The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 167: Earth Consciousness's 'Sacrificing Life to Save'

It was like the sea pouring into his internal organs!

Tu Yan was in extreme pain when he lost air and was in a vacuum!


His body was constantly expanding!


He only hoped to breathe a little air!

The shadow of the dead beast king was fine.

He watched Tu Yan struggling painfully in the universe like a play.

Tu Yan's consciousness gradually blurred, and a wonderful feeling spread in his heart.

This was a brand new death experience that he had never had before.

But Tu Yan didn't want to be resurrected at all, he just wanted to die like this.

What would happen if he was resurrected?

In this vast universe, there is everything.

There is just no oxygen!

Always in a vacuum!

Tu Yan will only continue to suffer this kind of pain, and keep dying! Keep resurrecting!

At the last moment when his consciousness disappeared, he was silently looking at the shadow of the dead beast king.

Unwilling, unconvinced!

This feeling was when Tu Yan died for the first time, and "Death is like the wind, always with me" was truly activated.

But the anger at this time was more turbulent than ever before!

"Hey, goodbye, Tu Yan."

"Fuck your mother."

Standard Chinese curse accompanied by the international hand gesture "middle finger".

Tu Yan's last breath was gone.

And at this moment!

A warm current swept through Tu Yan's body!

That was oxygen! Air!

Tu Yan immediately breathed in deeply!

Oxygen entered Tu Yan's body, flowed around, and reactivated Tu Yan's body functions!

When he completely regained consciousness, he found himself in a transparent sphere.

This sphere isolated the fatal damage of the cosmic environment to Tu Yan.

It was like a space suit, continuously providing Tu Yan with oxygen!

And next to Tu Yan was the Earth Consciousness!

It was confronting the shadow of the Zombie King!

"Oh? The consciousness of the Earth? Oh, you are so brave. You dare to appear in front of me. Aren't you afraid that I will capture you and offer you to the mother planet?"

"Do you think I am stupid or a fool? You are also in a state of soul leaving the body now. Do you have the ability to capture me?"

"I admire you. Not only can you break my seal, but you also know my current situation. However, in order to save Tu Yan and break my seal, you have wasted a lot of effort, right?"

"Is the already scarce planetary energy worse? Is it necessary for Tu Yan?"

The shadow of the dead beast king laughed sinisterly, which made people shudder.

Tu Yan, who was in the transparent sphere, could also hear their conversation.

But he didn't intend to interrupt at this time. He let the two big guys perform first.

"How many of the twelve generals you are proud of have died? Tu Yan is still worthless? If he is worthless, why did you come here all the way to show off. "

"You've wasted so much time, to become 'Cheng Yaojin', you first found Tu Yan's 'planetary transmission channel', then used your soul to intercept him, and even set a seal for me? Tsk tsk"

"You've gone through so much trouble, I have to have some fun with you."

Although Tu Yan was confused.

He almost understood what happened.

I didn't expect that this Zang Beast King was a pervert, searching for Tu Yan's traces, intercepting him halfway, and then hindering the steps of other suitors?

Great! This 'pick-up girl' method is really great!

But at the same time, he was also very grateful that the Earth Consciousness seemed to come to save him at some risk.

If the Earth Consciousness hadn't appeared, the consequences would be disastrous!


The Zang Beast King seemed to be hit on the mark, and he could only sneer in response.

"Zang Beast King? Since you've come to Earth, be prepared to be defeated by my dependent race! Although I hate the human race, I have to admit that human potential is unlimited! "

"Tu Yan, I will take him away. If you want to kill him back on Earth, it's up to you!"

After saying that, the Earth Consciousness Body wanted to take Tu Yan away.

The Shadow of the Beast King could only reveal an unwilling and hateful look.

Everything was ruined by a defeat!

At this time, the Beast King appeared in the image of a soul consciousness body, and his body was not here.

It was okay to teach Tu Yan a lesson, but there was really no way to deal with the planetary consciousness body.

He could not have imagined that the Earth Consciousness Body would take such a big risk to save Tu Yan.

If the 'seal and closure' he set up was to be forcibly broken, even the planetary consciousness body would be in danger of life.

Even if it could survive, it would consume the little remaining 'planetary energy'.

In order to save Tu Yan, the Earth Consciousness Body actually risked dragging the entire human race into this bet!

Fortunately, this time it was the victory of the Earth!

The Earth Consciousness Body and Tu Yan disappeared without a trace on the spot.

When Tu Yan came to his senses, he was already in the previous crust.

"Thank you! Hey! Are you okay? "

Tu Yan was about to turn around and thank the Earth Consciousness, but he saw the Earth Consciousness in a coma.

Originally, it was a fuzzy sphere suspended in the air, glowing faintly.

But the state of the Earth Consciousness was very wrong at this time, and the light on its body gradually dimmed.

It deflated like a deflated football.

"It's okay, it's just a little bit exhausted."

Although Tu Yan didn't know what happened to the Earth Consciousness, he knew that it was very weak at this time!

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"After defeating the zombies, protect the environment and take good care of animals." The Earth Consciousness Body actually preached at this time.

But its tone was very serious, even a little persistent.

"Okay, I know, at least I will start with myself and take good care of the environment."

Tu Yan also nodded.

"Huh, it seems that I am fine for the time being. When I recover, I will send you back."

"Yeah, you take a rest first. Thank you for coming to save me, otherwise this time, I really have to "die" in the universe."

"It should be, because I believe that you will lead the human race to defeat the zombie army."

"Oh, didn't you say that it doesn't matter who lives on you."

Tu Yan joked.

"It really doesn't matter, but after all, I am your only home."

Tu Yan didn't know why, when he heard the Earth Consciousness Body say this, he actually heard a hint of joy in suffering.

"In this room of mine is the entire history of your species. You can take a look. I will be able to recover in about an hour."

"Then Heerlen arrived earlier than you. I sent her back to the surface. Church Star gave Bai Ze to you as a gift. He is also in Heerlen."

After saying this, the light on the Earth Consciousness completely disappeared.

The deflated 'sphere' instantly turned into a completely deflated football.

It became a flat piece of paper, spread on the ground.

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