The Earth Consciousness looked at the place where the two of them disappeared.

I don't know what kind of expression was on his face.

Complex emotions such as relief, relief, and doubt are mixed together.

"Tu Yan, can you completely defeat the Legion of Soulless Beasts and save this world and this universe?"

Earth shook his head, sighed, and then snapped his fingers.

He also disappeared on the spot.

As for Tu Yan and Heerlen, it was like having a long, long dream.

When they woke up again, they felt a sharp pain in their brains.

Only after they regained consciousness did they know where they were.

Beside a small river in the woods.

Although it is called a forest, it is very different from the one on Earth.

These trees, flowers and plants.

In addition to being colorful, the most striking feature is that it is huge!

The thinnest tree next to it requires four people holding hands to hold it.

But it is not that high. From a distance, it looks like a short pillar.

The color of the river is also disgusting.

It turned out to be green.

It's still that extremely transparent and sticky green color.

It looks like snot.

Everything here is very different from that on earth.

"How is it? Is there anything uncomfortable?" Tu Yan looked at Heerlen.

Heerlen shook his head.

A moment of embarrassment spread between the two of them.

Speaking of which, this can be regarded as a long-awaited reunion between the two.

But who knows, this kind of thing happened.

Their brains are also working rapidly at this time, how to face this situation.

The joy of meeting each other was diluted a lot.

"Um. Why did you come to Wanchao County?"

In the end, Tu Yan mustered up the courage to break the silence.

"Oh. Because"

When Heerlen started to explain, he was still a little choppy, a little stuttered, and a little nervous.

But as time went by, she returned to her usual appearance.

Including Orc Prophet, Prophecy, Portal, Oriel's Thank You and Dragon King's Awakening.

"Hey! No! There's only one corpse near me?"

Tu Yan swallowed and showed a surprised expression.

"Yeah, that's right. 9527 also knows about this."

"He knew that Du Shaliang had already escaped. Before I fell into coma, I remembered that I had severely injured her. What a pity."

Tu Yan shook his head, feeling deeply regretful.

If he had persisted a little longer, he would have eliminated two twelve generals at once.

"Coax." Only then did Heerlen remember.

That night, Tu Yan's opponent was not only Bone Dragon Monroe, but also Tianyi Du Shaliang.

"Forget it, next time I see Du Shaliang, I won't let her go!"

Tu Yan gritted his teeth.

But Tu Yan didn't know this at this time.

What kind of disaster Dussaliang's escape from death brought to the earth this time!

Because Du Shaliang returned to the headquarters of the Beast Legion alive.

The Sangbeast King and the other twelve generals already knew about the existence of the immortal Tu Yan!

The next battle will only be more cruel and difficult to deal with.

"We'd better finish the task here quickly, otherwise Oriel won't be able to thank you personally even if he wants to." Heerlen shrugged his shoulders.

Olier's sincere look when he thanked me is still vivid in my mind.

"Hahaha, I'm ready. When we return to Earth, he may have recovered and left with the little lizard."

"Then why don't you hurry up and complete the mission? Alas, it's a pity. It would be great if I was still carrying your space backpack or wearing 9527's headphones at that time."

Heerlen couldn't help but regret a little.

She had such an assumption when she was in front of the earth's consciousness.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for her to prove her conjecture now.

"Don't say that. We don't know when we will complete the mission. And you are not on the earth, leaving my space backpack and 9527 behind. It is actually a good thing."

"Think about it, 9527 knows everything in my space backpack. When we are not on the earth, we can only rely on 9527 to command, and use the things in my backpack, so that our mission here can be more assured. "


Tu Yan's comfort obviously had an effect.

Heerlen's complexion obviously improved a little.

"Don't worry, not to mention my luck is also good. The original five reward items I got randomly are also very good. Anyway, in this world, my 'death is like the wind, always with me' can still be used." "

Tu Yan looked relaxed.

Fortunately, the consciousness of the earth has informed the 9527 people on the earth.

Otherwise, they wouldn't know how to deal with situations like Tu Yan and Heerlen's sudden coma.

The situation on earth was indeed as Tu Yan expected.

Perhaps it should be said that he and 9527 are indeed the closest companions.

9527 first asked Mark to carry Tu Yan's space backpack all the time, and also put it on himself.

Then 9527 also cleaned up the contents of the space backpack.

Make full use of their effects.

"Oh right"

Tu Yan, who was walking in front, suddenly turned around and looked at Heerlen.

In front of the Twelve Generals, Tu Yan, who didn't even know how to write the word "coward", instantly became cowardly.

He looked at Heerlen's delicate face and huge light green pupils.

As if he had forgotten what he was going to say.

He just stared at Heerlen blankly.

"Well, what's wrong?" Heerlen, who was so embarrassed by Tu Yan's look, lowered her head and asked timidly.

"Ah, nothing, nothing, that"

On the battlefield, Tu Yan, who was decisive in killing and fighting, was like a coward at this time, he was timid and didn't dare to say what was in his heart.

At this time! Several demon zombies suddenly rushed out from the woods!

The birds and beasts scattered, and the courage that Tu Yan had finally built up was destroyed in an instant.

"Fuck your mother"

Tu Yan was so angry that he rushed towards the zombies who broke in and destroyed the atmosphere without thinking.

He punched a zombie monster with one fist and knocked it to the ground!

After defeating the bone dragon Monroe, Tu Yan's warrior level had reached a very scary level.


A full fifteen-level increase!

And Tu Yan's main way of adding points is still in strength.

The feeling of this punch was imaginable.

"Damn!" Tu Yan spat on the dead body.

After adjusting his mood again, Tu Yan turned and looked at Heerlen.

"That's it, Heerlen. Thank you!"

Tu Yan looked at Heerlen seriously.

After hearing this thank you, Heerlen was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

But the laughter became more and more different!

"I thought it was something else. Go to hell, you scumbag"

Heerlen whispered softly and released his skills!

"God-killing Explosive Arrow!"

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