But taking advantage of this gap.

O'Leary had already come to Monroe's side, and with a fierce rush, he directly hit Monroe's chin!

'Jaw flying! '

But at the moment of impact!

O'Leary felt that his skull was about to break! ,

And Monroe was motionless, not affected at all.

"Ah, O'Leary, it's not like you, being fanned by a human race to attack me?"

Monroe's body was burning with smoke, and when the smoke passed.

He changed back to the human form just now.

"Come on, come on, this night is still long, I'll have fun with you."

Monroe, who had changed back to human form, had a clear advantage in speed.

With a light flick of his right hand, a bone spur appeared in the palm of his hand.

With a light jump, he came to O'Leary with great drift.

O'Leary was so angry that he stretched out his dragon claws to grab Monroe.

Aim for the opportunity and pinch it!

But the piercing pain immediately spread throughout O'Leary's body!


Oiler let go immediately!

It turned out that there were wounds all over Oiler's dragon claws!

It seemed that it was caused by the bone spurs in Monroe's hand.

"Go to hell, Oiler, ten thousand bone spurs."

Monroe was suspended in the air, with thousands of thin bone spikes around him, aiming at Oiler.

"You are the one who will die!"

Tu Yan's voice rang out from the ground.

"Thousand Blades of the Demonic Knife!"

He swung his left hand gently, and thousands of blades flew towards Monroe in unison.


Monroe waved his left hand gently, causing gusts of wind, which blew the blade fragments away directly!

But Tu Yan's killer move was still behind!

"Black Flow Fangs"!

The right hand Tiansuo Zhan Yue burst out with rich black energy!

With a flash, Tu Yan used the ability of 'Black Flow Fangs' to teleport behind Monroe!


Tiansuo Zhan Yue unsheathed and attacked!

"Oh? That's your trick?"

Although the black energy from Tensuo Zangetsu attacked Monroe.

But the entire blade was blocked by Monroe.

He used only one finger!

"How is that possible?"

When Tu Yan saw his Zanpakutō being blocked by a finger, he was not panicked, as if he had been prepared.

"Here's the killer move. Roar of Flame!"

The cooling time is just right!

Tu Yan took out a sniper rifle from his space backpack with his left hand and shot Monroe!


With the powerful recoil, Tu Yan quickly flew backwards.

A hook from the 'three-dimensional mobile device' on his waist sent Tu Yan to the tall building next to him.

The second attack of Roar of Flame also came.

The orange spherical energy ball wrapped Monroe inside!

But when the smoke disappeared.

Monroe was still unharmed!

Tu Yan, who was watching Monroe's situation through the sniper rifle scope on the tall building, was also slightly surprised.

He hadn't even fired the 'ordinary bullet' yet.

Monroe's figure disappeared from the scope.

Tu Yan turned around suddenly, and Monroe stood in front of him!

"Little mouse, die."

Monroe raised his foot sideways, kicked Tu Yan's head with a bow kick!

Tu Yan instantly became a headless corpse!

Then Monroe returned to Olier in an instant.

With a light snap of his fingers, the 'Ten Thousand Bone Spikes' that had just been suspended in the air were able to attack with all their strength!

Although Olier had already flown into the air, these bone spurs actually flew up directly.

"Dragon King Wave!"

Olier turned around sharply, and his two wings quickly glowed and heated up.

Even illuminated the entire sky!

Under the intense light energy, most of the bone spurs were melted away.

But there were still dozens of bone spurs piercing Olier's body!

Olier endured the pain and breathed violently.

"Oh? I haven't seen you for so long, you have improved."

After that, Monroe snapped his fingers again, "Ten Thousand Bone Spikes"!

Although it was still bone spurs, the bones that appeared this time were as big as swords.

"Hiss, it shouldn't be enough, let's make it bigger."

Another snap of the fingers.

The ten thousand bone spurs turned into the size of trees!

Looking up from the ground, it seemed as if the sky over there was covered with bones!


The 'bone spurs' as big as thick trees flew in unison.

It seemed to pierce the surrounding air and make a hole!

Oil had no choice but to continue using skills to fight back!

"Dragon King Wave!"

But half of the bone spurs were still not destroyed!

Just as the other bone spurs stabbed towards Olier in unison.

A dragon roar!

The remaining bone spurs were destroyed!

The 'little lizard' was standing in front of Olier!

The little lizard used the 'universal steering wheel'!

After becoming an adult dragon, the little lizard was almost the same size as Olier.

But it still looked a little immature.

After Tu Yan turned into a headless corpse and resurrected, he also quietly found the little lizard and turned it into a big lizard.

"Oh? Haha. Hahaha! It turned out to be here!"

Monroe looked closely and laughed loudly after seeing the big lizard!

Even Oriel squinted his eyes after seeing the big lizard and dared not breathe!

"Are you Tu Yan's little lizard?"

Oriel asked tremblingly.

This was also the first time that O'Leary saw the little lizard grow bigger, so he was so confused.

The big lizard also turned his head to look at O'Leary and nodded.

"Tu Yan, Tu Yan, do you know the identity of the little lizard?"

After swallowing hard, O'Leary shouted with all his strength.

"All dragon species, listen up! The Dragon King has resurrected! It is the little lizard! All dragons! Fight to the death! This time we must protect our Dragon King!"

Tu Yan, who was quietly moving on the ground, heard O'Leary's voice.

He was stunned with surprise.

What's going on?

The little lizard is the Dragon King?

Before Tu Yan could react.

Monroe explained it to himself.

"Haha, O'Neill, did you protect the so-called Dragon King Edie Bradley on Dragon Star? I killed him anyway, hahaha!"

"I didn't expect it, the rumor that Dragon King Edie could be reborn on another planet is true. He came to Earth? So what, just kill him again!"

Monroe's whole body twitched, and a pair of giant bone wings suddenly grew from his shoulders!

Then the bone wings flapped slightly, bringing out gusts of breeze, and flew towards the dragons that kept coming to support in the air.

Flying faster and faster, it instantly turned into sharp tornadoes!

In an instant, it crushed several dragons into pieces!

The big lizard watched the 'uncles and aunts' who had taken care of him before turned into meat paste.

Indignant and angry, he looked up to the sky and howled.

He didn't care about the Dragon King or not, he just wanted to tear O'Neill into pieces now!

O'Neill, who was standing next to him, also saw the anger of the big lizard.

Came to his side and said firmly.

"Lord Edie, we will definitely protect you in this plane world! Please retreat first, the bone dragon Monroe is too strong!"

But how could the big lizard be the kind of stinky dragon that retreats!

'Dragon dive'!

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