'm afraid that the stupid crocodile has broken through the second stage?

Crow Clan in Danger

My King

Return quickly!

The sand began to churn, and the dragon roar came


With a bang

Nine dragons soared into the sky, holding a high90-meter-high silver meteorite

"This... this is..."

"Nine Dragons... Pulling Stone..."

"Ah! So bright!"

The Shadow Vanguard subconsciously covered his eyes with his wings. The light of the silver meteorite was too dazzling.

What on earth does this sand crocodile want to do?

Show off his big baby?

Before he could think about it,

The ground roared again, and a 300-meter-high sand giant stood up from the ground, constantly raising his body.

There is a throne on the top of the sand man's head.

The person sitting there is the Insect Emperor

Qin Yuan!

"Lord Insect Emperor!"


Could it be that Lord Insect Emperor has just seized the sand crocodile gene and can develop and use it to such an extent?

This talent

It can be called a monster!

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