The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 86: Transfer of battlefield

After barely escaping death, the big lizard shook its head and threw Margaret on its back.

Margaret suppressed her nausea and wiped the saliva on her body with the towel handed by Tu Yan.

"Damn, this dragon's saliva is too smelly. By the way, Tu Yan, is this giant dragon species yours?"

The look in Margaret's eyes when she looked at Tu Yan obviously changed.

Previously, she doubted that Tu Yan, a human species, had any ability to defeat the Twelve Generals.

I didn't expect Tu Yan to have a helper like the giant dragon species.

"It's a cub. It used a special ability to turn it into an adult. It can only last for an hour. Now there are about fifty minutes left."

"Oh, but it's also very good, but it alone can't defeat the Twelve Generals."

"Well, I know, it has used its strongest skill just now."

"But it only knocked the Twelve Generals away. It was a sneak attack." Tu Yan exhaled deeply.

"Oh? It really is the Twelve Generals?" Margaret also became interested.

"Yeah, it's a bat, Feiyan."

"Feiyan? Really Feiyan!?"

Margaret was very surprised, and her expression seemed to want to eat Tu Yan alive.

"Uh, is it your lover?"

Tu Yan controlled the big lizard to fly northeast - in the direction of Tianshui Villa, while always paying attention to Feiyan's movements behind him.

"Get out! Tu Yan, you must capture him alive or defeat Feiyan! No matter what method you use!"

"Huh? What's going on?"

"Anti-poison! There is a rumor in the previous plane'Barbarian Star'."

"Why can zombies infect all races and turn them into zombies!"

"It's all because of Feiyan's toxins!"

"It is the ancestor of all poisons!"

"And in the previous plane, our several major races united and sniped Feiyan once, alas. We suffered heavy losses and he escaped."

"But. He was seriously injured in that battle! It's impossible for him to recover so quickly! Tu Yan, this is our chance!"

Margaret was extremely excited.

Mark, a doctor, was quiet.

He seemed to be thinking about something.

"You don't need to tell me, I know, but I can't beat him, Mark. You saw his poison attack just now. I'm fine. But the little lizard, Margaret, and you?"

Tu Yan interrupted Mark's meditation.

Mark also came back to his senses and looked at Tu Yan.

He also knew that Tu Yan's "poisoning is okay" meant that as long as Tu Yan was poisoned, he would be killed with one shot.

But what if it was someone other than Tu Yan?

Let alone Mark, he was a logistics staff after all.

What about combatants like the little lizard and Margaret?

If they were poisoned, could Mark detoxify them?

Mark nodded firmly, and his expression expressed his courage and experimental spirit as always.

"Here, this is the remains of my last body, and there should still be some toxins from Fei Yan on it."

"Tu Yan! Put on your gloves!"

Mark said hastily, and he immediately put on a mask.

"Uh, is it that serious?"

"I suspect that this toxin can be spread through the air, so it's always better to be careful."

Then, Mark also handed Margaret a mask.

He then put on medical gloves and carefully took the remains of the body handed over by Tu Yan.

"Put me on the tall building over there, give me some time, I will definitely be able to break this virus!"

Tu Yan nodded after hearing this, and controlled the big lizard to come to the tall building platform nearby, allowing Mark to land smoothly in a safe area.

Then, the big lizard flew towards the northeast, in the direction of Tianshui Villa.


"Is that a giant dragon?"

"Wow, there really is a dragon!"

When the people in Tianshui Villa saw the big lizard flying in the sky, they were surprised to stop their actions and stood in place looking at the huge figure in the sky.

Where is Fei Yan?

This stinky bat is not afraid of sunlight!

It chased Tu Yan directly!

"Damn, is there a bat behind that dragon?"

"How come there is such a big bat? Could it be a zombie?"

"Who cares? It's none of our business."

Tu Yan leaned over Margaret's ear and whispered a few words.

Margaret looked at Tu Yan with a puzzled look on her face and asked back.

"Are you sure this is okay?"

"Believe me. Humans are a very boring race."

"Okay then."

Then Margaret walked to the top of the big lizard's head.

Tu Yan came to the big lizard's tail and took out the 'Barrett's Black Katie Flame'.

Squinting his eyes, he aimed at Fei Yan.

Margaret took a deep breath and said loudly.

"Everyone! Listen! I am Margaret from the Meisibang Alliance. Tu Yan is on the big bat behind me. Everyone, help me defeat Tu Yan!"

All the people in the Meisibang Alliance cheered immediately.

Many people in Tianshui Villa were already killing with red eyes. When they heard that Tu Yan, whom they had been looking for so hard, was on it.

He also roared!


The people who were in a frenzy did not notice that the sound came from the Gun God.

They just thought that the people next to them had started the fight first.

They also immediately joined the battle, and all warriors with long-range attacks launched the attack together!

Tu Yan, the instigator of all this, looked at Fei Yan's angry expression and smiled as he raised his middle finger.

"Rubbish, so what about Fei Yan? We won't fail!"

Tu Yan fired the shot.

He just timed it so that the people below would think someone had taken action.

Humans have a mentality called 'mob'.

When they see others taking action, they will naturally take action.

Suddenly, all the attacks flew towards the big bat from all directions.

Fei Yan was almost knocked to the ground.

It was also bad luck for Fei Yan.

In this narrow encounter on the city road, he, a huge target flying in the air, naturally became the most eye-catching target.

If not him, who else can he hit?

"Tu Yan!"

Fei Yan roared angrily.

He led the army of zombies below.

The group of opponents in front of him actually bypassed him and directly attacked his master?

Where can he save face!

They roared angrily and launched round after round of crazy attacks on the enemy in front of them.

"Blood source - poison the bats!"

A black and red light appeared around Fei Yan, and countless bats flew out of him!

The 'squeaking' sound was disgusting and made the hair stand on end!

Tu Yan quickly controlled the big lizard to turn around and face Fei Yan!

Underground, the Zang Beast Corps VS Tianshui Villa and Meisibang Alliance.

In the sky, the twelve generals, the big bats VS the giant dragon species, the blood-crying dragon!

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