Tu Yan was so frightened when he heard the voice.

He quickly jumped off the Yanyu motorcycle, took out his mace, and squinted at the person opposite.

"Hey, little brother, why do you treat me like this?"

"Flügel? Who are you?"

Tu Yan swallowed his saliva and looked at the Flügel opposite calmly.

She just came to him quietly.

She even spoke close to his ear.

Then Tu Yan didn't feel anything!

This feeling as if everything was in the hands of the other party was really terrible.

"Oh, let me introduce myself, I'm Margaret, you should be Brother Tu Yan, right?"

The person who came was Margaret.

She blinked at Tu Yan, as if she was ready to use "Charm".

Tu Yan also quickly took out the ultimate weapon against the Flügel, "Sunglasses", and put them on.

"Glasses? Oh, you want to prevent me from seducing you, right? Actually, the ability of the Flügel to seduce others depends on talent, and I happen to be very bad at this, so you don't have to worry too much."

Margaret said in a coquettish voice.

This touching voice reached Tu Yan's ears, making Tu Yan's heart itch a little.

"I don't know your situation, so you should wear it first, Margaret? I don't know you."

"Are you Tu Yan?"

"Yes, what can I do for you?"

"That's right, now all the surviving warriors in Quan'an Prefecture are looking for you, and I am the leader of the Meisibang Alliance, the camp at the north gate of Quan'an Prefecture."

"Oh? Meisibang Alliance? What do you want to see me for? We should have no intersection."

Tu Yan narrowed his eyes and paid attention to Margaret's every move.

He did feel that Margaret seemed to be a little bad at "charming".

But for some reason, Margaret seemed to have a special ability to move Tu Yan's mind and control the ambiguous factors in the air around him.

"It's like this. I heard that you killed the young master of Tianshui Villa, and then the owner Zhou issued a wanted order. I came here to thank you for getting rid of harm for the people."

At this point, Margaret deliberately looked at Tu Yan's expression.


"Secondly, I want to see what you are thinking. Maybe you don't know that the Tianyi people are a flying race."

"Every move you made just now was under my eyes."

"You seem to want to kill someone with a borrowed knife, right? Indeed, I am also unhappy with Tianshui Villa. It would be a good thing if I could wipe them out."


Margaret suddenly stopped the conversation, step by step, treading in the air, and walked towards Tu Yan charmingly.

Tu Yan swallowed hard and tried to control his soul so as not to be controlled by this Margaret.

He had also come into contact with the Flügel species, the Lilith in the soldier camp.

But to be fair, I don't know what kind of magic this Margaret has, and I can't take my eyes off her for a moment!

Then Margaret came directly to Tu Yan, stretched out her fingers painted with black nail polish, and gently slid them across Tu Yan's face.

"Brother Tu Yan, I want to know your plan before making the final decision."

Margaret blinked and looked at Tu Yan, her eyes full of peach current.

At this time, 9527's voice sounded from Tu Yan's mind

"Tu Yan, don't force it with her. Although you can let the little lizard deal with her, it may alarm the Twelve Generals. It's better to tell her clearly and see how she reacts."

"I know."

After answering 9527 subconsciously.

Tu Yan straightened his back and looked at Margaret.

Then he also told her about the Twelve Generals, the Twin Towers, and the infiltration attack.

"That's it, Ms. Margaret. What are you going to do next?"


Margaret raised her eyebrows.

She stretched out her seductive tongue and licked her red lips.

She fell into a short period of silence.

"If you face the Twelve Generals, what are your chances of winning?"

Margaret looked at Tu Yan as if she had changed into a different person.

The seductive, playful, and joking Margaret disappeared.

Only the serious and rigorous her remained.

Tu Yan also had no time to think about why Margaret seemed to have become another person.

She said it openly.

"No, I had a fight with Du Shaliang before."

"Du Shaliang! Where is she!" Margaret grabbed Tu Yan's shoulder and asked excitedly after hearing the name 'Du Shaliang'.

"Uh, in the city next to Quan'an Prefecture, but it seems that something happened, so he left the battlefield."

"Oh, damn Du Shaliang, wait! So you escaped from Du Shaliang!"

Margaret widened her eyes and looked at Tu Yan.

"Yeah, I guess so. Although I have no chance of winning against the twelve generals of the Gemini TV Tower. But, I must go!"

"Only I can do this!"

Tu Yan said firmly.

"Oh? You are so arrogant at such a young age, haha."

Margaret, who was originally laughing, laughed dumbly after seeing Tu Yan's unwavering expression.

"Huh, so your current plan is to use Tianshui Villa to attract the zombie army to the northeast of the Gemini TV Tower, and then sneak to the southwest to sneak in?"

"Yes! That's right, we have an artificial intelligence and an orc priest doctor here."

"Oh? This combination"

"Tu Yan. I'll go with you. I'll let other people from the Meisibang Alliance come here to snipe the zombies and attract all their attention here."

Margaret looked at Tu Yan sincerely.

There was no temptation or charm in her straight eyes.

There was only the sincere emotion of unity and fighting against the zombies.

Tu Yan pursed his lips and talked to 9527 through his subconscious.

"What do you think? Can you believe what this Tianyi species said?"

"Yes, you can't die anyway, so it doesn't matter if she secretly plots against you."

"Well, okay, then go with her."

Then, Tu Yan looked at Margaret and said.

"Okay, but I can only say that this infiltration mission will be very dangerous."

"Dangerous? Haha, Tu Yan. Do you know how I felt when I saw my planet being destroyed?"

Margaret's tone was full of disdain for Tu Yan.

"Okay, let's go. I'll attract more people from Tianshui Villa. What about you?"

"I'll go and tell the people from the Meisibang Alliance."

After saying that, Margaret flapped the wings at her waist and flew away.

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