The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 100 Three-dimensional maneuvering device!

"Good morning!"

Oller swung his tail and called out to Tu Yan in mid-air!

But Tu Yan exerted a little force in the air, and spitted out phlegm from the bottom of his feet!

Tu Yan jumped up in the air!

And a mysterious black rectangular device appeared on his waist.

"Here it comes! Oller!"

As soon as the voice fell!

The mysterious black device on Tu Yan's waist ejected two hooks connected to hard ropes from its front end!

It firmly nailed Oller's body!

With a "swish" sound!

The hook rebounded quickly and directly pulled Tu Yan towards Oller!

But with a "bang" sound!

Tu Yan hit Oller directly!

"Damn, I'm still not used to it"

The speed of the hook was too fast, and its powerful force directly broke several ribs of Tu Yan.

The hook also returned to the black device because of Tu Yan's confused control.

Tu Yan, who had no support, fell straight to the ground.

A deep pit was smashed.

Fortunately, he died again after this smash.

Adding the death from the ‘Meteorite Strike’ just now, four deaths were superimposed!

With a carp jump, Tu Yan quickly moved and gently touched the ‘three-dimensional mobile device’ on his waist.

The hook shot to the house next to him. With a pull, Tu Yan used the pulling force to reach the roof of the house at lightning speed.

This three-dimensional mobile device is Tu Yan’s death reward today.

Because it was the first time to use it, he was also a bit novice, which led to the embarrassing incident of directly hitting O’Leary just now.

This black rectangular body was hung horizontally on both sides of Tu Yan’s waist. There were two jets at the front end, which were where the hook was installed.

The power of the ‘three-dimensional mobile device’ comes from Tu Yan’s physical strength. In theory, this hook can be sprayed up to a hundred meters away.

Then Tu Yan only needs to press the button to retract the rope, and fly quickly to the hook through the force of the hook.

It can be said to be a ‘waist version of Spider-Man’.

And there is also a 'sputum spray from the soles of the feet'.

It allows Tu Yan to achieve a 'secondary jump' in the air by spraying from the soles of his feet.

Of course, the distance of this sputum spray is very short, only two meters at most, but in an emergency, it can be a life-saving thing!

With this set of 'three-dimensional mobile device', Tu Yan's mobility problem in combat has been well solved.

Coupled with his high speed points, he can be said to be a man like the wind on the battlefield.

In terms of offensiveness, the front exit of this three-dimensional mobile device was originally equipped with a knife, but because it did not increase the attack power, Tu Yan directly inserted the 'Thousand Blades of the Demon Knife' into it and continued to use it.

After being hit by the meteorite just now, Tu Yan relied on this 'three-dimensional mobile device' to quickly come behind O'Ail.

It gave him a surprise.

Now he is going to repeat the same trick again.

O'Ail also discovered the reason why Tu Yan's mobility is so strong, so he hurriedly flew to a higher place.

As long as you come to a higher altitude, there are no houses and buildings around that can serve as a hook force, and the three-dimensional mobile device is useless!

"Too late! I can't see you!"

Tu Yan immediately activated this control ability.

Oller's wings seemed to be broken, and he staggered in the air and fell straight to the ground.

Forced to fall, dizzy, silent for three seconds!

Tu Yan aimed at the opportunity, and before Olier hit the ground, he aimed the hook at him and fired!

Hit! The powerful grip of the hook tightly grasped Olier's skin, leaving blood marks.

Retract! The hook was quickly retracted, and Tu Yan flew towards Olier quickly!

Landing! At the moment of hitting Olier, Tu Yan bent over, perfectly controlled his body, and stepped on him with both feet.

Attack! With the help of the force of the hook just now, Tu Yan moved with the trend, with an ordinary knife in one hand and a magic knife in the other, running fast! Rapid attack!

It was like cutting a giant potato!

Tu Yan's speed was very fast, and the speed of running around Olier even exceeded gravity!

Only when he was about to fall did Tu Yan continue to control his balance with the hook.

In just two seconds, scratches appeared on Olier's body!

Blood! Spurted out!

Although the wound was not deep, there was no intact place on Olier's huge body, and the skin was broken and bleeding!


Olier fell straight to the ground, making a big hole!

The effect of "I can't see you"!

"Ahhh!" Olier screamed in pain!

Although the wound was not deep, it was all over his body!

The skin was broken everywhere on his body, and the blood flowing from the wounds was stinging again when it came into contact with the air!

It was as if countless ants were crawling on his body!

Olier, who was panting heavily, spit out a mouthful of spit and blood, and couldn't help but sneer.

"Heh, idiot, you could have run, but you accidentally slipped under me? I could feel it, Tu Yan, I'll crush you to death!"

When he was about to fall, Tu Yan happened to be behind O'Leary, and was now being crushed under him, turning into a pulp!


Tu Yan used a sniper rifle near him as a return gift!

50% increase in all attributes!

This ordinary bullet directly rubbed O'Leary's scalp and made it bleed, leaving a black bullet mark!

"Hi, stinky dragon." Tu Yan looked mean.

"How is it possible! You! How did you do it! I clearly felt that your body was crushed into a pulp by me!"

At the end of his words, O'Leary trembled slightly.

That tone was as if he had seen a ghost!

After seeing this, Tu Yan felt that the time was almost up.

So he took out the magic knife Qianren, slashed it, and directly cut off his arm.

"Come on, kill me." Tu Yan opened his one arm and happily accepted death.

"Mad man. Mad man!" O'Leary roared, flapping his wings and flying towards Tu Yan.

In one mouthful, he directly ate Tu Yan's whole body!

"Ahahahahaha, die this time! Die! I'll eat you all!" O'Leary roared, no different from a madman.

And a strange energy fluctuation beside him attracted his attention.

When he looked closely.

He saw that Tu Yan's previous broken arm was constantly growing and growing a new body!

Tu Yan, resurrected!

"Hi, stinky dragon. Do you know my ability now?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tu Yan took out his sniper rifle and fired a shot!

60% increase in all attributes!

It almost shook Olier's skull!

This bullet penetrated deeply into Olier's flesh and was embedded inside!

"This is my ability, immortal, able to revive without limit, and can increase my attack power every time I revive."

"If you don't believe it, you can continue to try. By the way, I still have a big move that I haven't used. It's okay if you want to try it."

Tu Yan endured the pain of fainting and grinned. The voice was like a devil.

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