"What's wrong?" Heerlen also noticed Tu Yan's abnormality and asked hurriedly.

"Uh... This time the death reward is better to be called a punishment. Just now when I was resurrected, the sentence in my mind was..."

Tu Yan recalled the situation just now.

"Eternal Immortality", activated!

"Death Superposition", activated!

"Death Reward", activated!

"Ding, the warrior's ability "Death is like the wind, always with me" is activated, rewarding a large number of elite zombie troops, appearing in the eastern suburbs of Nat City."

"Ding, pay attention, due to time constraints, the zombie troops have been assembled in the eastern suburbs in advance, please resist their attacks."

"Ding, please pay attention, if the warrior fails to defend, he will be punished."

Heerlen opened his mouth wide and was stunned. The previous death reward was really rewarding something.

But this time? This is not a reward! This is clearly a punishment!

Just as Tu Yan was cursing, the projection of 9527 appeared again.

"Stupid human, your ability is about random rewards."

"This reward means rewarding your death, not whether the things that appear are good or bad."

"The most interesting thing is the word random. Don't think that you got good things smoothly in the past few times."

"But bad things will appear after all."

After 9527's explanation, Tu Yan reacted.

In this case, we can only take things as they come.

In any case, we have to continue to use the death reward.

Death is inevitable in the group, so we will deal with it as it happens.

"In other words, the enemies on the other side of the East Suburb Wall appeared because of you?" Heerlen said, complaining.

"Uh...it seems to be true. It's okay. We are going to save them, hahahaha."

Tu Yan reached out and scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed.

But at this time, a zombie dog ran over wisely.

A burst of roaring and barking broke up the previous cold scene.

Tu Yan shot a headshot, ending the fate of this single dog.

"Damn! We forgot about the big group behind us. What if they get into danger on the road?"


So the two of them got in the car and ran back in a flash.

Soon they joined the 30 elites behind them. Fortunately, there was no siege by zombies along the way.

Tu Yan, who had relaxed, controlled the speed of the "Yanyu Motorcycle" this time.

Their team finally moved forward together on the same road.

After driving for more than an hour at a snail's pace, they finally arrived at the "old site of the city wall" in the eastern suburbs.

The "old site of the city wall" is a famous tourist attraction in Nat City.

You can get here by passing through the layers of high-rise buildings in Nat City and coming to the mountains and ridges in the eastern suburbs.

From a distance, there is a mountain range blocking the way.

It stretches endlessly, like a giant lying there.

In the middle part, there is a different taste.

I saw a wall made of stone bricks, about a kilometer long and more than ten meters high, embedded there.

It is said that this is a natural barrier left by ancient wars.

Built around the mountains, relying on the terrain, it shows wisdom.

With the wall, you can also station defenses on the platform above the wall, and the wall is designed with towers and layers.

The wall that was used to resist the human army is now resisting waves of zombies.

Heerlen was immersed in the shock of the walled mountains, while Tu Yan and other humans were sighing at the fantasy scene in front of them.

Pumice! Vines! I have seen giant leaves on the ground!

Since the disaster, the ecosystem on the earth has undergone tremendous changes.

It's like God's dye and production agent have been overturned.

Purple leaves, red stones, pigs as thin as lightning, and gravel floating in the air that breaks free from gravity.

If others don't say it, you will definitely think this is an alien planet!

When they came to the city wall, they met the guards.

"Stop! This is the Natdong Army, who are you!"

A man in camouflage asked, and his appearance used to be more like a gangster.

This made the soldiers in the soldier camp collectively explode!

What kind of attitude is that? He came all the way to rescue us, but he is so fierce?

They were about to rush up and beat this man up.

But they were stopped by Tu Yan.

"Hello. We are from the South Suburbs Soldier Camp. We received your distress signal and came here specially."

Tu Yan said with a smile.

"Ah? You are just a bunch of people. Oh, go ahead, go ahead." This man looked like he deserved a beating.

Then he reached out and touched the "Yanyu Motorcycle" and smacked his lips.

"Tsk tsk tsk, not bad, this car is really cool."

Many soldiers were about to explode on the spot, but Tu Heng stretched out his hand and stopped them all.

Heerlen glanced at Tu Yan secretly from the side.

Then she covered her mouth to control herself so as not to laugh out loud.

At this time, the corners of Tu Yan's mouth had been pulled to an extremely exaggerated angle, and under his crescent-shaped eyes, there was a hidden murderous aura.

It was the first time that Heerlen saw such an exaggerated fake smile like Tu Yan.

At this time, Tu Yan has been patient to the limit.

Why should he endure?

Tu Yan thought that the difficulties faced by the Natdong Army at this time were caused by his death reward.

It was this guilt that made Tu Yan endure the clown in front of him.

"Let's go, I'll take you up. Oh, I'm Qiu He. Remember this name. You will be proud to know me."

"Oh..." Tu Yan took a deep breath and suppressed the anger that was about to break out.

Then, they left the vehicle below. Tu Yan was still careful and put the "Yanyu Motorcycle" in the space backpack first.

Through an ancient, transparent elevator, they slowly ascended.

The elevator that uses electricity has no effect. Only this old elevator can continue to be used because it is powered by human power.

There are all kinds of supplies in the layers of the tower.

It can't be seen that this place is just a tourist attraction, and there are so many foods and water.

Presumably, the "Natdong Army" has made a lot of preparations before gathering at this time.

There are also some tents and beddings stored in the compartment.

It seems that they usually sleep here.

After a while, they came to the top floor.

At a glance, this is a huge platform square.

For sightseeing requirements, it has been renovated and is much more spacious.

There were about a hundred people on it, wearing their own clothes, without a unified system.

But for identification, they still tied a red scarf on their right hands.

It was in sharp contrast with the well-trained and uniformly dressed people in the soldiers' camp.

They were standing by the wall and looking into the distance, probably checking the enemy's situation.

Qiu He hurried over and found their leader.

When the leader turned around, Tu Yan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, just wanting to complain.

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