Tu Yan quickened his pace and rushed towards the direction of the sound.

In order not to lose the target.

He ran a few steps.

He saw the target!

So he hurriedly and quietly walked over.

"Hey, bald guy, what are you doing? Hurry up and kill that zombie."

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm not saying anything bad about you, how can you hit the zombie's legs, you have to hit its head, head, do you understand? Idiot!"

"Ah, you idiots, how do you do things?"

The one who kept commanding everyone to do things was naturally the young master.

The young master stood in the middle of the crowd, and while being protected, he kept talking.

It was as if without his command, this group of people would not fight.

"Hurry up, my dad is almost here, give me some face, I boasted to him that all the zombies in this area are handed over to me."

It can be seen that the young master's movements are still a bit inconvenient.

There is even a fixed bandage on his left leg.

When Tu Yan left Tianshui Villa, the kick he gave her seemed to have crippled the young manor master.

At this time, a girl in front of the young manor master stumbled and bumped into the young manor master while using her warrior ability ‘Flame Arrow’.

The young manor master was immediately furious!

He slapped the girl and knocked her to the ground.

Then he spat and cursed.

“Fuck your mother, you bumped into me, damn, do you have eyes?”

The girl had no choice but to continue crying in front of the young manor master and take on the responsibility of protecting the young manor master.

“Damn it! If it weren’t for Tu Yan who broke my leg, you wouldn’t have any chance!”

The young manor master looked down at his left leg, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He even used his left leg as a support with difficulty, and kicked the girl to the ground with his right leg again!

"Go to hell, you rubbish! It's annoying to look at you. If I hadn't taken good care of you, you would have been eaten by zombies!"

As soon as the voice fell.

The girl was indeed torn apart by several zombies and screamed in pain!

The screams echoed in the ears of others.

They couldn't bear to watch the dismembered girl.

But they dared not say anything to the tyrant behind them.

Under the majesty of the young master, they had long become giants in thought and villains in action.

And Tu Yan watched all this coldly from behind.

Originally, he wanted to help the girl, but it was too late just now and he couldn't catch up at all.

So, he sat on the ground carelessly and watched the young master and others clean up the zombies.

When they tried their best to eliminate most of the zombies in front of them and were about to celebrate.

Tu Yan's cold voice sounded from behind, accompanied by the sound of applause.

"Oh, not bad, all those zombies have been eliminated."

The young master turned around and when he saw that the person coming was Tu Yan, he couldn't help showing a fierce look.

"Tu Yan! I didn't expect you to be alive. I thought you had been eaten by zombies!"

The young master gritted his teeth and said that if his left leg had not been injured, he would have rushed up to cut Tu Yan into pieces!

"Thanks to you, life in Quan'an Mansion is not bad. Hey, where is your bald guy? Forget it, I can ask you."

"Why were the South Gate and West Gate of Quan'an Mansion breached? When? I want this information."

Tu Yan said condescendingly.

The tone was not like a request, but more like a request.

Of course he did it on purpose.

The purpose was just to anger the young master so that he could vent his anger.

"Haha, why do you think I should tell you? Hey, give me your left leg, and I might tell you." The young master smiled contemptuously.

But at the same time, he was also very smart to let his followers stand in front of him to protect himself.

"Tu Yan, just surrender obediently. You are unlucky to meet me. I know you have a gun, but I have also played with the Desert Eagle, which only has seven bullets!"

"Go ahead, shoot! I want to see how fast you can change bullets!"

Tu Yan smiled slightly after hearing this, and then walked towards the young master in a swagger.

He said as he walked.

"Desert Eagle? That thing is not here, but I have a chainsaw!"

Death Chainsaw!

The sound of the chainsaw echoed repeatedly on this path.

The sound was like the low groan of the god of death, ringing in everyone's ears!

Everyone took a few steps back.

"Everyone listen, I only want the life of the young master. Three seconds, countdown is over, if you still don't leave, I will kill you without mercy!"

"Fuck your three seconds, everyone! Come on!"

The followers looked around, and finally started to fight under the young master's power!

"Freezing ability!"


"Steel bones!"

"Power of rock and soil!"

Eight immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers!

But all were resolved by Tu Yan one by one!

The method?

It's very simple!

Jump up!

Tu Yan sank down with all his strength, and tightened his horse stance!

With his legs exerting force, cracks even appeared on the bricks on the ground!

This jump, this jump, is as high as ten meters!

All the abilities of those warriors were emptied!

After landing again, Tu Yan came to the young master.

Take the death chainsaw and cut down!

Directly cut off the young master's two legs!

No matter how high your defense is, or how high your warrior level is!

Under the blessing of Tu Yan's terrifying power points, bones? Thighs? Human flesh? As fragile as paper!

"Ah!!!" A scream pierced the eardrums.

Tu Yan picked up a stone and choked the young master's mouth!

"Shut up! You're so noisy! I asked you to tell me just now, but you didn't. Now there's no chance!"

At the same time, Tu Yan grabbed the young master's neck with one hand and lifted him up, so that he wouldn't be unable to control his balance because he had no legs.

Then, he turned and looked at the people behind him.

"Tell me, how did the South Gate and West Gate of Quan'an Mansion fall and be breached."

When everyone saw the tragic scene in front of them, they didn't have time to react.

They saw that the young master was like this, and Tu Yan was so powerful.

They quickly told what they knew.

Although some people had some differences in the general details, Tu Yan nodded after listening.

Prepare to tell 9527 everything later.

"Okay, you can go away." Finally, Tu Yan waved his hand and told the group to go wherever they wanted.

"Uh, Tu Yan, what about our young master?" The bald man in the lead asked tremblingly.

"Huh? Bald man, is this Tianshui Villa?" Tu Yan asked disdainfully, looking at the bald man as if he was looking at a kindergarten student.

"Uh, no." The bald man shook his head.

"That's right, just now. You didn't save that girl, why do you want to save such garbage now!"

After saying this, Tu Yan threw the scattered zombies behind him!

He threw the young master directly to a female zombie!

And this zombie. It was the girl just now!

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