Everyone, including Long Junli and the others outside the city.

Everyone stared blankly at the Gundam soaring into the sky.

Long Junli swallowed and looked at Jiang Shan tremblingly.

"Your Free Army...has even produced mecha robots?"

Jiang Shan was also confused.

He didn't know where this Gundam was made from.

"I do not know……"

Long Junli only had one feeling at this time.

That's lucky to surrender quickly.

Otherwise, when this mecha robot comes out, it will be a ghost fight.

Tu Yan didn't know how much trouble Gundam's appearance would cause.

He only knows to keep in touch with 9527 at all times.

"Direction 295, fly for another minute and you will see it. I have asked the dragon and the others to leave that area first."


As soon as he finished speaking, the wings behind Strike Gundam fluttered again.

Speed ​​increases again! Even the surrounding air vibrated slightly.

Looking at the stars in the dark night, Tu Yan saw the "atomic bomb" in front of him.

"Tu Yan! Deal with the escort plane next to the atomic bomb!"


I saw Strike Gundam shaking his hands.

The "Vulcan Cannon" appeared in his hand out of thin air.

"boom"! "boom"!

The muzzle of the gun sprayed, and the crimson energy wave roared away!

"pound"! "pound"!

The two escort jets were directly bombed and turned into wreckage.

The poor pilot "died for his country" before he could react to the giant robot in front of him.

After quickly disposing of the two aircraft, the Strike Gundam also stabilized its figure.

With a casual throw, he threw away the two "Vulcan Cannons".

Looking at the atomic bomb right in front of us.

He stretched out his hands tremblingly, trying to control his speed.

"Tu Yan! Get out of the way!"

9527 said excitedly.

Tu Yan was clever and quickly moved to one side, and the atomic bomb passed Tu Yan with a "xiu" sound.

"The speed was too fast just now, it will definitely explode! See if you can control it from the side of the projectile!"

9527 quickly issued the order.

"Okay!" Strike Gundam quickly flapped its wings and chased after him.

With the blessing of 'Flying Wing Zero' wings.

The Strike Gundam's speed is unimaginable.

In an instant, he caught up with the ‘atomic bomb’. ’

Controlling its own balance, the mecha is on the same level as the atomic bomb.

After making up his mind, Strike Gundam stretched out his hands and tried to grasp the atomic bomb firmly at the side.


Sparks burst out from Strike Gundam's hands.

The pain from friction instantly spread throughout Tu Yan's body.

But Strike Gundam still doesn't give up the atomic bomb in his hands.

Put your fingers directly in.

The atomic bomb bounced back and made a "sizzling" "wailing sound"!

"Ahhh!" Strike Gundam shouted, trying his best!

Finally, the atomic bomb slowed down visibly to the naked eye.

up in the air!

"Tu Yan! Hold on!"

9527 encouraged.


"AT force field"!

Tu Yan directly summoned an 'AT force field'.

Let it appear before you.

Step on it!

‘Crack’ to pieces!

But with this 'foothold', the speed of the atomic bomb was once again suppressed.

"Come again! AT force field!"

Tu Yan constantly summons the AT field.

Let them appear in front of you in turn.

Either step on it with your feet, or hit it directly with your body!

‘Poof’! ‘Poof’! ‘Poof’!

Because it keeps smashing the 'AT force field', and the wings on the back of the Strike Gundam keep accelerating in the 'opposite direction of the atomic bomb'.

Gradually, the equipment parts on the Strike Gundam continued to fall off.

‘Crack-click’ it broke into pieces!

But at the same time, the speed of the atomic bomb also slowly dropped.

The 'nitrogen gas' ejected from the tail of the atomic bomb is also exhausted.

No more splashes will come out.

Strike Gundam gasped for air. His hands were also "shattered" due to being trapped in the atomic bomb.

Even the electrical wires and grids at its joint connections were exposed.

The palm of his left hand was even broken in half.

At this time, the Strike Gundam had also arrived in the sky above Wanchao County along with the atomic bomb.

Those human species only realized at this time that that thing in the sky was an 'atomic bomb'!

After a moment of panic, they discovered that it was the giant mecha robot with wings that protected them.

I don’t know who said it first, but cheers soon spread among the crowd.

"Freedom Army! Long live!"

"Tu Yan! Long live!"

Even Long Junli and the others joined in the cheering.

But Long Junli's face, apart from the joy of being reborn after a disaster, was also filled with sadness.

He really didn't dare to face the fact that Yanlong Kingdom had given up on him.

When this atomic bomb is dropped, even the Yanlong soldiers led by Long Junli will be buried.

Unexpectedly, he himself was saved by Tu Yan.

Tu Yan, who had caught the 'atomic bomb' tightly, did not have much free time to pay attention to the 'cheers of gratitude' below.

He has more important things to do.

That's what to do with this atomic bomb!

Although the atomic bombs have stopped.

But it must be detonated in other cities.

Tu Yan, who was holding the atomic bomb in the air with his bare hands, felt extremely heavy.

This was not just because of the weight of the bomb itself.

It was also because Tu Yan was very tired at this time.

Stopping the atomic bomb just now had basically consumed all his energy.

"9527! What to do next!" Tu Yan asked excitedly.

"Wait a minute, I'm still using the satellite cloud map! Decide which country to throw it to! Tu Yan, hurry up!"

9527 is also very anxious.

In front of dozens of computers, he was doing calculations frantically.

Even the database in the brain is buzzing, constantly running at high speed.

"What's the choice?"

"In this world, those with the strongest overall strength are the Eagle Kingdom, the Flame Dragon Kingdom, and the Sakura Kingdom."

"Oh, let's go to Yanlong Kingdom." Tu Yan licked his lips.

Tu Yan understands this principle of treating others in their own way.

"Can we find the city where the leader of the Yanlong Kingdom is located?" Tu Yan had a flash of inspiration and suddenly had a target.

"Yes! He is not in Yanlong City. To be more precise, Yanlong City is also occupied by the Shou Beast Legion!"

"Give me a minute and I'll find out his location." 9527 added.

"Oh, psycho." Tu Yan didn't know how to complain.

It is obvious that his capital, Yanlong City, is still in the hands of the Sour Beast Legion.

But this leader didn't know what he was thinking about. He was always thinking about 'civil war'.

Instead of taking back the most important capital first, we always think about Wanchao County.

This is not crazy, so what is it. Or maybe the leader of the Yanlong Kingdom is mentally retarded?

"Found it, in a small city south of Yanlong City."

"It should be a temporary base, a small city called 'Orange Flower City'"

"The Yanlong army led by Long Junli also set out from Orange Blossom City, where most of the 'high-ranking officials' and 'political dignitaries' in the Yanlong Kingdom are."

"Okay! Give me the map!"

Soon, a road map flashed in Tu Yan's mind.

From Wanchao County, it only takes an hour to get there using the 'Flying Wing Zero' flying at full speed.

"Tu Yan! Hurry up! You may not be able to hold on to your death stack!"

9527 did not forget to add when Tu Yan left.


Tu Yan held the atomic bomb tightly.

The AT force field, on the sole of the foot, acts as a supporting force.

He took a horse step, exerted force on his waist, and pulled back desperately.


Turned the entire atomic bomb upside down. !

Turning sideways, he released the atomic bomb in his hand.

Then he quickly came to the back of the atomic bomb and grabbed its 'butt'.

Push hard!

Fly at full speed!

The atomic bomb that came to rest flew again.

Fly towards that poor 'Orange Blossom City' quickly!

"Tu Yan, remember to control the speed. If it is too fast, there is a certain chance that it will explode."

95278 said as he placed a speed bar in the center of Strike Gundam's brain.

This allows Strike Gundam to fly more 'accurately' and 'accurately'.

"Okay, received."

As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning, but after Tu Yan pushed the atomic bomb back into action, the whole thing became relatively simple.

All you need to do is hold the 'butt' of the atomic bomb and fly forward as hard as you can.

"Okay, I'll continue to support you here."

Although most of 9527's attention is on Tu Yan.

But he was still distracted and dealing with post-war matters in Wanchao County.

Now that the big crisis in Wanchao County has been resolved.

Naturally, they are coming to clean up the battlefield.

Long Junli also completely woke up from the lies of the ‘Yanlong Kingdom’.

‘You are heartless, so don’t blame me for being unrighteous’.

Under Long Junli's call, his original Yanlong army also swore to escape from the Yanlong Kingdom's system.

Join Long Junli and devote yourself to expelling the Legion of Sad Beasts and protecting the earth.

9527 also left this matter to the most suitable Jiang Shan to handle.

Then there are the casualties of the Free Army.

In Mark's all-out attack, the number of deaths among the Free Army was very small.

Nearly five hundred people participated in the battle, and only a few dozen people died.

This has to be said to be Mark’s superb medical skills.

9527 After commanding Wanchao County to deal with the war, Tu Yan is about to resist the 'Orange Flower City'.

"How is it? How does it feel to fly at full power on a Gundam?"

Seeing that no matter how the atomic bomb explodes, it will not affect Wanchao County.

9527 also breathed a sigh of relief.

He started joking with Tu Yan.

"It's okay, but I seem to have forgotten one thing"

Tu Yan originally wanted to make a joke with 9527.

But he seemed to have thought of something, with a look of horror on his face.

"What's going on?"

"what should I do?"

"The dead are resurrected."

"But if I were resurrected here, wouldn't I also be harmed by radiation?"

"You didn't leave any ears, fingers, or anything like that here in Wanchao County?"

9527 asked rhetorically.

On weekdays, this is what Tu Yan likes to do the most.

"I forgot. I was too anxious just now."

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