Tu Yan regretted it very much at this time.

He could have dodged it just now, or at least used the ‘AT force field’ as a shield.

Why did he try the so-called ‘catch the bullet with bare hands’?

Indeed, according to Tu Yan’s current speed and strength, it is very easy to catch the bullet or deflect the bullet.

But he forgot his weakest ‘defense’.

His hands were full of holes.

Even if the defense value was increased by 150%.

But the bullet still easily crossed Tu Yan’s palm.

Tu Yan, with blood all over his hands, was paying the price for his ‘pretentiousness’.

In the command room, 9527, who was watching every move on the battlefield through satellite monitoring, also shook his head helplessly.

“I don’t understand why this person likes to pretend so much”

Even Jiang Shan, who was standing next to him, sighed.

An inexplicable shame emerged in his heart.

But the ‘bloody storm’ on the screen made Jiang Shan and 9527 stare at it.

After Tu Yan's 'failed show-off', he started running again.

Although his palm was like a 'hornet's nest', he could still hold two peerless weapons.

With a leap forward, he soon arrived near the 'Absolute Freezing Gun'.

All those who came to intercept him on the road, whether ordinary soldiers, armored vehicles, or tanks.

Kill them one by one!

The white snow turned into a red depression!

One sword to kill the enemy!

No matter if you are titanium alloy or not.

'Crescent Sky Rush'!

'Demon Knife Thousand Blades, change, forty meters! '

Soon, he arrived near the 'Absolute Freezing Gun'.

But at the same time, the 'Absolute Freezing Gun' was also loaded and could continue to fire!

After receiving Long Junli's order, the soldier who controlled the 'Absolute Freezing Gun' made up his mind.

No longer paying attention, Tu Yan was surrounded by his comrades.


The muzzle of the freezing gun once again sprayed out blue freezing spray.

The first to suffer were his comrades who had no time to escape!

"Comrades! I'm sorry! Ah! Go to hell! You devil!"

The soldier who controlled the 'Absolute Freezing Gun' held down the switch tightly with tears in his eyes.

He knew his mission, which was to sacrifice himself and freeze Tu Yan!

God seemed to be on the side of the Yanlong Army.

Tu Yan, who couldn't dodge in time, was quickly frozen!


Many soldiers looked at the ice that quickly appeared on Tu Yan's body.

They couldn't help but laugh at the impending victory.

But not long after, their 'laughing' stopped abruptly.

Tu Yan was indeed frozen.

But he disappeared from the big ice!

Just when everyone was puzzled.

With a 'click' sound.

All the 'Absolute Freezing Guns' were chopped to pieces and shattered.

Tu Yan, it's Tu Yan again!

He walked out of the fragmented equipment with a relaxed look on his face.

He laughed softly.

"Good, you solved my clone, which is worthy of praise."

It turned out that Tu Yan used the "clone technique" halfway through the battle.

Let his clone continue to attract firepower.

And the main body quietly sneaked next to the "absolute freezing gun".

One shot killed.

'Pa pa pa'Tu Yan really put down the weapon in his hand, endured the pain in his palm, clapped his hands hard, and mocked them hard.

"Okay, I'll give you a reward. Surrender? No no no, continue to fight to the death. This show of power is not serious enough. Haha"

After that, Tu Yan took out the sniper rifle and used a "Flame Roar" from a distance.

"Hahaha, come on, great Yanlong soldiers!"

"Don't you have great courage! What's wrong!"

"Where were you when the end of the world came! Hahaha, after being able to use weapons, the clowns jumped out one by one."

"You are nothing without weapons!"

Tu Yan rushed into the battlefield again.

After such a long battle.

He had also discovered an interesting thing a long time ago.

That is, humans are too dependent on technology and weapons!

They clearly have the ability of "capable warriors".

But on the battlefield, it is rare to see this group of soldiers using it.

Sometimes, the ability of capable warriors is better than guns, ammunition and artillery.

Unfortunately, humans are still too obsessed with the technology invented by their own minds. ,

In Tu Yan's "unparalleled mowing" mode.

Long Junli soon found something wrong.

Although from the intelligence, it can be known that Tu Yan has the ability to resurrect.

But why. Why is Tu Yan now so different from before!

Whether it is speed or strength, it has increased by at least twice compared to before!

"Analyze! Extract his red sensor projection and analyze his current data quickly!"

Long Junli roared at the soldier next to him.


Not only Long Junli, but all the soldiers of Yanlong noticed something wrong.

Tu Yan is stronger than before!

But no one has the leisure to think about this matter, all the soldiers are on full alert!

"Marshal! The analysis is out! Tu Yan..."

"What happened to him!"

"The red line test shows that the energy contained in his body at this time is far greater than that of ordinary people! He is simply a humanoid machine!"

"Nonsense! I know too, is there a benchmark!"

Long Junli wanted to slap him, for talking nonsense!

"About 10 of the Twelve Generals!"

The soldier swallowed his saliva.

The 10 of the Twelve Generals were the zombies killed by the 'annihilation nuclear bomb' in the 'Eagle Country', which was ranked first in the world.

One annihilation nuclear bomb destroyed the entire city, and the 10 of the Twelve Generals also lost their life perception.

The high-level officials of various countries also used the phrase 'suspected to be turned into powder'.

The soldiers of Yanlong Country also participated in that action.

Naturally, there were data from that time.

This included the life energy data of the '10 of the Twelve Generals'.

The computer in front of the soldier clearly stated the energy contained in Tu Yan's body at this time.

About 1 of the Twelve Generals!

It is also about 1 'annihilation nuclear bomb'!

After hearing this news, Long Junli was slightly stunned.

Then he smacked his lips.

"How can there be such a strong human being in this world?"

Long Junli looked at Tu Yan who was having a great time playing 'dismantling tanks with bare hands' not far away.

He sighed heavily.

"Notify the whole army to prepare for retreat."

Long Junli looked at 'Wanchao County' helplessly.

He had fought for his whole life, but he never thought that he would encounter such a big failure. It was an absolute despair that he could not overcome no matter how hard he tried.


The soldier on the side opened his mouth, but also found that there was nothing to say.

Tu Yan's strength was like an elephant trampling on an ant.

But the entire Freedom Army, including the giant dragon species in the sky.

Their bombing should not be underestimated!

Chance of winning?

Yanlong Country had no chance of winning from the beginning!

"All the army! Prepare to retreat!"

After receiving the order from Marshal Long Juncai, the messenger soldier hurriedly asked the army to retreat.

Tu Yan raised his eyebrows.

He took a deep breath and then roared loudly.

"Hey! Long Junli! Are you going to run away?"

"Heh, you started this war. Want to run away? Have you asked me?"

Tu Yan's disdainful voice reverberated throughout the snowy mountains.

The two warring parties temporarily put down their hands and waited for the negotiation and decision of the two commanders.

Long Junli smacked his lips.

Finally, he signaled the soldiers beside him to help him walk towards Tu Yan.

"Hey, old man, are you still healthy?"

Tu Yan also put down the two swords in his hands and stretched his muscles slightly.

After a long period of "plundering", there was no passion at all.

It made Tu Yan feel a little bored.

He also knew that Long Junli came here to surrender.

He also wanted to know what kind of words this marshal who had fought for many years could say.

"Tu Yan. Alas."

Seeing Tu Yan's blood-stained and cynical expression.

Long Junli felt that no matter how many words he had, they were insufficient.

"Speak up, Wanchao County belongs to me, Tu Yan, and my Free Army. This is a matter of principle. Is there anything else you want to say?"

"I surrender"

Long Junli sighed heavily.

This decision seemed to have exhausted all his strength.

Many Yanlong soldiers heard the decision of "surrender".

Originally, they were relieved and could celebrate their survival.

But with the sigh of Marshal Long Junli, many people also cried loudly.

What is this?

Fighting in the north and south, they can't even protect their own land.

"Hehe, why are you crying, aggrieved? Do you think many of your comrades died tragically at my hands?"

"Why don't you think about my Free Army and how many of my subordinates died! Ha!?"

"You are crying, crying, crying like a woman!"

"Why don't you use your strength to cry and fight the zombies!"

Tu Yan sneered disdainfully.

Then he walked up to Long Junli with a swagger.

The attendant soldier next to him thought Tu Yan would do something ‘insulting’ and hurried to stop him.

But Long Junli held the soldier’s hand tightly.

He said softly.

“It’s okay. Tu Yan, how can you accept the surrender?”

“Your respected Marshal, can you represent the entire Yanlong Kingdom?”

Tu Yan grinned, and the blood remaining on his lips outlined a ‘treacherous’ look.


“That’s it, I want the surrender of the entire Yanlong Kingdom, I want all the troops of Yanlong Kingdom!”

Everyone was shocked when this was said.

They thought Tu Yan’s appetite was just a ‘Wanchao County’.

Unexpectedly, it was the entire Yanlong Kingdom!

Many people heard this, stared angrily, and clenched their fists.

Long Juncai also had this expression, and his sharp eyes flashed, leaving only endless powerlessness.

"Yanlong Nation, I can't make the decision, but my troops...will...all surrender."

Afterwards, Long Junli told Tu Yan about the "opposition" between the leader of Yanlong Nation and him, the marshal.

"Oh, so that's how it is." Tu Yan nodded and smiled mysteriously.

Then he had a conversation with 9527 in his mind - "What do you mean? Plan B?"

"Okay, give me a minute."

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