After Tu Yan took a big gulp of a bottle of water, he suddenly remembered what he said when he saw the squad leader yesterday.

The squad leader specifically asked him to look for ‘Lu Feng’ who was in the same class at Keli University when he was free.

According to the squad leader, Lu Feng became a little strange.

Although Tu Yan and Lu Feng were not very good classmates in the past.

But when we meet, we will also say hello.

After returning to his ‘hometown’ - Nat City.

Under the influence of things and people.

Tu Yan also wanted to know what happened to Lu Feng.

Please help if you can.

"How do you know Lu Feng? Oh, by the way, you are also from Keli University. I almost forgot."

Yue Zhiming put away his playful smile and looked at Tu Yan seriously.

"How should I put it, Lu Feng? It should be said that he is a poor man driven crazy by the apocalypse."

"Heerlen is not mainly responsible for the internal affairs of Nat City, so she doesn't know Lu Feng."

Heerlen looked confused.

Yue Zhiming patiently explained the whole thing in detail.

It turns out that there are many people like Lu Feng in the apocalypse.

Before the end of the world, everything was going smoothly. The family had a car and a house. Although my parents were still alive, they didn't care about anything.

The life was extremely comfortable.

Unexpectedly, the end of the world suddenly came.

Everything in the world was shattered, and the original order collapsed.

Only a pitiful 'apocalyptic survival' is left.

People who couldn't bear this kind of blow fell into madness.

I walk like a zombie all day long, immersed in the sweet dreams of the past.

After Tu Yan heard what Yue Zhiming said, he sighed helplessly.

It all depends on the individual's tolerance.

When the apocalypse comes, all the filth hidden in the darkness in the world will be exposed.

"Then where is he?"

"Keli University, Keli University is the king of the mountain. He can't make any splash, so he just ignores it."

"Oh" Tu Yan nodded.

He originally planned to go directly to Keli University to visit his old classmate, but his growling stomach disrupted his plan.

"Ah hahaha, let's go eat first." Silver Werewolf Terry said with a heroic smile.

"Let's go, let's go, I'm starving to death, let's go, Heerlen." Tu Yan came to Terry's side, turned around and called Heerlen.

"Okay." Heerlen had also recovered from the embarrassment just now, and jumped to Tu Yan's side and walked towards the canteen.

Several people came to the canteen talking and laughing.

There are also many "people" from the Guardian Alliance in the cafeteria.

Wherever they went, they received warm welcomes and greetings.

It can be seen that Heerlen, Yue Zhiming, and Terry, who are managers, are very loved by the soldiers.

After a good meal.

Yue Zhiming excused himself, ‘I haven’t had much to do recently, so let Heerlun accompany Tu Yan. ’ He directly pulled away Terry, who was clamoring to accompany Tu Yan.

Looking at Yue Zhiming walking away, Tu Yan Zhanger was confused as to why he had arranged this.

However, he still suggested, ‘Go to Keli University’.

"Oh, by the way, Keli University is where we first met."

"Ah hahaha, you made me laugh so hard. It seemed like we were in the music classroom at that time. You pretended to be dead, and then you attacked me directly when I wasn't prepared."

"Then you went to the basketball hall and dominated, hahahaha, and made me challenge you to a duel. You were wise enough to surrender immediately after knowing that I was immortal."

Tu Yan was remembering as he walked.

The whole face couldn't help but bloom with joy.

That heart seemed to be filled with lots of honey.

"Ghost! Do you know your appearance? Come on, let's have another fight!"

When I think about my first meeting with Tu Yan, it was so dramatic.

Heerlen wished he could rush up and cover Tu Yan's mouth right now.

Along the way, Tu Yan and the others had many opportunities to sit in a car on the side of the road, or ask someone from the Guardian Alliance to send a transportation vehicle over.

But both of them had a tacit understanding that they didn't want to sit in the car.

I just want to walk slowly on this road.

Enjoying this long-lost peace.

"Ah! My alma mater!" Arriving at the door of Keli University, Tu Yan couldn't help but open his arms.

Looking up to the sky and roaring.

Returning to this familiar yet unfamiliar school again, Tu Yan was so excited that he took out the 'clay bomb'.

"Why did you take out the bomb?" Heerlen asked in confusion.

"Please, blow up the school. It's everyone's dream." Tu Yan actually put the clay bomb on the school gate.

It looks like it's going to explode today.

"But don't you miss school life very much?"

Tu Yan's every move made Heerlen very puzzled.

In the world of elves, there is no such thing as a school.

"The deepest love, the deepest hatred, hehehehe."

Tu Yan smiled evilly and prepared to detonate the clay bomb directly.

But at this time, the appearance of a figure interrupted him.

"Who's here! Don't you know this is my territory!" A man with disheveled hair who could tell he hadn't showered in several days ran out and yelled at Tu Yan.

"Damn, who is that? Scary to death.\

,"Being disturbed so suddenly, Tu Yan was not in the mood to detonate the bomb. He looked straight at this 'unlucky man' and prepared to beat him up.

"Lu Feng?"

When Tu Yan saw the person clearly, he found that this person was the target of this trip.

"Wrong! Call me Lord Lu Feng! Keli University is my castle, who are you and what are you doing here?"

Lu Feng danced like a crazy person with a disordered mind.

"I am Tu Yan, have you forgotten me?" Tu Yan asked with a frown.

I didn't expect the problem to be so serious now.

Looking at Lu Feng like this, to put it bluntly, he is a "lunatic".

"Tu Yan? Oh. I remember! Where is the "Dragon Slaying Sword" you borrowed from me last time! When will you give it back to me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Feng swung his fist and rushed towards Tu Yan.

Tu Yan dodged and slashed with a knife, knocking Lu Feng to the ground.

Then he stepped on him and subdued him.

"Tu Yan. Don't be so rude, he may have mental problems. Is it appropriate for you to bully him like this?"

Heerlen saw Tu Yan's smooth operation.

I was speechless, wondering why I hit such a patient so hard.

"Ahahaha, I forgot, I accidentally hit him." Tu Yan scratched his head embarrassedly.

Then he squatted down, wanting to check on the condition of this "old classmate".

Unexpectedly, Lu Feng punched Tu Yan in the face with his backhand.

"Damn, my handsome face."

After this punch, Tu Yan felt that his nose bridge was almost broken.

I didn't expect Lu Feng's strength points to be so high.

But Heerlen on the side took action, chanting magic in his mouth, and then released it.

A green vine tied up Lu Feng directly.

"Let me go! Let me go! You bunch of lunatics, don't think of stopping me from dominating the universe!"

"Weigh you!"

"Are you okay? Does it hurt?" Heerlen asked Tu Yan with concern.

"It's OK. Alas, my classmate seems hopeless."

Tu Yan looked at Lu Feng like this and had to shake his head.

The whole world has not won yet.

Where can I find a psychiatrist to treat Lu Feng?

Tu Yan does know a 'living Hua Tuo'.

But the orc doctor Mark is a surgeon.

It's OK to do surgery and treat diseases.

If you really want him to deal with 'brain nerve' problems, you can't count on him.

"Then I'll take him to the base camp and treat him when there's a doctor?"

"That's the only way. You tell Yue Zhiming the details. He'll know how to deal with it."

Heerlen nodded, took out his phone and called Yue Zhiming, explaining several times.

"Just tie Lu Feng here and let Yue Zhiming and the others come to pick him up. This is a rare opportunity. Let's go to Keli University for a walk?"

Tu Yan took a look at Keli University and suggested excitedly.

"Okay, let's go."

After successfully inviting him, Tu Yan came to Lu Feng, smoothed his hair, and patted his shoulder and said.

"Old classmate, come on, live well, bye."

Although Tu Yan said it sincerely, there was no sincere emotion in his tone.

He didn't know Lu Feng very well, so there was no need to help too much.

He helped as much as he could.

In the current environment, taking care of yourself is the greatest help to others.

Tu Yan and Heerlun spent the whole day in Keli University.

Go to the classroom, gymnasium, and playground.

Also went to the dormitory by the way.

You don't know until you go, you will find a lot of things.

But it's mainly clothes, daily necessities and the like.

Tu Yan flipped through it with full of memories, and when he saw something interesting, he shared it with Heerlun.

Their current life can't be described as "bashi".

To be more precise, their lives in the past few days have been so comfortable.

Time ticking can't stop the "peaceful life" between the two of them.

But while they were so comfortable.

In another corner of the world.

They were preparing in "dire straits".

The protagonist here is no longer the human country.

But the Zang Beast Army!

After the human race regained weapons, they seemed to have deflated, and had a "traceless" posture.

Many people even reported that they had not seen the Zang Beasts.

They seemed to have quietly disappeared from the earth.

Except for the changes brought about by their invasion of the earth, nothing was left.

But the fact is not so.

I saw that small island in the sea.

This is the base camp of the Zang Beast Army.

On it, countless Zang Beasts stood!

And the whole island was wrapped in a magical transparent energy group.

From the outside, you can't see the island!

There is only an endless sea!

All the Zang Beasts stood outside the castle, as if facing a great enemy.

Just because of the powerful aura erupting from the castle.

Twelve generals!

There are more than one twelve generals!

There are nearly ten figures standing inside the castle.

It seems that all the twelve generals are in there!

And on the throne in the hall, a figure let out a sinister laugh.

"Those humans are almost paralyzed."

(New book published, double opened, hope you support it, like a heart. "Starting to manage the world from an amusement park manager")

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