The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 58 It didn’t get bigger, damn

Immortal! launch!

Detect the complete death of the body and automatically search for body organs that can be resurrected!

After testing, there are no available body organs in the surrounding area. Could you please expand the search area?

If you don't get a reply, enter automatic search!

It was detected that the body organs that could be resurrected had left the body for half an hour.

Automatically revive!

Death stacks up! launch!

Tu Yan was resurrected again, and at this time he actually appeared near the wall in the direction of Nat City.

He was sitting on the grass, breathing heavily.

Everything seems to be very close, but in fact, we have already prepared for a near miss!

Tu Yan knew that if he faced Du Shaliang, he would definitely escape death, and his body might even be turned into pieces.

So he was fully prepared.

If possible, he wouldn't want to be resurrected in this way.

He had prepared this hand as early as the first time he was resurrected and rode on the back of the big lizard.

For some special reason, he made up his mind, took out a knife and slashed his lower body!

Start practicing the Sunflower Manual!

Severe pain! Grit your teeth and hold it in!

Let the big lizard return to the wall before starting to snipe Dussarian.

Why did Tu Yan go to such great lengths to perform suicide on himself?


Sighing in disappointment, Tu Yan had no choice but to put on his pants.

This was the reason why Tu Yan did not hesitate to endure the severe pain and insisted on killing himself.

Only a person like Tu Yan could do such unbelievable things with the desire to grow up.

After cleaning up, Tu Yan once again took the manual elevator to the walled platform.

There was a mess on the platform.

Several mourning beasts jumped up and came directly to the platform to start killing.

It took several elves being sacrificed to kill them completely.

But the others still had to endure their grief and executed their compatriots who were infected with the zombie virus.

Tu Yan trotted all the way and came to Heerlen.


"Damn it, where have you been? Were you responsible for those explosions just now?"

Heerlen wiped the sweat from his forehead and breathed heavily. After seeing that the person coming was Tu Yan, he relaxed a little.

"That's it. Du Shaliang is indeed very strong." Tu Yan exhaled and couldn't help but sigh.

"Indeed, but luckily she's gone."

"Leaved? How could that happen?" Tu Yan was surprised. Just now Du Shaliang wanted to cut Tu Yan into pieces, how could he leave now?

"Just now, a mourning beast came out and made a noise. He said that he was a rhino-horned ox, and Lord Dussaliang left because of something. He is here to be our opponent."

After Heerlen released a flaming bow and arrow, he continued to answer Tu Yan's question.

"Isn't that okay?" Tu Yan twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling very speechless.

"Yes, but this way we will be under a lot less pressure. Thank you for dragging Du Shaliang along."

"It's okay, it should be."

"That purple light group just now was your 'death reward'?" Heerlen asked.

The ‘Heaven and Earth Killing Wave’ released by Du Shaliang just now was really shocking.

It was unforgettable for everyone present.

"No, it was Du Shaliang's skill. I was beaten to pieces and almost couldn't be revived."

"Pfft. Hahahahaha, you know, the move she just made killed less than half of the mournful beasts."

"Ahahaha, is she a traitor to the mourning beast?"

"I don't know. Why don't you go down quickly and fight the mourning beasts?"

"Can't you take a rest?"

Tu Yan said with a smile.

It turned out that Heerlen had just personally killed a compatriot who was infected by the mourning beast, and was feeling depressed.

The appearance of Tu Yan also brought a little breeze, which made Heillen feel better or worse.

Afterwards, Tu Yan took out ‘Barrett’s Black Cati Flame’.

"Here, this is today's death reward. A really awesome sniper rifle."

"Sniper rifle? What is it? Why is it so long? The firearms on your Earth are really strange."

Heerlen carefully stroked the 'Barrett's Black Cati Flame', and she sensed a terrifying energy contained in this gun.

"With this sniper rifle, I become a long-range attacker."

After saying that, Tu Yan directly placed the sniper rifle on the drill on the edge of the wall.

"Here, the sad beast in the lower right corner is chasing Terry."

Tu Yan pursed his lips and motioned to Heerlen to come watch his solo show.

"What's wrong?" Heerlen looked over.

With a dull gunshot sounded.

The beast-winged dog with one wing died instantly!

"Damn, you're so strong."

Heerlen was stunned.

An attack of that magnitude just now would probably have taken some effort for her to do.

Tu Yan only had to pull the trigger lightly to get a headshot from such a distance!

"It's not over yet."

At this time, Tu Yan aimed the sniper rifle's scope at a slightly distant place.

One shot!

Roar of fire!

The attention of many elves was also attracted, and they were wondering what this weapon was.

A violent explosion occurred where Tu Yan was aiming!

All the mourning beasts within a radius of fifty meters from the center of the explosion were affected!

"Fuck you." Heerlen just wanted to kick Tu Yan down and take possession of the sniper rifle.

The shot just now was as powerful as his strongest skill!

"Is there no limit to this move?" Heerlen asked tremblingly.

"No, well, it is, but it can only be used once in half an hour."

"Well, fortunately it is like this. If there is no cooling time, then I would start to sympathize with the zombies."

"Ahahaha, I don't know why, after you came, I was particularly relieved." Heerlen laughed, and the heaviness of his mood also dissipated a lot.

Then Heerlen continued to command the long-range troops.

And Tu Yan continued to use a sniper rifle to attack the zombies below one by one.

The Natdong Army, which was originally at an absolute disadvantage, gradually regained a city.

At this moment, the anomaly suddenly changed!

Seeing that he could not attack the wall for a long time, if he dragged it on like this, it would damage the reputation of Lord Du Shaliang.

So he decided to give it a try.

"Earth, human race, other garbage races, feel my anger!"

Rhino Horned Bull roared, and at the same time, its body underwent a huge change!

The whole body was covered in black flames, and then it became huge!

How big was it?

It was 20 meters tall!

It had to look down to see the Natdong Army on the wall platform!

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