Considering that the plane fusion has been fused for several days.

Presumably, people in other places have already known about other planes and other races.

Tu Yan felt it necessary to mention his identity as a human race.

"Human race? Oh, wait a minute."

After that, someone opened a small glass window from the inside.

"Take off your clothes, spin a few times in place, and let us see if you are infected."

Through the window, Tu Yan saw an orc soldier.

Tu Yan also supported such a physical examination.

After all, only in this way can we ensure that outsiders will not be infected with the virus or suddenly become zombies.

"Okay, put on your clothes."

The orc checked carefully, and after confirming that there was no problem, he finally slowly opened the side door next to him and let Tu Yan in.

Tu Yan also put the Yanyu motorcycle back into his space backpack.

When he came in, he realized that there were several orcs standing behind the door.

They were tiger orcs, leopard orcs, and wolf orcs.

Their mission is just to stand guard at the gate. If there are zombies or beasts coming, they can notify the people in Quan'an Mansion in time.

"Hello, I am a human from Nat City. What is the situation in Quan'an Mansion?"

"Come in and see for yourself." A tiger beastman said impatiently.


Tu Yan was not angry either, and walked straight into Quan'an Mansion.

This was also his first time to come to Quan'an Mansion. He had only seen the city scenery of Quan'an Mansion on TV before.

But what he saw now was very different from what he saw on TV.

The tallest building in Quan'an Mansion and the tallest building in Yanlong Country - the Twin Towers TV Tower was cut off half of its body.

The surrounding high-rise buildings also collapsed, and there was a ball of fire not far away, burning fiercely.

The stench filled the surroundings, and there seemed to be bursts of crying in the distance.

As always, the lifeless cities under the crisis of the end of the world looked the same.

"You are lucky. You know how to come from the east gate. Only the east gate and the north gate of Quan'an Mansion have not been lost." The wolf beastman behind him walked forward to tell Tu Yan about the situation in Quan'an Mansion.

It turned out that Quan'an Mansion was basically occupied when the catastrophe began. After a few days, the human race and other races gradually gained the right to speak in the war.

Recaptured the defense bases of the east gate and the north gate.

The situation here is similar to that of Nat City. There are zombies and zombies scattered everywhere.

All races are also in a state of cooperation, fighting zombies and zombies together.

Under the instruction of the wolf beastman, Tu Yan continued to walk forward along the road and came to a building with only three floors.

According to the wolf beastman, the highest commander of the east gate is inside.

And the name of their survivor camp is 'Tianshui Villa'.

"Tianshui Villa? Your leader is not a human race, right?" Tu Yan silently complained.

"How do you know?" The wolf beastman was surprised.

"A name that is so poetic, a little bit fantasy, and a little bit of immortality can only be chosen by humans, or people from Yanlong Country."

Tu Yan twitched his mouth. He could already roughly imagine the hobbies of this leader.

He must be someone who reads online novels on his mobile phone every day.

"Oh? I don't know about that. You can go in directly. I will go back to continue to stick to my post."

After saying that, the wolf beastman left without looking back.

Tu Yan also stood in front of the building and looked at it carefully with interest.

This three-story building is extremely simple and even built of wood. Its original identity can be vaguely seen on the door plaque.

It is a tourist reception hall.

But now it has been changed to "Tianshui Villa" with a few big characters.

Such a poetic name seems a bit alien and out of place in this doomsday.

After Tu Yan looked at it carefully for a while, he also walked in directly.

The human soldiers at the door saw that he was brought by the wolf beastman, so they didn't stop him and let him in directly.

But when Tu Yan came to the fountain at the front desk, he was stopped by the person behind him.

"Stop, who are you? Why haven't I seen you before?"

Tu Yan turned around and said slowly.

"I am a human from Nat City, Tu Yan."

The one who stopped Tu Yan from moving forward was also a human.

His young face was full of determination. Although his facial features were a little delicate, his bones were large and he looked strong overall.

"Oh? What are you doing in our Tianshui Villa?" The young man didn't look happy. Looking at Tu Yan's thin body, he thought Tu Yan was a person who escaped from Nat City.

"Walk around, my ability as a warrior can also fight, I want to see if I can help Quan'an Mansion."

"Help? Ha, who do you think you are?"

"I've said it before, my name is Tu Yan, and I've introduced myself. Out of courtesy, you should also introduce yourself, right?"

Tu Yan looked at the person in front of him with a cold look.

"You are not worthy of knowing my name. Go away. We at Tianshui Villa and Quan'an Mansion do not need help from outsiders. If you want to seek refuge, you are welcome to the survivor camp."

"Oh, bye."

As the saying goes, there is no point in talking to someone who does not agree. Tu Yan did not intend to continue talking nonsense with this person, so he turned around and left.

"Fuck, I told you to get out, but you still keep walking?"

"Oh my, who is this? How disrespectful are you to our young master?"

At this time, a group of young people wearing simple and convenient uniforms came out of the door.

They were all human, and judging from their appearance, they were also a group of people who knew the man called "young master".

"You are back? How is the training going?" The young man called the young master asked arrogantly.

"Report to the young master, the training is good. Now we are waiting for the zombies to attack. Let's see if we don't pin them to the ground and beat them to death, hahaha."

The bald guy in the lead nodded and bowed to the young master.

Tu Yan sneered. It was obvious that this group of people had never been on the battlefield. Anyone who had fought against the zombie army would not make such a joke.

"Hey, how does the new guy over there talk to our young master?"

Tu Yan snorted coldly, shrugged his shoulders, and continued to walk towards the office area without looking back.

"Fuck your mother! I'm talking to you!" The bald man said angrily. The young master was beside him, so this was a good opportunity for him to show off.

So he rushed up and swung his fist at Tu Yan's back.

But Tu Yan's warrior level has reached level 26, which can be said to be one of the highest levels of warriors among humans.

Tu Yan flashed slightly, then turned his body and pushed lightly with both hands.

He took out the Desert Eagle!

"Get out of the way, or you will die."

Tu Yan said calmly.

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