The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 48 Tu Yan who has nothing to do

The screams were covered up by the sound of falling rocks and became silent.

Tu Yan looked at Qiu He who fell half to death and sneered.

"Haha, I let you live for a while, but I really thought I would live with you forever. I've already met the person in charge, are you still useful?"

Tu Yan sarcastically threw the cigarette butt down, and the remaining half of the cigarette butt fell on Qiu He.

By the time the people on the walled platform discovered it, it was already too late.

Qiu He was eaten clean by the zombies that came over!

At this time, Ao Fang walked up to Tu Yan.

"Why do you do this?" Ao Fang couldn't tell whether he wanted to settle a score or support him in his tone.

"Seeing that he is unhappy, he has ignored us a few times. Let's just teach him a lesson.\

,""Teaching a lesson? He's already dead, but he still teaches you a lesson?"

"Oh? So what?" Tu Yan tilted his head slightly and locked his eyes on Ao Fang.

"Not much, but Terry values ​​comradeship very much. If he knew about this, he would definitely be angry."

"so what?"

"I'll keep your secret, but you owe me a favor."

Ao Fang said to himself, because Tu Yan was just an ordinary person, and he didn't intend to pay too much attention to Tu Yan.

I didn't expect Tu Yan to have the courage to do such a thing at this critical moment.

And he himself didn't like Qiu He, but due to Terry's existence, he had been unable to deal with Qiu He.

Ao Fang couldn't help but change his view on Tu Yan.


Tu Yan, on the other hand, didn't care, and replied in a tone that wasn't neither agreement nor rejection.

"If you finish visiting, let's fight together. The zombie attack is getting more and more fierce."

"Yeah, got it."

Ao Fang then walked back and continued attacking the zombies below.

Indeed, as he said, the zombie attack became more and more fierce.

There are even orc zombies and elf zombies mixed in among them.

These zombies have long-range attack methods.

So Ao Fang also quickly asked other racial troops to join the battlefield.

Even Terry had no choice but to come and join the fight.

Behind Heerlen was a group of elves. Back to the walled platform.

"It seems that the general attack is about to begin. Everyone! Listen! We must defeat them and defend our homeland. We are the Nat Eastern Army!"

Terry shouted, raising his arms.


The orcs led by Terry also raised their arms and shouted.

"Elven species! Magic attack, remote assistance!"

"The orcs and monsters, those who can stay here from a distance, and those who can fight in close combat, prepare to jump down with me!"

"Human species! The ability of warriors is long-range. Continue to launch attacks, not long-range. Prepare logistics!"

Terry quickly laid out his tactics.

Then hundreds of progress units were assembled.

Under the magical control of several elves, they slowly floated down from the wall platform.

"Remember! If you find that your blood volume is about to be cleared, you must call our elf partners before being infected and ask them to help us fly up! Stay away from the battlefield!"

After Terry said this, he had already reached the ground and quickly led the melee troops into the battlefield!

As for the walled platform, the elves were temporarily led by Heerlen, while Ao Fang was commanding the rest.

But Tu Yan watched all this happen with cold eyes, and then he said quietly.

"9527, have you recorded it?"

"Yeah. Recorded."

"Okay, then continue."

He has been secretly recording Terry's combat command. After all, Yue Zhiming currently only has human species under his command.

I have never fought together with other races, so this can be considered a candid video with an educational level.

Then he came to Heerlen.

She didn't know if she felt happy because she had found someone of her own race. She was happily using her magic bow and arrows to attack the enemies below.

As for the rest of the soldier battalion, they were scattered and assigned to various positions by Ao Fang.

"Are you excited to find a compatriot?" Tu Yan asked.

"Yes, these are all my friends who fought alongside me in the previous world."

Heerlen said with a smile.

Seeing Heerlen's happy expression, Tu Yan felt a little lonely for some reason, but he cheered up and continued chatting with Heerlen.

"Hey, why don't you go down and die?" Heerlen asked.

"I'll give you a ghost."

"Then why are you standing there, attacking?"

"Wait a minute and finish smoking this cigarette." Tu Yan continued to look at the battle below while smoking.

It seems that this wave of zombies is also fierce. Looking at it in the dark, it is worth ten thousand, not to mention tens of thousands.

Their attack methods are very clever, and they know how to use melee suppression and long-range output.

The human and orc zombies serve as shields, while the elf zombies attack desperately.

Fortunately, thanks to the function of the fence, those on the platform will not be attacked.

Next, it depends on how much combat results the melee troops led by Terry can achieve.

"Hey, can I borrow a telescope?"

Tu Yan came to the logistics office and asked.

The logistics man wiped his sweat and looked at Tu Yan with disdain.

"What are you taking? I just walk around there and do nothing. I just go and stay wherever it's cool."

After saying that, the logistics officer rolled his eyes at Tu Yan, and then ran off to do something else.

Tu Yan shrugged his shoulders and took away a pair of binoculars.

Ao Fang, who was commanding at the wall, frowned and looked at Tu Yan, who was walking around doing nothing.

He wondered if he had made a mistake. Was this Tu Yan just a person with empty charts?

Tu Yan didn't know what people thought of him, but he could guess it more or less.

In the fierce battle, he was the only one who was like nothing happened. It was too weird.

But Tu Yan was too lazy to explain.

He picked up the telescope and looked carefully at the terrain of the mountains next to him.

"Why do you want to see it too? I'm the one calculating anyway." At this time, 9527's voice came again.

"If I don't pretend, I will look so boring." Tu Yan complained silently.

"Oh, forget it, it's almost done anyway, look at the right hand side."

Following 9527's instructions, Tu Yan looked to the right hand side

"After passing it, go to the left, eh, right, oh, forget it, I'll make a holographic map in your mind."

As soon as 9527 finished speaking, Tu Yan felt as if something was implanted in his mind.

When he used the telescope again according to 9527's instructions, everything around him seemed to have changed.

Whenever he turned his head to look at something, a number would appear, and it also indicated 'east, west, south, and north'.

"Did you see it in the 50 direction?"

"Yeah." Tu Yan followed the number to find out where 50 was, and at a glance, it was a small mountainside.

"There is a small pine tree in the middle."

"Yeah, then what?"

"Bury the clay bomb there, and you can die there as well."

9527 said nonchalantly.

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