The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 126 Chopping melons and vegetables!


Fire splashed everywhere!

The ‘anti-ship sword’ of the Strike Gundam chopped on Monroe’s right hand that was stretched out to fight back!

The sparks of resistance that burst out when the pink light sword chopped on the white bones attracted the attention of all the races below.

When have they ever seen such a big robot?

Perhaps they don’t even understand the concept of ‘robot’ very well!

The Strike Gundam saw that its attack was blocked, turned around, and retreated first with the maneuvering propulsion behind it.

But Monroe swung his tail, and the more than ten-meter-long tail swung continuously, directly knocking the Strike Gundam away.

After flying in the air for a while, the Strike Gundam finally stabilized its body.


This robot body is not the kind that can be controlled by sitting inside.

Instead, it transforms itself into this robot.

In this way, it is indeed much more convenient in action.

But as long as this robot is attacked, Tu Yan can naturally withstand the damage.

The duration of the Strike Gundam is based on the user’s vitality.

In other words, as long as Tu Yan died, this Strike Gundam would be gone.

But is Tu Yan the kind of person who would hide and attack secretly?

Just be reckless!

After stabilizing his body, relying on the strong propulsion, the Strike Gundam began to fly quickly.

At the same time, there was a muzzle on each side of the Strike Gundam's head and cheeks.

He also continued to harass Monroe through this muzzle.

Although the damage of these bullets was very low.

But after all, it was enhanced according to Tu Yan's attribute panel.

Ordinary bullets actually hurt Monroe a little.

Monroe roared disdainfully, flapped his wings, and flew towards Tu Yan!

The Strike Gundam waved his hand, and the Sky Lock Zang Yue in his right hand kept twitching.

The giant Sky Lock Zang Yue was charging!

"Enlarged Crescent Moon Sky Strike!"

The huge black crescent energy ball whizzed past!

It seemed to dye the entire sky black!

Monroe realized that something was wrong and quickly dodged!

But his body was too big, and his tail was hit accurately.


"Scream your mother, it's not over yet!"

"Black Stream Fangs"!

Lock on the target! Monroe!

With a 'swish' sound, the Strike Gundam teleported directly behind Monroe, and with the momentum, the pitch-black energy ball attacked directly!

But it's not over yet!

Tu Yan threw away the Tensuo Zangyue with a flick of his hand, holding the 'Anti-Ship Sword' with both hands, slashing horizontally and vertically!

Start chopping the dragon!

Fierce screams continued to ring.

Monroe was caught off guard by the two skills of the 'Tensuo Zangyue'.

And the Strike Gundam's 'Anti-Ship Sword' seemed to be 'chopping bones'.

'Crack, crack'

'Ding, ding, ding'!

Half of the giant bone dragon's body was almost chopped off!

"Tu Yan! I'm going to kill you! Bone-Destroying Dragon Flower!"

Monroe used up all his strength and launched the strongest skill!

Giant bone flower heads appeared in the air, flying towards the Strike Gundam!

The Strike Gundam didn't have the time to care about these, and now all it had to do was keep attacking!

The 'anti-ship sword' wasn't enough, so it took out the 'larger version of the magic sword Thousand Blades' and continued to chop!


Monroe swung around, trying to break free.

But he was hit in the face by the Strike Gundam, just as the 'anti-ship sword' was about to chop at his head.

An explosion occurred behind the Strike Gundam!

It turned out that the bone flower heads fell near the Strike Gundam!

Explosions occurred one after another!

It also affected the ground.

Screams on the ground occurred one after another.

But the worst was the Strike Gundam, it was a pity that the Strike Gundam was just like Tu Yan, with an absurdly high attack, but it was a fragile skin.

The continuous bombing directly blew the Strike Gundam to only a head.

As a ray of light passed, the Strike Gundam's body, which looked like a five-horse body, gradually disappeared.

Tu Yan, dead.

In a breath, Tu Yan was resurrected again!

The fifteenth time!

But after the resurrection, Tu Yan seemed to lose consciousness in the air and slowly fell down!

And Monroe was not much better.

The lower half of his body was chopped off.

The broken bones fell on the ground.

Only one piece of a pair of wings remained.

The look of lingering on was very embarrassing.

But Monroe was panting and muttering.

"Tu Yan? Haha, go to hell, Dragon Flower, bloom!"

This is the second stage of the "Bone Killing Dragon Flower".

I saw that Tu Yan was falling halfway.

The bone flower on the ground slowly rose into the air and caught Tu Yan.

Then it slowly rose into the air, constantly deformed, and turned into a bone cage.

Tu Yan was trapped inside, and then thin bones emerged from the middle of the flower, controlling Tu Yan's limbs.

"Ahahaha! Tu Yan, Tu Yan, come back to life! I'll trap you inside this time, let's see what you can do!"

Monroe laughed cruelly on the ground, then coughed heavily.

He pouted and muttered softly.

"Damn it, I was almost dead, hehe, you can come back to life, right? Then I'll torture you!"

Monroe turned back into human form. Although he had all his limbs intact in human form, his steps were indeed staggering.

Then he took a breath and flew towards the sky.

The appearance of the ‘baby’ was in stark contrast to the ‘falcon’ that appeared at the beginning.

When he came to the ‘bone cage’, he saw Tu Yan who was still unconscious.

He laughed disdainfully.

“I thought you were so capable, unconscious? Oh? Not dead yet?”

“Where is this?” Tu Yan slowly opened his eyes.

The piercing pain came immediately, and Tu Yan felt that he would be in pain to death if he just turned over.

But he couldn’t move now.

He couldn’t even exert force.

“Give up, these bones are toxic, which can have a paralyzing effect, and will also constantly stimulate you and kill you.”

“Can’t you be resurrected? Then continue to be resurrected, and then endure the pain of paralysis and die again! Hahahaha, cough cough.”

Monroe laughed, coughed, and spit out the dirty blood in his mouth.

“Haha. You are also seriously injured, right? Let others deal with you, isn’t it okay?”

“Others? Do you have anyone else? Hahaha!”

Monroe snapped his fingers.

The bone cage flipped up, allowing Tu Yan to see the situation on the ground.

Some died, some were injured, and no one could spare the time to help Tu Yan.

Tu Yan looked at the situation on the ground with trembling eyes. A great defeat had already occurred.

Tu Yan and his men had no power to turn the tide.

Even Sanlin, Mark, Margaret, and Emily were injured and fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

A big crisis!

"Tu Yan? Have you given up? Hahaha, this is the end of going against our Zang Beast Corps!"

Monroe's triumphant laughter was very harsh.

But at this moment!

On the snowy mountain in front of Tu Yan!

A ray of light that flew as fast as a meteor appeared!

"God-killing Explosive Arrow"!

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