The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 32: Demonic species! Zima monster!

Heerlen subconsciously stopped in front of Tu Yan and protected him.

Tu Yan, on the other hand, calmly walked around to Heerlen.

"Sister, you are indeed stronger than me, but I can't die. Let me stand in front of you."

"Hahaha, I almost forgot. I'm used to it. With you, I don't have to rush to die."

Heerlen smiled, and couldn't help but feel warm in his heart when he looked at the figure in front of him.

Whether it’s on his own planet, ‘Talit Continent’, or on the ‘Savage Star’, the homeland of the orcs.

She always rides like a thousand, charging forward bravely to protect everyone.

On Earth, I finally saw someone standing in front of me to protect me.

A trace of ambiguity filled the air.

But the mysterious creature in front of him broke this warm scene.


The mysterious creature roared, and the sound was extremely harsh.

Both covered their ears in pain.

Wait until the sound disappears and take a closer look.

There is nothing in front of you!

The mysterious creature then disappeared in smoke!

"How could it not be! Tu Yan! Run!"

When Heerlen saw such a scene, some fragments flashed in her mind, and she immediately realized what had happened.

But it's too late!

Tu Yan only felt a pain in his chest, and then it felt cold immediately!

Before he died, he clearly saw a mosquito-like creature rushing towards him.

It penetrated straight through my body!

‘Eternal Death’ is activated!

‘Death Superposition’ activates!

"Damn! What happened!"

Tu Yan was confused.

"It scared me to death. I almost forgot that you are immortal."

Heerlen beside him looked around nervously and whispered.

"What is that?" Tu Yan was very puzzled.

"Demon species! 'Zima monster'!"

"It is a monster that can change its own size, and can also use skills to attack. It looks like it has been infected and turned into a zombie."

Monster zombies!

Zombie: Zima Monster

Level: 38

Strength: 280

ability:? ? ?

HP: 12500

Belongs to: Demon species

Status: Infected

The monster looks very similar to the mourning beast.

They all look like monsters, but the mourning beast is even more ferocious, as if it wants to bite the opponent off at all times.

The jet black sticky stuff on the mourning beasts is the best way to distinguish them.

And the most important thing is that normal demon species are intelligent and can speak.

"Zima monster?"

Tu Yan just finished speaking.

I saw that the small black shadow in the sky suddenly grew larger, and with a bang, a huge object fell to the ground.

The Zima monster is a head with two sheep heads, pink and white feathers covering its body, and a pair of small wings.

The most bizarre thing is that its lower body is actually a smooth snake tail.

It's simply a strange creature created from an animal fusion experiment!

The left sheep head of the Zima monster groaned, raised its head, and sprayed purple viscous substance from its mouth.

"Tu Yan!"

Heerlen shouted.

But not to let him escape, she grabbed Tu Yan and pulled him over.

Use Tu Yan as a shield!

"Fuck you!"

Tu Yan couldn't dodge, so he leaned on his back and resisted the attack forcefully.

The moment the entire back was touched.

Rotting instantly!

Bones and internal organs exposed!

"Damn, you're sick. You can obviously avoid it, so you're using me as a shield?"

The resurrected Tu Yan angrily yelled.

Who knows how painful that purple sticky thing was just now.

Tu Yan almost fainted from the pain just now.

"Didn't you die once and become stronger? I may not be able to defeat the level 35 Zimamon, so I have to rely on you."

"Huh? Can't beat him?" Tu Yan was very surprised.

"Forgot what I told you?"

"All creatures that come to Earth from other planets will have their level strength suppressed for a long time."

"In the last world, I was already at level 180, but it was also reduced to level 30."

"Furthermore, this Zima monster has too many attack methods."

Heerlen finished speaking.

The Zima monster quickly shrank, then swooped towards Tu Yan.

After dying twice, all attributes were increased by 20%, and the speed of killing Yan was even faster.

With a slight jump, he dodged the Zima monster's attack.

"Heerlen, let's go together!"

Tu Yan took advantage of the situation and took out the Desert Eagle and fired a few times.

But it was difficult to hit the Zima monster, which was as big as a bird.

And Heerlen also used magic bows and arrows one after another.

But the Zima monster is too sensitive and its size is extremely small.

Ren Tuyan and the two attacked many times, but it was difficult to hit them.

Instead, Zima Monster turned sharply, stabilized his body, and launched a breath attack directly towards Tu Yan.

Fortunately, the two of them were well prepared this time and had already jumped away, easily dodging it.

"Goddess of Wind, please heed my request and obey my call, Storm!"

Heerlen threw his right hand in the direction of the Zima monster.

The air instantly became chaotic, and a small tornado appeared out of thin air.

The super strong suction force is ready to suck the Zima monster in, causing huge damage.

Seeing this, the Zima monster quickly returned to its original size.

The huge monster appeared in front of them again.

Tu Yan seized the opportunity and sprinkled all the gasoline in the 'eternal gasoline barrel' on the Zima monster.

"Heerlen! Use fire!"

Heerlen also reacted when he smelled the unpleasant smell of gasoline.

Take the bow and pull the string, 'Arrow of Fire'!

It's on fire at the touch of a button!

The Zima monster let out a miserable cry.

When Tu Yan saw this, he also took advantage of the victory and pursued it. He aimed at the two sheep heads and fired seven grabs in a row!

When the last bullet hit the Zima monster's head accurately.

It quickly shrunk in size and became the size of a sesame dot again.

The fire was also extinguished in an instant as the area of ​​combustibles shrank.

"Damn, it's endless!"

After seeing the Zima monster shrink in size and dodge the attack, Tu Yan couldn't help but curse.

But something that made Tu Yan even more angry happened the next second!

The Zima monster, which was as big as a small bird, turned around slightly and swung its tail in the direction of Tu Yan.

But the little tail grew bigger and bigger as it swung sideways!

In Tu Yan's opinion, a huge tail suddenly appeared out of thin air and swung at him.

Hard to guard against!

Tu Yan was instantly knocked away, with all his bones broken and embedded in the wall!

But the Zima monster did not stop attacking.

It shrunk its tail, then opened its wings, which made a clatter and became huge.

The feathers on the wings turned into spikes and shot toward Heerlen!

Heerlen continued his agile footwork and managed to dodge quite a bit, but there were still several feathers that hit him right between the eyebrows!

Fortunately, the damage of these feather attacks is not high, otherwise Heerlen's blood volume may be in danger, and the nightmare of turning into a zombie may directly occur!

Tu Yan, who was resurrected for the third time, has all attributes increased by 30%.

While the Zima monster's attention was on Heerlen, Tu Yan approached quietly.

He picked up all the 'clay bombs' and threw them at the huge wings of the Zima monster.


The successive explosions not only severely damaged the Zima monster, but also awakened something behind Tu Yan!

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