Big lizard! Dragon King Edie!

Calling Tu Yan!

A black tooth rushed over!

No target has been selected!

It's just used as a teleportation skill!

Tu Yan was in mid-air in an instant.

Then he controlled the 'three-dimensional maneuvering device' and locked it with a hook.

Hooked on the rapidly flying 'Dragon Bone Roar' energy group!

The hook lock of the three-dimensional mobile device can be said to be able to hook anything.

Encountered a surface that is too slippery or something that is too hard.

It can also be held firmly by magnetic force.

This hook lock also firmly grasped the pale energy mass.

A pull!

He took Tu Yan directly towards the big lizard!

Hook lock recycling!

Tu Yan's speed exceeded the energy group.

When he is about to come to the energy group.

Tu Yan canceled the hook lock.

With the powerful force of inertia, Tu Yan directly crossed the energy group.

In a flash, he came to the big lizard!

With a big hand, he stood in front of the giant dragon and faced this 'dragon bone roar' that brought bursts of heat waves alone!


In order to avoid being blown to pieces directly, Tu Yan immediately chopped off his fingers and threw them to the big lizard.


Dragon Bone Roar accurately hit Tu Yan.

A dazzling light flashed.

But there was no happy expression on Monroe's face.

Some just looked panicked.

In the darkness of the night, he had already seen the silhouette of the person just now.

That was Tu Yan whose head was kicked off by him and turned into a headless corpse!

He couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

And his proud skill did not hit the big lizard and the others.

Instead, it hit Tu Yan.

This was not the result he wanted.

"But why, that human should be dead? Forget it, there is no race that can survive the roar of my dragon bones!"

The words just fell.

Monroe rubbed his eyes, unable to believe what was happening in front of him.

It’s not just that the ‘universal steering wheel’ time has come and the big lizard has turned back into a little lizard.

It's also because of the figure standing above Oriel. Tu Yan!


"There is no creature that can survive after being hit by my 'Dragon Bone Roar'!"

The twelfth death!

Due to Tu Yan's deliberate actions, he died eight times in the battle below!

120% improvement in all attributes!

But Tu Yan felt very good at this time, perhaps because casualties were constantly appearing and a 'hero' had to stand up.

Tu Yan firmly suppressed the coma that spread throughout his body!

"Indeed, no one can survive after being attacked by you. But I survived!"

Tu Yan glared at Monroe.

Fortunately, he had one hand left and mutilated his fingers first, otherwise he would have been crushed into pieces.

But there is no way to resurrect.

"Come on! Oriel!"

Tu Yan first put the unconscious little lizard, which was covered in wounds, into the space backpack.

Then go with Oriel.

Seeing the enemy coming, Monroe couldn't bear to be surprised. Now he could only kill the human again!

"Roar of Fire!"

Standing on Oriel's head, Tu Yan took out "Barrett's Black Cati Flame" and shot it with a bullet!

"Fuck! Don't you want to fight hand to hand?"

Monroe looked at the bullets flying quickly with a look of surprise on his face.

Looking at Tu Yan's momentum, he thought he was going to close the distance.

Unexpectedly, a bullet came.

"Is this still the trick? Hahaha, it doesn't work for me!"

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, Monroe wrapped himself with his wings and defended himself first.



The two waves of Roar of Flame attacks were successfully triggered!

Monroe screamed for the first time in the orange ball energy ball!


Wait until the smoke clears!

Half of Monroe's wings were blown to pieces!

"Human! You! You hurt me! Tell me your name! I won't kill unknown people!"

Monroe's pale eyes were filled with red sparks!

The extremely angry Monroe was injured so seriously for the first time!

"Tell you? Okay, my name is Tu Yan!"


Munro heard Tu Yan's voice very close, right behind him!

A turn!

"Crescent Moon Chong!"

Tu Yan's Heavenly Lock Zhanyue passed by in one blow!

Monroe quickly controlled the other half of his wings to defend!

A ‘click’!

All the bone wings were broken into pieces!

Monroe was also knocked several meters away!

"Brothers! Take advantage of the moment! Beat up the drowned dog!"

Oriel quickly let the remaining dragons attack crazily.

Don't give Monroe any chance to breathe!


"Ten thousand bone spurs"!

Monroe endured the pain from his wings.

He barely used his skills to repel the siege of the dragons.

"Tu Yan, haha. Go to hell!"

Monroe's pale eyes instantly turned blood red!

A strong murderous aura emanates from the whole body!

"Bone spur clone!"

After Monroe used this skill. He disappeared right there.

Oriel screamed.

There seemed to be many little bugs emerging from his body, crawling around inside!

It turned out that it was the tiny bone spurs that Monroe had inserted into O'Leary's body when he used the 'Ten Thousand Bone Spikes' just now.

They were ready to move, crawling around in O'Leary's body!

Then, these bone spurs quickly merged together and turned into Monroe, who suddenly jumped and landed on O'Leary's back.


O'Leary roared in pain and fell down suddenly.

When Tu Yan asked about O'Leary's situation worriedly.

He felt a chill on his back.

Monroe, who was transformed from bone spurs, appeared behind Tu Yan.

Monroe stretched out his bony hand and directly took out Tu Yan's heart!

He ate it all up with a 'smack, smack' sound!

"Hahaha, I ate your heart, I wonder if you can survive this time!"

Monroe, who mistakenly thought he had killed Tu Yan, stood on the rapidly falling O'Leary and laughed crazily.

"Indeed, but I can be resurrected."

Tu Yan suddenly resurrected and took advantage of Monroe's unpreparedness.

The right hand of the Heavenly Lock and the Moon Slash slashed across.

At the same time, the left hand controlled the ‘Demon Blade Thousand Blades’ that turned into blade fragments and attacked from behind Monroe!

One in front and one behind, one black and one purple, the two swords were unsheathed, showing their brilliance!


Monroe's mouth twitched, and he couldn't believe that blood was flowing from his chest.

"You" Monroe seemed to want to continue struggling.

"By the way, let me tell you, Fei Yan of your twelve generals was also killed by me, go to hell! Monroe!"

The Heavenly Lock and the Moon Slash passed by and knocked Monroe away!

"Hehe. It will be you who will die! Tu Yan!"

The knocked-away Monroe roared.

Although Tu Yan's attack just now hit the fatal point, it was not fatal!

The body of Monroe who flew out burst into a pale light.

Returned to the form of a bone dragon!


The fourth of Monroe's twelve generals was completely enraged!

Such anger naturally alarmed Du Shaliang, who was still killing time in a room in the city center!

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