What’s interesting is that in these five minutes

Let Qin Yuan see the warmth and warmth of the world again

The beggar was very thin. Although he looked about 30 years old, he was skin and bones. He also wore a military hat on his head.

He was begging in the middle of a closed barber shop. His lips were chapped and his voice was trembling. He carefully prayed to everyone passing by.

"I'm very hungry...Okay! Can you give me some money to eat?"

"Good Samaritans, please..."

Passers-by would walk away indifferently, and everyone would stay away from him in disgust and look at him with contempt.

The little boy begging next to him also imitated his tone and said he was hungry. People around him would give the little boy some money, and then go up to the soldier beggar and insult him verbally.

"Such a big man doesn't work even though he has both hands and feet? He comes here to snatch and beg from children? Your parents are totally embarrassed! Bah!"

"Why don't you die as a worm in society?"

What's more, they would pour unfinished Coke on him and yell at him, and the words they said were extremely unpleasant.

The beggar in military hat just endured it silently with red eyes. He asked the little boy to help look after the begging position on the pretext of taking care of his clothes.

With the remaining money, I went to a nearby burger restaurant and bought the cheapest burger.

He carefully covered himself with his clothes and returned to the place where he was begging.

"Come on, eat!"

The soldier beggar swallowed his saliva and handed the hamburger to the little beggar. The other man thanked him and ate it hungrily.

Seeing the other party eating a burger, the soldier beggar unconsciously tightened the band around his stomach.

He is really hungry

Unexpectedly, a group of soldiers suddenly appeared in the distance and looked towards him.

He was getting up to escape, but a group of soldiers behind him surrounded him.

A captain with a greasy face and a big belly stepped forward.

"Run? Why don't you run?"

The beggar in military hat quickly apologized and smiled

"Captain, why are you looking for a little beggar like me? I have no money and nothing..."

"You don't know what you did? Bring those two bitches to me."

The beggar in military hat felt a little thump in his heart, secretly thinking that something was wrong.

Two girls came out from behind the crowd and immediately identified the beggar

"Sir! He is the one who killed the person."

"Yes, we saw it clearly! Several military masters were beaten to death by him."

The military hat beggar never imagined that the person he had just saved would become his murderer.

He widened his eyes, hoping for an explanation

"Why do you want to hurt me?"

"Didn't I do that to save you?"

Hear the words

The two women looked at each other with disdain, fanned the air around them with one hand, and pointed at the beggar's nose with the other and cursed.

"Bah! Who asked you to save us? It was the law of Luokang City and the captain of Luokang City who saved us. You are a stinky beggar. Why do you have to save us?"

"That's right! What a bastard. The one who saved us is obviously the captain! What does it have to do with you?"

It is clear

In order to curry favor with the captain, a big fish, two women sold him as their savior to serve as a stepping stone to a higher position.

How cruel!

How could there be such a vicious person?

There was a hint of anger in the beggar's originally dead and sad eyes, as well as a deep despair for the world.

Captain Greasy speaks

"Hand up that little beggar for me too. I think he is an accomplice."

The little beggar looked like he was only seven or eight years old. He was stunned on the spot and waved his hands to show that he didn't know anything.

"Huh? Wave your hands? Want to resist arrest?"

"kill him!"

Beggars in army hats beg for mercy one after another

"No, military men! He is just a child!"

Bang bang bang...!

Several gunshots rang out, and the little beggar fell in a pool of blood, his eyes wide open and unable to breathe.

"take away!"

Just when several soldiers stepped forward to hold the beggar in military cap, something happened, and he waved everyone away with one hand.

His eyes turned blood red, sharp fangs sprouted from his mouth, and his skin turned into a black carapace.

"You... these... beasts!"


The captain was startled

"Shoot! Shoot quickly!"

Da da da...!

Countless gunshots rang out, and the man in the military hat subconsciously covered his eyes.

The bullet seemed to hit a wall of air, causing purple ripples. The bullet became flat when it fell to the ground.

A voice full of masculine magnetism sounded above everyone's heads

"Excellent black armored ant, are you willing to become my subordinate?"

to be honest

Nowadays, Qin Yuan really doesn’t like ordinary outstanding insect-men.

But the race the other party is awakening is: ants

Then the situation would be completely different

Ants are considered members of the same clan

Bullying ants in front of me?

Is that bullying ants?

That's hitting me with dark crystalThe face of an emperor ant!

What's going on?

The key is that this is still a good opportunity to blackmail him! We can't let him get away!

The greasy captain was puzzled. Qin Yuan didn't look like a bug man, but more like

an angel!

Perfect face and two-color wings

It is difficult to associate it with the six-winged emperor ant with a bounty of 1 billion Dragon Country coins

"Who are you?"

Qin Yuan completely ignored the captain's intention, and asked the black ant that the military cap beggar had transformed into again

"I ask again, excellent black armored ant, are you willing to be my subordinate?"

If the answer is no

Then he will personally know its life

The power of life and death of all ants should be decided by their emperor

The military cap beggar then reacted from shock and knelt on the ground to express his submission

"King! I am willing to submit"

In front of Qin Yuan

There is an unspeakable fear in his genes. He doesn't know what it is, but he knows that if he refuses Qin Yuan's request, he will die immediately

"Well, good! Now it's time to calculate the compensation for your attack on my subordinates!"



The two words made the captain's CPU burn

When I beat him just now, he was not your subordinate!

Besides, wasn't the bullet blocked?

He didn't even get hurt, what should we pay?

Air wear and tear?

Qin Yuan thought quickly with his chin in one hand

"I'm a generous person, so I'll just pay 1 billion for mental damages"

"1 billion dragon coins?! Why don't you just go and rob him?"

"What dragon coins? I'm talking about US dollars!"

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