When other girls heard about Dr. Li's treatment method, they all showed surprised expressions.

Shen Bingxia looked surprised:"My mother, is there such a treatment method? Is it real or fake?"

Jiang Xueer gave Shen Bingxia a look, nodded slightly and said:"I have heard that through certain stimulation methods, It can make paralyzed patients gradually recover. I didn’t expect that such stimulation can also be done."

"I have also heard that it is best to use a certain intensity of current to stimulate the nerves, maybe it will actually have an effect. Xiao Qianyue said with a malicious smile.

After hearing this, Jin Yuner secretly glanced at Chen Yu, and then whispered to the girls:"Is the method you said... really reliable?""

"Of course it's reliable."Xiao Qianyue looked at Jin Yuner and said seriously.

Of course, what Xiao Qianyue said was not true.

After a fierce ideological struggle, Jin Yuner finally plucked up the courage to turn the wheelchair and slowly came to Chen Yu

"That... Lord Chen Yu, can you help me?"

After hearing this, Chen Yu joked:"It's already this hour, and you still have the heart to talk about this. Don't you know that everything outside is mysterious now?"

"Sorry, I'm just too eager to stand up……"Jin Yuner lowered her head and almost burst into tears.

"Forget it, it's foggy outside now and I can't get out, so I'll help you this time."

Xiao Qianyue looked at the two people leaving and couldn't help but sigh:"Isn't this woman too simple? Do you believe it?

Zhao Beibei said softly:"I think she admires Brother Yu very much, and coupled with your brainwashing, that's why she hypnotized herself and chose to believe that Chen Yu could cure her."

Shen Bingxia covered her mouth and smiled:"Haha, Brother Yu is actually dating a disabled person...it feels strange when I think about it.""


After a long time, Chen Yu left the other world with Jin Yun'er and came to the girls again.

Kim Yoona, who looked exhausted, held on to her wheelchair and tried to stand up.

Big beads of sweat rolled down her forehead and dripped on the ground.

However, she still gritted her teeth and persisted.

Liu Shishi looked at Jin Yuner helplessly and whispered:"Hey, it seems that she believes it. Isn't it good for us to lie to her like this?"

Xiao Qianyue also couldn't bear it anymore:"It's really inappropriate to do this, we Shouldn't have deceived her"

"It's useless to say this now……"Zhao Beibei looked at Jin Yuner, who looked very painful, and said slowly,"We can only place our hope in Dr. Li. I guess Dr. Li should be able to cure her.""

"Don't worry, I have my own way to cure her. When the time comes, I will say that it is all thanks to Brother Yu."Dr. Li comforted everyone.

However, the next shocking scene happened!

After trying several times, Kim Yoon-ah actually staggered to her feet with the help of a wheelchair!

"What happened? She really stood up?"Shen Bingxia said in surprise

"Could it be that she was pretending before and was not actually paralyzed?"Xiao Qianyue said with a face full of disbelief.

"Impossible! I just checked, she is indeed paralyzed, and it is the kind that cannot be cured by ordinary methods!"Dr. Li stretched out his right hand, used the [Super Wave] to check Jin Yuner's condition, and praised,

"Unexpectedly, Brother Yu was a miracle doctor and cured her paralysis. You know, according to my method, it will take at least a month to completely cure her."

Little Loli knew Dr. Li's superb medical skills and couldn't help but sigh:"I didn't expect that the master could cure a person with paralysis of the lower body. It is simply amazing!"

""What happened between Jin Yuner and Brother Yu just now? Is her paralysis cured?" Xiao Qianyue swallowed her saliva, her face full of shock.

The other girls all looked at her with admiration and shock. Even Chen Yu himself was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that his treatment method just now was quite useful.

It seems that the medical field has a rising star.

Maybe he can continue to"conquer" various diseases such as polio, hemiplegia, cerebral thrombosis, and vegetative state...

However, after a brief surprise, Chen Yu turned his attention back to the black mist.

As long as the black mist exists for one day, the threat to himself will increase.

After all, If the Blue Star is seriously damaged, his other world will also be affected. It may even cease to exist.

That will be troublesome.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu waved his hand, and the scene outside the other world appeared in front of everyone.

It looked like a hole was torn at the junction of the other world and the Blue Star, and the situation could be seen clearly.

It's just that the black fog cannot enter the other world through this hole.

At this time, it was pitch black outside and nothing could be seen at all.

Doctor Li frowned and whispered:"Brother Yu, it seems that this black fog can last for a long time.……"

"It should be."The expression on Chen Yu's face was neither sad nor happy, and he said quietly,"I thought the zombie outbreak was the biggest crisis that Blue Star encountered, but I didn't expect it to be much worse than this black fog."

While speaking, Chen Yu stretched out his right hand, and the long sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

The sword was instantly wrapped with a dragon-shaped thunder and lightning.

There was a click!

The thunder and lightning flew from the sword from the other world to the outside world.

At the same time, the sword will The ink-like black mist tore a long hole.

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