The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 55 Ao Fang's Recklessness

"Yes, any advice?"

"It's such a pity, but don't worry, I will treat you as my own, so you can just let it go, hahahaha."

Ao Fang laughed wildly, and the people around him also laughed.

Their eyes were full of deep desire, and they seemed unable to move their eyes away from Dussaliang.

"Come on then, kids, let's eat."

Du Shaliang smiled and then clapped his hands.

There was a crisp sound of applause, and there was a commotion behind Du Shaliang!

The army of mourning beasts that had remained motionless before was dispatched!

It turns out that they have been in a dormant state since yesterday, all for Dussarian's bad taste, and they must be awakened through Dussarian.

A group of about a thousand mourning beasts roared!

It was as if his roar alone shattered the bricks of the wall not far away!

The guards on the wall platform also discovered this problem and quickly called Terry and Hicks.

"Where's Ao Fang! Where are the others!" Terry looked into the distance with a telescope.

All the mourning beast legions have already taken action, something serious is going on.

But Ao Fang disappeared.

"Report to Mr. Terry, Ao Fang seems to be planning to attack Du Shaliang." The bear-headed man on the side replied.

"What!" Terry's eyes widened.

"There, and there were dozens of people behind him."

Hicks' snake eyes have extremely high vision and he can see clearly without a telescope. He quickly found Ao Fang's location.

"Damn! What the hell is he doing! Why bother with Du Shaliang!"

Terry yelled.

In daily interactions, Ao Fang does have an inexplicable arrogance. He is originally a rich second generation.

In the past, I was always pampered, and it was inevitable that I would have my own set of skills when speaking and acting.

Normally I can bear it as long as I can, but if you do something like this at this juncture, your brain must have been kicked by a donkey!

"Everyone! Prepare to defend!"

As the sun breaks, the day's battle begins again.

And what about Ao Fang? I was busy peeing my pants.

Du Shaliang walked towards him with a smile, and Ao Fang very gentlemanly persuaded him to surrender again.

But Du Shaliang was too lazy to pay attention, stretched out his hand, twisted off a person's head and stuffed it into his mouth.

He said while eating.

"Do you know what is the most delicious thing grown by humans?"

"Brains, I've been to so many worlds. Human brains are really delicious."

"It's extremely sweet, delicious, tsk tsk, so happy."

Du Shaliang's mouth was full of blood and he was smiling foolishly.

"Ah, ah! Ah ah, go to hell, you crazy bitch! Come on! Brothers!"

Ao Fang roared angrily, picked up the sword in his hand and charged forward.

This long sword is exactly his warrior ability.

The 'Light Sword' has the ability to kill darkness. It increases its attack power according to its warrior level and can cause 50 points of basic damage.

Automatically acquire the ‘Dazzling Martial Skill’.

Others around him also activated their warrior abilities one after another.

Such as fire, ice ball, thunder, as well as invisibility, gigantism, tearing claws and other abilities.

They all hit the target - Du Shaliang.

There was a burst of smoke, Du Shaliang yawned and said boredly.

"Are you done? Just in time. I like my food to be warmed up so it tastes delicious."

Then Du Shaliang took action again, running left and right, passing by in an instant.

He held four or five heads in his hand.

Click, click, click and eat them all!

"Ah run away, run away!"

I don’t know who said it, so everyone ran away quickly!

Ao Fang, who bore the brunt, ran the fastest!

But running away? Impossible!

The army of mourning beasts came behind them and pounced on the escaping humans one after another.

And Dussarian waved his hand.

"Eat, children, you have been hungry for so long, eat as much as you like!"

bloody! Scream!

The other low-level mourning beasts don't have such a bad taste as Dussaliang. They only know how to slowly nibble, which is very painful for the humans who become food.

After being caught by Du Shaliang, in the blink of an eye, he no longer felt pain.

Encountered a low-level mourning beast? Then just accept the pain and die slowly.

Du Shaliang touched his belly, looked at Ao Fang, who was the fastest, and flew over.

Just one kick in the past, directly breaking Ao Fang's right leg!

"Run, human race, come on."

"Ah ah ah, don't kill me! Don't kill me! I'll give you money, give you money! Surrender, surrender! The great Lord Dussarian."

When Ao Fang saw that he could not run away, he quickly kowtowed and surrendered, hoping to survive.

All this was seen by everyone on the walled platform, and they all began to despise such behavior.

But it's mainly the human species that feels this way.

The orcs, elves, and monsters who knew the terror of the "Twelve Generals" just remained silent.

In the face of strength, dignity and face are nothing!

Of course, understanding is understanding, and support is support.

Many elves have already raised their long bows and aimed at Ao Fang.

As long as he completely rebels, then send him directly on his way.

"Everyone is here, ready to meet the enemy!"

Terry commanded from the side, he did not have the leisure and elegance to care about Ao Fang's life and death at this time.

Because the army of mourning beasts has arrived at the city.

The black army came to the city, bringing with it a black air flow that looked like death.

This group of zombies was extremely cruel. They didn't even go around the corpses of zombies, but stepped on them directly.

They didn't give in when they encountered a big rock blocking their way. They blew it away with one claw.

They showed their domineering spirit!

The magic attack of the elves shot at them, just like tickling, with little effect.

Ao Fang looked at the powerful zombie army at the foot of the wall and was completely desperate.

He knocked his head tightly on the ground, hoping that Du Shaliang would accept his surrender.

"Heh, human race, are you scared?" Du Shaliang said disdainfully, looking at the man in front of him, he couldn't help but compare him with Tu Yan who he met yesterday.

"I thought you human race were as strong as Tu Yan, but I didn't expect that there are also people like you who are afraid of death."

Du Shaliang's mind flashed Tu Yan's unyielding back and the heroic detonation of the bomb.

"Lord Du Shaliang, do you also know Tu Yan?" Ao Fang asked tentatively. He didn't know the relationship between Du Shaliang and Tu Yan, but this was his only breakthrough at the moment.

"Yes, you know him too? Alas, what a pity, I haven't seen such a brave and courageous person for a long time."

"Sacrifice? He's not dead yet. He was still on the wall last night." Ao Fang said carefully, fearing to anger Du Shaliang.

"What!" Du Shaliang's lazy eyes turned sharp.

"Impossible! The explosion at noon yesterday, it is impossible for the human race to walk out alive!"

At this moment, a dragon roar!

Resounded throughout the mountain range!

It brought a glimmer of hope to the Natdong Army trapped in the desperate situation of death!

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