The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 41: Li Feng was caught by zombies

Immediately afterwards, two people helped Li Feng over.

There were several bloody wounds on Li Feng's arms, which looked like they were scratched by the zombie's long nails.

His face was pale and his eyes were full of despair.

Wen Shanshan and others subconsciously stopped and distanced themselves from Li Feng and others.

People scratched by zombies have a high chance of being infected with the virus.

Your partner who was hugging you just now is very likely to attack you the next second.

Zhang Jianye pointed at Wang Mang and said: "To be on the safe side, tie up Li Feng quickly, and then our people will carry him back."

As for Wang Mang's claim that the mission hall might be able to obtain something that could eliminate the zombie virus, not only Zhang Jianye but also everyone else didn't take it seriously.

That was the zombie virus, the thing that brought about the end of the planet. There were weapons and supplies in the mission hall, but I didn't see any medicine in it.

It’s just that no one pointed this out at this time.

If anyone said no at this time, I'm afraid Li Feng would collapse directly.

The other party can still force himself to be calm now because he has his last glimmer of hope in the mission hall.

Wang Mang and others tied up Li Feng and then carried him towards the base.

A group of people followed to stop Wang Mang, Li Feng and the others, and shot some of the zombies who chased them to death with guns.

The four young people were sitting in Li Ruonan's room chatting, wanting to know more about the situation in the base.

But I didn't expect that this middle-aged woman looked like a housewife, but she actually had a very strict tone.

It's not like they didn't think about using violence directly.

But every time he has this idea, or every time his teammates have this tendency, the young man will feel a very dangerous feeling.

This allows him to hold down teammates who want to use strength.

While Li Ruonan was carrying one of the children to the bathroom, Han Zijia asked in a low voice.

"Boss, do you think there is something hiding in this place that threatens us?" Otherwise, they were just about to force themselves several times, but the boss secretly stopped them.

The young man nodded lightly and said: "My intuition tells me that it is best not to act rashly in this place. I think that no matter how small this security base is, it can exist safely now because it has some trump cards."

Hanzi B agreed: "Maybe they are superpowers that were not officially absorbed before the end of the world."

"There are people from our special organization in every province. If a person with superpowers really appears, the special magnetic field generated by the superpowers when they use their superpowers will also be captured by the organization. There are not that many superpowers out there, unless they are Coming from deep mountains and old forests.”

Man B shook his head, feeling that things were not that simple.

Just as a few people were muttering, there was a commotion downstairs.

"You still dare to make such a loud noise in Doomsday, are you afraid that you won't be able to attract the zombies?"

The four of them were startled, but they were attracted by the noise downstairs and went downstairs one after another.

When they walked to the hall, they found a man and a woman standing in the hall.

The men are handsome and the women are beautiful.

This made the four of them look at it a few more times.

As Man C looked at it, he noticed something was wrong.

"This... this seems to be a star."

Hearing Man B's words, the three young men just raised their eyebrows in surprise, then their eyes briefly stayed on Guan Caiwei for a second, and then walked towards the hotel entrance.

Zhang Jianye and a group of people came back to protect Li Feng and saw four strangers standing at the door of the hotel.

But they had no intention of paying attention to these four people at this time. They passed by the four people and hurried inside.

Zhang Jianye saw Xu Zhiyong when he entered the hall.

"Chief of the base, quickly, help Li Feng take a look. He has been caught by zombies. Please help rescue people quickly."

Li Feng was tied up all over and was starting to feel cold. His eyes lit up when he saw Xu Zhiyong.

He looked at Xu Zhiyong with a hopeful look on his face and said with trembling lips: "Basic Commander, is there any medicine that can cure the zombie virus in our mission hall?"

Xu Zhiyong did not expect to encounter such a thing as soon as he arrived at the base.

He glanced at Li Feng and ordered: "Take the person upstairs and place him in a separate room."

Zhang Jianye and the others felt a little relieved. Seeing Xu Zhiyong's instructions, they felt a little more hopeful.


When the young man saw that these people were planning to bring the man named Li Feng into the base, he couldn't help but stop him.

He suddenly spoke, causing everyone to subconsciously stop what they were doing and look at him.

Men A and B stood on both sides of the young man.

Hanzi B explained with a smile: "Fellow compatriots, don't be nervous. Maybe you are in such a small base and your understanding of zombies is superficial. That's why you have the audacity to carry people who have been scratched by zombies back to the base."

"You must know that there are still women and children in your base. If you are not careful, it can easily bring disaster to those who have no resistance in the base."

The young man answered: "We are also doing it for your own good. It is best to resolve a situation like this before the other party is transformed. Don't leave hidden dangers. This is responsible for everyone's lives."

When Li Feng heard this, his face suddenly turned pale.

He roared angrily at the four of them.

"You self-righteous guys don't understand our base at all. Shut up, outsiders!"

If he hadn't been tied up with ropes, Li Feng would have rushed up to give these four people a few mouthfuls.

For such a person who was about to die, Han Zijia was completely indifferent to the impolite curses. He just suggested to Xu Zhiyong: "As the base commander, you must have an overall view and think about all the survivors of this base."

"Thank you!"

Xu Zhiyong was not a ungrateful person. He could see that these four people were kind reminders.

Except for the young man, the other three looked more fierce than the other, like desperadoes.

Unexpectedly, he seems to be pretty decent at the moment.

The three young men thought that the young base commander had planned to deal with him as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, the four of them heard this human voice in the next second.

"Wang Mang, what are you guys doing here? Hurry up and bring them up. I'll come up to help you in a few minutes."

Wang Mang and others came to their senses and quickly took Li Feng to the third floor.

The young man frowned, seemingly dissatisfied, and said, "You are doing useless work."

Xu Zhiyong did not deny it, but just said: "You have to work hard, just in case he has high antibodies and survives this virus."

"You're betting on a one-in-a-thousand chance." The young man's words were not alarmist. They helped the research institute conduct experiments at the beginning of the apocalypse.

A thousand people who were scratched by zombies, not one of them could resist.

To say it's one in a thousand is to increase the probability a lot.

Xu Zhiyong smiled when he heard the young man's words, and then looked at Wen Shanshan and Ye Qi.

"It seems that I need your help to cook a dinner to entertain our four guests."

"Okay, base commander, we'll go right away."

Wen Shanshan quickly pulled Ye Qi up to the second floor.

Who knows if Li Feng can be saved, she is eager to find a reason to leave this place of right and wrong.

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