"Hi, you guys are here too." Tu Yan greeted Amai generously.

"Ah Tu Yan, you are here." Mark's face became more embarrassed.

That was not because he was hiding something from Tu Yan, but because Tu Yan might have heard what Amai said just now.

The embarrassment and shame caused by this.

Amai looked innocent and looked at Tu Yan angrily.

"Tell me, did you give Mark some ecstasy soup? Why would he follow you instead of me?"

"Amai! Don't say that, it was only with the help of Brother Tu Yan that I took the first step!"

Mark was a little annoyed.

In his heart, Tu Yan's status was very high.

After all, Tu Yan was the first to recognize the medical skills of his orc species.

He was also the first person to encourage him to have the courage to do what he wanted to do.

If it weren't for Tu Yan's encouragement, Mark would still be the white fox hiding in Quan'anfu Hospital today.

"Mark! How could you talk to me like this, if I hadn't always..."

When Amai saw Mark contradicting him, he couldn't stand it anymore and was about to have a big quarrel.

Tu Yan stopped this unnecessary quarrel.

"Well, can you please not make the current relationship between the three of us a love triangle?"

"I don't know whether you are gay or not. But what I do know is that I am not gay."

Tu Yan's joke temporarily diluted the tension just now.

"Amai, I know what you mean. You also want to protect Mark. I also know that you have the strength to do it."

Tu Yan hasn't spoken yet.

Amai's fierce eyes were instantly overcome by arrogance.

He straightened his back and raised his head, as if he was receiving Tu Yan's 'compliment'.

"But Mark already has his dream, or responsibility. He must be with me and go to the battlefield, because he is a great doctor! A universal doctor!"

Tu Yan's tone was full of sincerity, and the eyes he looked at Mark were filled with "a sea of ​​stars."

"Doctor? The vocation of the orcs is to go to the battlefield and fight! Doctor? Are you kidding!"

When Tu Yan heard this, he couldn't help but frown.

After taking a deep breath, he said slowly.

"If you are too soft, let's be hard. Let's have a discussion. If I prove that I can protect Mark, then I ask you, a friend who 'restricts his freedom in the name of protection,' to let Mark go, okay?" ?”

"Sparring? Are you afraid you don't know my name? Hahahaha, you're a mere human being, and you still want to fight me?"

At this time, Amai had no idea that Tu Yan had just fought with Oriel and had won the sincere submission of all the dragons.

Mark moved his mouth, and when he was about to say something, Tu Yan glanced at him and told him, "I will be merciful."

Then he shook his head and let things develop on their own.

"Oh? Name? Well, I don't want to know either. Let's just fight here."

"Okay, don't worry, I will be merciful. By the way, my level is LV35, and I even have 60 power points!"

Amai said with pride.

Tu Yan was also slightly startled. The warriors or other races he had seen in the past were all focused on increasing defense points.

Amai seemed to have caught a glimpse of Tu Yan's surprise, and rubbed his nose even more.

But Amai has no right to be so proud, because someone even more perverted than him is right across from him.

After Tu Yan's battle with Fei Yan, his warrior level was already LV35.

Originally, he was still a little dissatisfied, after all, he defeated a level 180 twelve general.

I didn’t expect that I was only promoted to level six?

But fortunately, Tu Yan was a straight man, and the matter was settled in the end.

Able martial artist: Tu Yan

Level: LV35

Strength: 120

Speed: 50

Defense: 13

Attribute points: 0

Ability: Death is like the wind, always with me, the eye of the illustrated book.

Props: space backpack, eternal gasoline barrel, clay bomb, full set of body armor, death chainsaw, universal steering wheel, Barrett's Black Cati Flame, Eight Gate Armor Death Door, laser sword, magic knife thousand blades, three-dimensional mobile device.

The strength points of 120 points are fully double that of Amai!

In order to avoid the situation of being shattered into pieces when encountering an opponent.

Tu Yan still specially increased the defense to 13.

But 13 points of defense is still too low in front of others.

Maybe a LV5 capable warrior has higher defense points than Tu Yan.

"Then come on, let's fight quickly." Tu Yan waved his hand, signaling Amai to attack.

Amai was also not polite, he ran with a boost, raised his fists and rushed towards Tu Yan!

Tu Yan did not avoid it and took a deep breath.

Make a fist, twist it, swing it out!

Punch out! It brought out the sound of wind, which was the explosion sound caused by hitting the air with too fast speed and too strong force!

When Amai noticed something was wrong, it was already too late. Unable to stop, he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Fist-to-fist confrontation!

"Click" sound!

Tu Yan's hand bones were directly broken. Unfortunately, his defense was still too low and he was easily broken.

But Amai didn't feel good.

Tu Yan didn't move a step and remained where he was.

Poor Amai was knocked several meters away and landed directly in the rubble behind him.

After vomiting several mouthfuls of blood, Amai resisted the strong consciousness of passing out.

After getting up with difficulty, he was surprised to find that several ribs and half of the bones in his arms were broken!

"Sorry, I hit you too hard, hahaha." Tu Yan looked at Mark and scratched his head.

Mark also smiled helplessly, shook his head and walked towards Tu Yan.

He took out the Desert Eagle and pointed it at Tu Yan.

"The bones are broken? Resurrect directly or bandage them?"

"Well, after fighting the giant dragon for so many rounds, it hurts so much. Let's bandage it."

Tu Yan looked at the dark muzzle of the gun and said.

"Okay." Mark didn't hesitate, he came close to him and helped Tu Yan wrap it up properly.

"Is it necessary to bandage so much?" Tu Yan said, looking at his tightly wrapped palm.

"Yes, it will get better quickly. I'll go check on Amai."

Then, Mark went over to see Amai's physical condition, and after bandaging it, he prescribed some medicine for Amai.

"Mark." Amai opened his mouth, as if he had something to say.

"It's okay, I know, thank you for your kindness, but Amai, I have found something within my ability, right? Besides, I also developed anti-drug clearing."

Mark grinned.

"Really! Well done, Mark!" Amai said excitedly, coughing a few times.

Tu Yan looked at the two orcs from a distance, shrugged his shoulders, and then walked into the clothing store.

Amai looked at Tu Yan's back and whispered softly, still a little unconvinced.

"What's the matter? Just be stronger. Next time I get the chance, I will teach you a lesson."

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