The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 12 The truth about plane fusion!

"It's my ability as a warrior. I get something randomly every day."

"Oh, so it can't be mass-produced?" Heerlen asked back somewhat dejectedly.

"Hmm," Tu Yan was a little confused, not understanding why Heerlen had such an expression.

"Well, anyway, since you can be resurrected, you are still a little useful. Tell me, how can we cooperate?"

"I need information, and at the same time, I can also provide you with information about the earth."

"Earth? No need, I have so many human slaves."

Heerlen pointed to the classmates and teachers outside the barrier who were panicking because they didn't know what happened to them.

"However, I will tell you the information you need truthfully."

"What exactly is plane fusion? What about the dead beast? And the dragon? And are we enemies or friends?"

Tu Yan asked the doubts in his heart directly.

"It's a long story."

Heerlen came from the 'Tarrit Continent'.

In her world, there are only elves, and they know all kinds of elf magic.

But suddenly one day, they also heard the so-called 'plane fusion'.

A large number of "zombies" also appeared on the "Tarito Continent".

The elves bitten by the zombies all became zombie elves!

Not only that, there are also creatures from other planes, such as dragon species, demon species, etc.!

"My homeland was completely destroyed. When it was destroyed, the remaining creatures all went to the next plane."

"Is it the Earth?"

"It's not a planet called "Savage Star", the natives there are orcs!"

"I was in the "Savage Star", and I gradually understood what happened."

It turned out that in this vast universe.

There are many planetary continents with life.

They survive and develop on their own, and gradually have their own systems.

Like elves, they can use magic. Orcs, they can use physical skills.

And a creature called zombies suddenly appeared in the universe.

They first invaded the planet where the "Gods" lived.

After destroying it, they dragged the remaining "Gods" into the next plane planet.

The planet where the dragons live!

Then there are the Flügel species!

One after another, until the Earth was already the seventh one!

Now, there are seven races on Earth, according to the order of the invasion of the "Zang Beast" before, and the strength can also be divided in this way.

[First] God Species

[Second] Dragon Species

[Third] Skywing Species

[Fourth] Demon Species

[Fifth] Elf Species

[Sixth] Orc Species

and [Seventh] Human Species

The first six species were invaded by the "Zang Beast", causing their homes to be destroyed, and they have a blood feud with the Zang Beast!

Now their battlefield has become the Earth!

"In that case, we should be able to cooperate? Why did you kill so many people when you came out?" Tu Yan asked puzzled.

"Oh? You don't understand?" Heerlen sneered.

"Are you saying that those who are not of my race must have different hearts?"

Tu Yan seemed to have thought of something, and although there was no danger, he also took several steps back.

"Yes, when we elves went to the world of beastmen, we also looked for cooperation with the demons and winged species."

"So what? Under the attack of the powerful zombie beast, no one can be a match. It is better to surrender to the zombie beast as soon as possible."

"Besides, what if we defeat the zombie beast?" Heerlen paused and squinted at Tu Yan.

Tu Yan also reacted.

Cooperation? How is it possible? The zombie beast has destroyed six planets.

The natives of these six planes of the world are unable to repel the zombie beast, and under the strength of the zombie beast, it is better to surrender early.

Victory? The human race living on the earth is already crowded enough, plus the residents of the other six planes of the world.

How can they live!

It will definitely be a bloody battle!

"Is the zombie beast strong? I defeated a zombie beast the day before yesterday."

Tu Yan defeated a zombie beast when he awakened 'Death is like the wind, always with me'.

It's not as difficult as imagined.

"Haha, this is the most disgusting thing about the zombies."

"The best way to torture is to give you a little hope and then make you despair."

"For the zombies, all this is like a game. After they come to the next plane, in order to take care of the new players, that is, the human race, they will only send out weaker cannon fodder. As time goes by, the strength of the zombies will increase."

"Survivors like us in the previous plane world will also be greatly weakened. If converted into levels, they will stay at level 30 for a long time. Fortunately, the magic skills we have can still be used."

Tu Yan nodded in sudden realization-no wonder Heerlen has experienced the war between two planes and is still only level 30.

"But the worst is you human race."

At this point, Heerlen showed an evil smile.

It was a kind of undisguised disgust-'You are garbage'.


"No matter which plane world the zombies go to, there is a forced mechanism. If it weren't for this mechanism, how could our elf race's Tarit continent lose!"

Heerlen gritted his teeth.

"This mechanism is the most powerful military system in the world right now, and the deadline is one month!"

"Force system? What does that mean?" Tu Yan was stunned, not understanding.

"What is the weapon that you are most proud of on Earth?"

"Firearms? Or nuclear weapons, you mean"

"Yes! When that group of zombies came to our Tarit continent, we couldn't use magic! For a whole month!"

"Including when we went to the 'Savage Star' of the beastmen, the beastmen's physical skills were completely ineffective!"

At this point, Heerlen looked at the Desert Eagle in his hand and sighed heavily.

Tu Yan finally understood why Heerlen asked if the Desert Eagle could be 'mass produced'.

The Desert Eagle was obtained through his 'death reward'.

Therefore, it will not be interfered with by this mechanism.

In other words, Tu Yan's Desert Eagle may be the only 'weapon' on Earth at present!

Without firearms, how can we fight zombies and zombies? Rely on fists!

When thinking of this, Tu Yan couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

This is really bad news.

Seven major races, one planet, plus the culprit - the 'zombie' and the various zombies infected by them.

And humans have lost their proud guns and ammunition!

This is the current situation on Earth!

"But we humans have awakened the ability of warriors." Tu Yan argued.

"That may be that the zombies want to add some fun to the game, but even they can't imagine that there will be an immortal person like you."

"Well," Tu Yan sighed, and suddenly felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavier.

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