The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 178 Cleaning up the battlefield

This figure is none other than Rukawa Ryu!

His right hand was directly chopped off by the fragments of the ‘Demon Blade Thousand Blades’, and blood was flowing wildly.

The left side of his body seemed to be twisted as well.

The whole person showed an extremely painful expression.

But he still moved forward indomitable, as if he could subdue Tu Yan as long as he got close to him.

“It hurts.” Rukawa Ryu muttered.

There was a constant sizzling sound on his left hand, and something was accumulating power.

Tu Yan was killing happily, not knowing that someone was approaching from behind.

When he realized it and turned around, it was too late!

“Tu Yan! Go to hell!”

Rukawa Ryu reached out and touched Tu Yan.

A faint purple light appeared where Tu Yan was touched.

For a moment, even Rukawa Ryu and the other three soldiers were also shining with this light!

Pain transfer!

Rukawa Ryu’s ability as a warrior!

He can choose three other people, including himself, for a total of four people.

Exchange all the pain in his body with an object.

If you want to activate this ability, you must also touch all the objects.

In fact, this is a very terrifying ability to some extent.

Think about it, the pain of four people is instantly concentrated on one person.

And the pain of this person is evenly divided into four parts and shared by four people.

The person who bears the pain of four people doesn't even have time to cry.

Maybe he can't move directly because of the pain.

Rukawa Ryu also specially found three dying people whose half of their bodies were blown off.

But unfortunately, Rukawa Ryu's ability as a warrior is useless in front of Tu Yan.

'Death is like the wind, always with me' comes with a 50% superposition of pain.

After dying four times, there is also a 20% superposition.

As the saying goes, I'm used to dying. Tu Yan almost forgot how to write the word 'pain'.

I am also struggling again and again, and I am about to faint from the pain.

Gradually breaking through my own limits.

Although it still hurts, my tolerance for it has also improved a lot.

The moment Rukawa Ryu touched him.

Tu Yan even felt a little relieved.

It was like 'working overtime all night, overworked, made a lot of money, sneaked into the club, had a comfortable massage, and was so happy.'

If it weren't for the battlefield now, Tu Yan would have wanted to thank Rukawa Ryu.

Rukawa Ryu was also confused after using 'pain transfer'.

Why did the ability that worked every time before not work this time?

It seems to hurt more?


It's impossible, all the pain in Tu Yan's body just now was divided into five parts evenly.

Why... I seem to be in more pain!

Rukawa Ryu was puzzled.

But Tu Yan would not miss this opportunity to capture the opponent's general.

Tu Yan grabbed Rukawa Ryu's neck with one hand.

Lifted him high.

"Stupid, you can't believe it? I've been waking up in pain every day for the past month. The pain in my body is more than the rice you eat."

"Is this the so-called pain transfer? You have a good ability, hahaha, I feel much better."

Tu Yan laughed.

Poor Rukawa Ryu, his face turned red.

He had to struggle desperately, trying to escape from Tu Yan's hands.

But no matter how he punched and kicked.

It would only hit the 'AT stand'.

In order to fight more persistently, Tu Yan also used only one AT stand as a mobile shield.

"Just sleep for a while, young master of the Rukawa family."

Tu Yan exerted a little force and directly choked Rukawa Ryu unconscious.

Then he threw him aside.

Use the AT stand to protect him from being affected by the attack.

Finally, he said loudly.

"Your Rukawa Ryu, I caught him alive!"

"I don't think we have to fight to the death!"

"So, I accept your surrender!"

Tu Yan knew that he was now a national soldier.

The strongest force on earth is actually soldiers.

Various firearms and weapons, high-end ones such as "intercontinental missiles" and "annihilation nuclear bombs".

You let an ordinary person operate them?

How is it possible.

These are all real talents in front of him.

He doesn't want all the soldiers of Yanlong Country to be killed in the fight.

Military deterrence is a necessary means.

But sticks alone will never achieve the desired results!

Hearing Tu Yan's shouting.

Looking at the countless dead and wounded comrades next to him.

Many soldiers who had already thought of "retreating" immediately followed Tu Yan's words.

Put down the weapons in their hands, raised their hands, and ran towards Tu Yan.

"Yes! It's not shameful to surrender, because I am also a member of Yanlong Country first!"

"I just don't understand! Why point the gun at friends from other planes and planets!"

"We will always have only one enemy, that is the Zang Beast!"

"My goal is simple, just to defeat the Zang Beast."

"As the saying goes, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. History is written by the victor, and that victor is me!"

Tu Yan's domineering declaration shocked everyone present.

Many surrendered because of their conscience.

There are still dozens left, unwilling to surrender, but unable to fight, so they decided to commit suicide to prove their "loyalty".

"Okay, those who want to commit suicide, get out, get out of Wanchao County."

Tu Yan shouted loudly when he saw that the battle was almost over.

He didn't want to deal with more bodies.

"Go back and tell the leader of Yanlong Country that this is my Tu Yan's territory!"

Under Tu Yan's shouting, all those who didn't want to surrender fled.

This small encounter in the city ended quickly.

In this battle, more than 700 people died at the hands of Tu Yan, and only about 200 people finally surrendered to Tu Yan.

There were dozens of others who walked away with their tails between their legs like a dog in the water.

All the surrendered soldiers stood behind Tu Yan, a little dazed, not knowing what to do next.

Fortunately, helpers came from behind and broke the embarrassment at that time.

It turned out to be from Sanlin and his men.

Sanlin pulled all the soldiers who could do physical work.

Even Jiang Shan came.

"Okay, beastmen, demons, clean up the battlefield."

"Jiang Shan, I'll leave the surrendered people to you."

"Elves, and Flügels. Go and rest. Let the men do these things."

"Oh, by the way, there's also this prisoner, Sanlin. I'll leave it to you. Lock him up and wait for me to torture him."

Tu Yan arranged the task of cleaning up the battlefield in a swift and decisive manner.

Other races were used to Tu Yan's strength.

But Jiang Shan was not.

He leaned his head forward slightly, looking at the hell on earth in front of him in disbelief.

The death was extremely cruel!

No wonder the surrendered soldiers all had blank expressions and empty eyes.

"Oh, Jiang Shan, those prisoners may need psychological treatment. I accidentally hit them too hard. I'll leave it to you. Hehe."

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