The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 176: Subjugating Jiang Shan

This was the decision that Tu Yan and 9527 discussed last night.

If Jiang Shan really wants to surrender, then accept him.

There is no need to force him to death.

After all, with him as a military man, he can get a lot of information and intelligence.

Then, Tu Yan asked Sanlin to follow Jiang Shan.

Go and bring back all the 100 soldiers who are willing to surrender.

Then he walked towards the City Lord's Mansion alone.

Not allowing other races to go together is to avoid casualties.

Not allowing Jiang Shan to go is to prevent him from being embarrassed.

After walking a few steps, Jiang Shan chased after him.

"What's wrong?" Tu Yan asked.

"I told Sanlin the location, let him go directly, I have something to tell you."

"Then just say it, do you want to confess to me?"

Jiang Shan twitched the corner of his mouth.

Tu Yan last night was very different from Tu Yan today.

The 'bloody storm' that night was faintly painful in Jiang Shan's heart.

He had planned to take his brothers to wander around other cities if Tu Yan did not accept his surrender.

But Tu Yan seemed to be in a good mood today, and his aura was not as "hysterical" as last night.

"No. Don't you want to know about the reinforcements from Yanlong Country?"

"I know, a huge army of 10,000 people, tanks, planes, all used."

"It's a pity that they dare not bombard here with nuclear bombs, they can't bear to give up this huge arsenal."

Tu Yan smacked his lips and couldn't help but sigh at the efficiency of Yanlong City.

Jiang Shan opened his mouth in surprise.

"Ah, how did you know that?"

"I know, and I also know their mentality at this moment. But, I also have to thank you first for not telling them about my ability as a warrior, hehe."

"They just thought I was a child and couldn't use the tanks and planes in Wanchao County."

"They thought I and other races were a mob, playing house."

"It's okay. If they dare to come, I will fight. Killing the chicken to scare the monkey is a necessary measure."

Tu Yan said the word "kill" lightly.

But Jiang Shan's attention was not on his tone, but on the content.

"How did you know?" Jiang Shan swallowed his saliva.

Everything Tu Yan said was correct!

It was as if Tu Yan himself had participated in the combat arrangements!

"Let me introduce you. This is 9527, artificial intelligence. He hacked into your communication equipment. Oh, by the way, did you find that all the military's experimental data disappeared from the moment you entered Wanchao County?"

Tu Yan grinned and looked at his shoulder.

9527 also "pampered" Tu Yan and gave him enough face.

He appeared directly in the form of a blue projection man.

"Hello, Sergeant Jiang Shan, I have your information in my database, so I accepted your surrender."

"It's also because you are a fool, an honest man."

"Ah, hello, hello."

Jiang Shan looked at the artificial intelligence 9527 in surprise.

He was secretly glad to surrender in his heart.

At the same time, he couldn't help but feel sorry for his former comrades.

What's the point of playing? People have already got the most important things and destroyed them all.

He also stared at his communication equipment every day and yawned while listening to his own intelligence.

Is there any game experience to speak of!

"Jiang Shan, if you are fine, you can go back. After all, they were your comrades and don't want you to be too embarrassed behind."

"Okay." Jiang Shan pursed his lips and hesitated to speak.

At this time, 9527 spoke. "Among the 100 people who surrendered, most of them can fly planes and tanks, right?"

"Ah? Most of them can."

"Well, Tu Yan, give him the headphones."

Tu Yan had no choice but to do as he was told. After giving it to Jiang Shan, he turned and left.

"Tu Yan! What is your goal? Can you leave Yanlong Country a way out?"

"A way out? Haha. My goal is the sea of ​​stars! Don't worry, I just need a group of humans who don't do scumbag things. The world structure? That's it."

Jiang Shan stood there, staring blankly at Tu Yan who was leaving.

"Tu Yan. The leader over there is Rukawa's son. His warrior ability is pain transfer! You have to be careful! This person is cruel and ruthless!"

"Got it, thank you~" Tu Yan lit a cigarette, waved his hand and left.

Only 9527 was left sitting on Jiang Shan's shoulder, shaking his head and complaining.

"I've seen people pretending to be cool, but I've never seen someone pretending like this. Can't you drive a Yanyu motorcycle? Well, Jiang Shan wants to ask you something."

"Yes, 9527, tell me."

"Do you know how to make the beastmen defeat the tanks?"


Jiang Shan thought he had heard it wrong.

After being shocked, 9527 also began to explain to him the "plan to deal with the human army".

There was a heated discussion immediately.

Tu Yan's side, however, seemed a little deserted.

A person, in order to pretend to be cool, walked for more than half an hour before he remembered that he could drive a motorcycle.

"Why do you only think about pretending after returning to Earth, ah"

As he spoke, he took out the Yanyu motorcycle.

Then he pressed a switch, 'Autobots, transform! '

The motorcycle instantly turned into a jeep tank!

He sat in the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator, and rushed to the nearby City Lord's Mansion.

The City Lord's Mansion had been waiting for a long time.

The avenue was filled with iron bars and several gasoline cans.

Snipers were standing on both sides of the road, observing the situation in the south with binoculars.

Hundreds of soldiers were waiting behind the sandbags that were temporarily piled up.

"Lord Rukawa Ryu, it seems that they haven't come yet." A soldier on the side knelt down in front of a tall young man.

This man was Rukawa Ryu, the only son of the Lord of Rukawa City.

After learning of his father's tragic death, he was heartbroken.

He wanted to chop Tu Yan into pieces right now.

But Jiang Shan was also present at the time, although Jiang Shan was completely depressed.

But Rukawa Ryu still got the information he wanted through the eavesdropping device on him.

Immortality, nine o'clock tomorrow, becoming king, etc.

Originally, he wanted to call Jiang Shan to go and wipe out Tu Yan's gang the next morning.

But he didn't expect Jiang Shan to disappear, presumably to surrender.

At the suggestion of the soldiers around him, Rukawa Ryu also decided to hold his defense first.

But he couldn't help getting a little anxious when he saw Tu Yan and his men for a long time.

"Hmph, if they still haven't come by noon, we'll kill them! Reinforcements? I can't wait!"

Ryuukawa spat on the ground and chopped his feet a few times.

As if to highlight his anger.

At this time, there were bursts of roars from not far away!

Tu Yan drove the Yanyu chariot to come!

"Artillery! Fire!"

The artillerymen on the side were ready.

Cannons, howitzers, rocket launchers, mortars, and even "Lance" tactical missiles were deployed!

These shells are used to deal with the official army!

The artillery roared in unison!

The whole Wanchao County was blown up!

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