Qin Yuan began to distribute the spoils

"These four natural disasters were captured specifically to help you improve your strength. Now let's commend them first."

"Jin Linna, not only repaired the laws of Qindu, but also took charge of population management, new city development, military adjustments, new land development, economic reform and insect recruitment, etc."

"You have made great contributions. Choose one of these four natural disaster abilities."

"Vector control, Wanjing Channel, Ash Power, Flame Power"

Jin Linna walked around the four natural disasters and finally chose the best one: Wanjing Natural Disaster

"My Lord, I choose Wanjing Power"

"Okay, put your hand on it, and I will guide you to deprive it of its fantasy beast genes"

"No! Lord Insect Emperor, I can be your dog! Please don't do this to me"

The Wanjing Natural Disaster cried loudly. Although it had no face, tears fell from the mirror in large quantities.

"Noisy! Die"


Qin Yuan smashed its head with one blow

Now it's in front of me, dead or alive, it doesn't matter

"Come on, let's start"

Jin Lina obediently put her hand on the corpse of Wanjing Tianzai, and successfully gained new abilities under Qin Yuan's suppression and guidance

Wanjing Manipulation: Can freely enter and exit the mirror space (already destroyed), and can also make mirror channels and manipulate mirrors

"Thank you, my lord!"

After Wanjing Tianzai died, a natal mirror was dropped

· Kaleidoscope (orange 5 stars): Can make people fall into hallucinations, with the effect of mirror manipulation ability *200%

"Jin Lina, you can take this thing too, it's a special gene weapon"

"Wow! Thank you, my lord, you are so nice!"

Qin Yuan really doesn't like it

Whether it's orange equipment or fantasy beasts Genes don't have much effect on it

Only items above the rules can arouse the slightest interest


Everyone stood straight, expecting to be called

This is a natural disaster-level fantasy beast gene. Even if it can't reach the natural disaster level immediately, it is certain to become a natural disaster in the future with this potential

"Ancient Bull Horned Fairy, in the three days since I left Qindu, you are mainly responsible for opening up wasteland and expanding the chassis"

"Now you lead the team to open up 500 square kilometers of wasteland, kill countless insects and beasts, and fight almost 24 hours a day"

"Outstanding military exploits! You deserve a reward"

"Come on, choose one of three"

Ancient Bull Horned Fairy chose the strongest vector natural disaster without hesitation, and it also has 100% anti-injury

Who doesn't love this?

The favorite of heavy-armored warriors!

"Master! This is it"

"Okay! Now prepare for the fusion, you wait for me here"

The fusion of the ancient horn beetle is different from Jin Lina, because it has the ancient blood in its body

Only Qin Yuan knows what the PK between the two bloodlines will be like

So it is necessary to use the power of the Order Bell

Qin Yuan flew into the air, moved the huge Order Bell, and suspended it in the air

"Others get out of the way!"

Everyone seemed to retreat, hiding and looking aside

Qin Yuan covered the ancient horn beetle, the vector disaster, and himself in it

"Horn beetle, put your hand on it, leave the rest to me"

The vector disaster cried

"Insect Emperor! Give me another chance"


Head explosion

Okay, chances cleared

"You can absorb it with peace of mind, I will assist you in the future"

As soon as the rhinoceros beetle put his hand on it, Qin Yuan added

"It may be a little painful, just bear with it and it will pass"

The ox-horned beetle nodded firmly, revealing a confident crooked mouth

"Don't worry, lord. I am a ox-horned beetle who is famous for being able to endure hardships. What's a little pain?"

People in the world give me the nickname: Brother Neng Neng

It was very calm at the beginning, until the absorption was over

An indescribable sting came

The rhinoceros beetle frowned, and then it disappeared in an instant, and the corners of his mouth curled up

That's it?

"Lord, I seem to have awakened successfully!"

Qin Yuan raised his eyebrows

"Okay, fast enough"

"Get ready, it's coming"

It's coming?

What's coming

The ancient ox-horned beetle was puzzled, and then his eyes began to become bloodshot

An indescribable pain rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head!

"Oh oh... OMG... What... What is this?"

The lips began to tremble, the body began to twitch, the eyes rolled back, and the mouth foamed

The two hands curled up like chicken claws and swung wildly

It passed

It fainted

Qin Yuan began to use his power

The power of order + the power of disorder

"All-powerful control"

The all-powerful power of rules traveled in the body of the ancient unicorn beetle, combining the two different powers

A new creature was born

[Fantasy Beast Species: Vector·Ancient Unicorn Beetle]

The potential growth value increased from 320 tons to 480 tons

CurrentlyThe state power grows from 208 tons to 312 tons

[Gene growth: 65%]

[Exclusive gene ability: 1 Super strength, 2 Super recovery, 3 Top insect induction, 4 Black armor exoskeleton, 5 Muscle change, 6 Super muscle]

Super muscle: The size and shape of the muscle can be freely controlled, and the maximum size can be expanded by 200% and the minimum by 20%

[Gene skills: 1 Dominant body, 2 Spinning fist]

[Super gene ability: Vector control]

[Second stage transformation: Ancient giant hood mode]

Armament: Rhinoceros beetle wings (blue 5 stars), burning lungs (orange 2 stars)

A new fusion beast has appeared

The Rhinoceros beetle is back , but it turned into an ancient rhinoceros beetle

And it changed from an ancient species to a fantasy beast species, but under Qin Yuan's delicate operation, its ability not only did not lose but also gained an exclusive ability

The ancient rhinoceros beetle woke up, felt the surging power in his body, knelt down and kowtowed to Qin Yuan

"Thank you, my lord!"

Qin Yuan smiled with relief

I watched the rhinoceros beetle slowly rise from an excellent level, it was really hardworking

And very loyal

From a lackey to the second best master in Qindu, the chief warrior under his seat

"Rhinoceros beetle, I give you a task, take over Yu'an City within 10 days"

Yu'an City?

"Master, isn't that your hometown?"

"We're going to attack our hometown. Let it hang the flag of our Great Qin. It's not good to always hang the flag of the empire."

"Yes! Master!"

The rhinoceros beetle knelt on one knee, clasped his hands together, bowed to Qin Yuan, and prepared to leave.

Qin Yuan waved and stopped it.

"Wait a minute, there's something else that requires you to be present."

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