The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 67 The Giant Baby Young Master

"He, that's him! This bastard just pointed a gun at me, saying that he had the ability of a warrior and could fire bullets!"

The young master had a fierce look on his face, but also showed a smug smile.

Originally, he didn't know how to find Tu Yan to settle the score, but he didn't expect Tu Yan to come to his father.

Isn't that just hitting the muzzle of his gun?

"Tu Yan! What's going on!" Zhou Zhuangzhu immediately scolded Tu Yan.

His eyes were as if Tu Yan had hurt his beloved baby.

Only Tu Yan was left watching the development of the situation with a confused face.

Such an unexpected development of the situation was something he had not expected.

At this time, he could only wait and see, and said with a helpless look.

"Ask your precious son, ask him what he did to me before this."

"So what! He's still a child!" Zhou Zhuangzhu was shocked, and his expression seemed to want to eat Tu Yan alive now.

The corners of Tu Yan's mouth twitched even more vigorously. Please, the young master in front of him was at least in his twenties, a child? Damn! The evolved version of Mama's boy, 'Daddy's boy'?

"Then I am not a child? Excuse me?"

"You are so old, how can you still be a child! Apologize to my son quickly. If my precious son gets scared, I will definitely ask you!"

The owner of Zhou Manor was furious, and Long Tianhua next to him was also very speechless.

This owner of Zhou Manor, to be honest, is efficient, visionary and courageous, but when it comes to his son's affairs, he often loses his usual rationality.

At this time, he could only smile and look at Tu Yan with embarrassment, saying that there was nothing he could do about the owner of Zhou Manor protecting his son.

"What if I don't apologize?" Seeing that there was no better outcome for both parties, Tu Yan yawned and said indifferently.

"Then get out of Tianshui Villa! Get out of Quan'an Mansion!"

"Okay, bye, that... Well, let's talk about it later."

Tu Yan looked at Long Tianhua next to him, blinking his eyes, indicating that he had something to say to him.

Long Tianhua also felt Tu Yan's gaze, and silently rolled his eyes up and down for a while, indicating that he would go out to find Tu Yan later.

Then Tu Yan turned and walked towards the door.

When the young master saw that Tu Yan could only tuck his tail between his legs and get out of here, he couldn't help but smile with contempt.

He looked down at Tu Yan who was walking towards him.

And Tu Yan did not admit his weakness, he straightened his back and looked straight at the young master.

The young master was so angry that he stretched out his foot and prepared to trip Tu Yan when Tu Yan was about to pass by him.

Who is Tu Yan?

Relying on his immortal body, he is always in the front line of the battle between zombies and zombies!

The young master's little action naturally did not escape his eyes.

Tu Yan also kept silent, and at the moment he was about to be tripped, he suddenly raised his foot and stepped down!

"Ah!" A tragic cry came, and the young master pressed his right leg in pain, squatted down and wailed!

That cry even spread throughout the entire Tianshui Villa!

"Oh my, my young master, are you okay? I passed by here, how come your leg is sticking out!"

Tu Yan squatted down hypocritically and looked at the young master's injury with concern.

But he also leaned close to the young master's ear and whispered.

"I know you want to trip me, but do you know why I didn't hide? I have so many strength points that you are afraid. Your leg, if not broken, is at least broken. Fight with me? Oh, save your breath."

Tu Yan showed a concerned look and laughed out the devil's whisper.

"Fuck! It hurts! Dad!" The young master grinned and muttered about his father.

"Tu Yan! What are you doing!" Master Zhou hurried over to check on his baby son.

Tu Yan saw that Master Zhou's attention was on the young master, and hurriedly looked at Long Zhihua.

He said through oral language, 'See you at the door in fifteen minutes'.

Long Zhihua nodded quickly.

"Stupid, it was this giant baby who messed with me first, bye, I won't serve you anymore."

'Bang'! As the door closed, Tu Yan left the office directly.

After coming out, he rushed to the toilet as soon as possible.

He quickly washed his eyes and face.

Everything that happened just now made him feel extremely disgusted.

Then he took out a cigarette, lit it silently, left this shitty place, and came to the door to wait for Long Zhihua's arrival.

Suddenly, snow fell from the sky.

Due to the influence of the plane fusion, the environment and climate of the earth are very different from before.

Originally, it was impossible for Quan'an Mansion to snow in its geographical location, but it actually snowed today.

And it was purple and white snowflakes.

Tu Yan, who was wearing light clothes, immediately searched in the 'space backpack' to see if he had prepared any clothes.

"Damn, it's basically summer in Nat City, so I didn't prepare winter clothes. Damn."

"Hoohoo, hoohoo, it's so weird, just one city away, one is snowing, the other is wearing short sleeves, the end of the world. Is this how it is?"

Tu Yan was shivering with cold. He kept smoking, as if this would warm him up a little.

"Here, coat, you look so thin, it must not be snowing in Nat City, right?"

At this time, Long Zhihua also ran out and found Tu Yan shivering at the door.

"Ah, thank you, it's so cold here." Tu Yan quickly put on his coat.

"Isn't it snowing in Nat City?" Long Zhihua asked.

"No, it's hot, why did you come out so quickly?"

"I saw you wearing short sleeves, and I thought you didn't prepare a coat, so I came out quickly."

"No need to continue serving them?" Tu Yan smiled.

"Alas, Master Zhou is good at handling things, but I met his stupid son, alas. It's hard to say."

"It seems that you can't help yourself, but you come out to help me like this, aren't you afraid of being scolded by Master Zhou?"

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid? After seeing Yue Zhiming's major general badge, I knew you were someone I could trust. Yue Zhiming gave you this badge in the hope that if you meet someone from the military, you can be helped by us."

Long Zhihua said sincerely.

Tu Yan couldn't help but feel warm in his heart when he heard this.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic just now. Why do you say that Nat City is a little different from Quan'an Prefecture?"

This is a question Tu Yan really wants to know.

"After listening to what you said about the situation in Nat City, I found that the zombies and beasts in Nat City are all from outside."

"And all the zombies in Quan'an Prefecture are produced by the center."

"What!?" Tu Yan asked in confusion.

"Did you see it? The twin towers in the city center, we found that there were no foreign zombies in Quan'an Prefecture at all, but the rescue personnel who went to the South Gate and West Gate sent information."

"They saw a large number of zombies going out from the South Gate and West Gate! And the source is the twin towers in the city center!"

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