Like Tu Yan, a human who walks on two legs, has legs and hands, and a face with facial features.

In the cognition of the demon species, such a thing does not exist.

Only the Flügel species is relatively similar.

But the Flügel species also have wings, and they are all female.

So the duck can only say this.

"Uh, that, I am not a Flügel species, and I have never been to a certain country to have a transvestite surgery."

"Transvestite? Quack?" The blue duck's voice was very unpleasant, and Tu Yan felt like vomiting.

"Don't worry about it, it's none of your business. Well, go find something to eat, otherwise I'll have roast duck for breakfast."

Tu Yan stretched by the way.

Originally, I thought that after waking up today, I would find a creature that I could talk to.

Find out the most important information and know my location.

Unexpectedly, the natives of Church Star - the demon species, appeared in front of me.

Heerlen was also awakened by the noise of the blue duck and jumped down from the tree.

"What! You actually asked me to find food! Do you know who I am? I am the master of this mountain! Rick the devil! Hey. Beauty"

When the blue duck saw Heerlen, it stretched out its "duck eyes" and looked at Heerlen straight.

It even swallowed its saliva.

Tu Yan saw all this, stretched out his hands, kneaded the bones, and made a "crackling" sound.

He was ready to make a fire and eat duck meat.

For some reason, when he saw the blue duck looking at Heerlen with its lustful eyes.

Tu Yan felt furious.

Ask for directions?

After eating, just catch a live one!

Tu Yan swung his fist and pretended to go over and beat him up.

But Heerlen stopped him.

"Tu Yan, don't be impulsive, ask for directions first."

Heerlen didn't know why Tu Yan was so angry, so he had to grab his hand first to calm him down.

"Hello, I am."

"I am fine, I am fine." The blue duck quacked.

"Miss, you are so beautiful, I won't eat you, I want to keep you as my wife. Quack quack!"

The blue duck jumped up and down.

But he didn't know that someone was on the verge of exploding at this time.

"Uh, Tu Yan, kill him." Heerlen's mouth twitched.

It can be said that Heerlen suffered such an insult for the first time. She now understands why Tu Yan is so furious.

"Okay!" After getting Heerlen's promise, Tu Yan laughed.

Looking at the blue duck's eyes, it was as if he was looking at a giant roast duck.

"Quack, what are you going to do, challenge authority? Don't you know that I am the most powerful existence in this mountain! Go to hell!"

The blue duck looked at Tu Yan who was pressing step by step, and was also ready to fight.

He rushed directly towards Tu Yan, trying to knock Tu Yan over directly.

Tu Yan smiled slightly, and a horse stance prepared for the blue duck's sprint.


The sharp beak of the blue duck hit Tu Yan directly.

Tu Yan held the duck's head with both hands and caught it firmly!

"Huh? You can catch my impact? Come again! Huh. Quack quack quack! Let me go!"

When the blue duck tried to break free from Tu Yan's hands, he realized something was wrong.

Although he was a duck, he was very satisfied with his strength.

The impact just now could have knocked over a big tree.

But he didn't expect that he would be firmly controlled by the thin man in front of him.

"Haha, let go? Okay, go!"

Tu Yan exerted force with his legs, and the ground broke apart due to his strength, and a small pit appeared!

Then he exerted force on his waist, leaned back, and threw the duck directly into the sky!

After doing all this, Tu Yan clapped his hands very easily.

As if he disliked the duck for being dirty.

Then he raised his head easily, squinted his eyes, and watched the duck thrown into the sky turn into a meteor and fly away quickly.

After a while, maybe half a minute, maybe three minutes.

There was a sound of "quack quack" from the sky.

Tu Yan knew that the duck had fallen, so he bent down and took a deep breath.

He shouted loudly

"Lushan Shenglongba!"

Self-made trick!

An uppercut!

The blue duck kept screaming as it fell to the ground due to gravity.

But he felt the threat from the ground and looked closely.

Tu Yan was waiting for him to come down and give him a heavy punch.

When he was about to hit the ground, he risked his life and flapped his wings with all his strength, and quickly dodged!

Just a thin line apart!

Tu Yan's fist brushed past the duck's body!

Then the duck hit the ground next to it.

"Damn, missed, come again!" After saying that, Tu Yan aimed at the duck and prepared to punch it again.

"Wait! Sir! Spare me, spare me! I was wrong!"

The duck knelt on the ground without paying attention to the wounds from falling to the ground, and kowtowed to admit his mistakes.

"Eh? You demons also kowtow to admit your mistakes?" Tu Yan found the duck kneeling and thought it was a bit funny.

He also put down his fist, wanting to see what kind of splash this duck could make.

"Yes! Because it's you, sir! Sir, I was wrong! Forgive me!"

For some reason, the kowtow sounded as unpleasant as the duck's voice.

"Oh? Didn't you say you were the strongest on this mountain? Why are you suddenly cowardly?"

Tu Yan stepped on the duck's head and kept trampling it.

Seeing the duck's cowardly look, Tu Yan also decided to see if he could get any information first.

If the information was satisfactory, he would let him go.

At this time, the duck was already scared out of his wits.

When he was thrown up just now, he was still looking for excuses in the air. It was only because of carelessness that he was thrown up like this.

But when he fell to the ground, he barely dodged the uppercut.

It left an indelible impression in his heart!

He knew that if he really got hit by that punch, he would definitely die!

Although he dodged it, his ears did not dodge it. The "breaking sound" caused by the speed and strength was too terrifying!

"My lord, you are the strongest, I am just an ordinary duck, my name is 'Dean', a demon species explosive duck."

"Dean? Explosive duck? Okay, I'll ask you a few questions, if you are satisfied, I will bypass you." Tu Yan raised his eyebrows.

"Yes! Forget answering questions, even if I have to go through fire and water, I'll do it!"

Afterwards, Tu Yan asked some of the most important questions in detail.

Including the current situation of 'Churchi Star', and the racial identities of him and Heerlen.

And most importantly, where is this place, and how far is the kingdom established by the Zombie Legion.

After being patient and enduring Dean's unpleasant 'duck voice'.

Tu Yan also had a general understanding of the situation of 'Churchi Star'.

Although he understood, he just wanted to curse.

"I'm hot on your planetary consciousness, fuck."

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