When Tu Yan woke up.

It was already noon the next day.

He was tied to a tree stump at this time.

It was placed in the center of Quan'an Mansion.

He shook his head and shuddered.

The pain after activating the Death Gate seemed to have turned into little bugs.

Crawling in all the bones, meridians, and blood vessels in his body.

Reminding Tu Yan all the time how to write the word "fear".

"Damn, it's scary to think about it. If possible, I will never use the Death Gate again in the future."

"Well, hi, is there anyone? Can anyone help me explain what happened?"

"Hi? 9527?"

Seeing that there was no one around.

Tu Yan had to exchange 9527 in his mind.

But 9527 rarely spoke to Tu Yan.

He had to continue waiting helplessly.

Finally, a group of people arrived.

You don't know until you see it.

You were shocked when you saw it.

It turned out to be his old enemy - the owner of Tianshui Mountain Villa, Zhou!

"Ah, I didn't expect our Tu Yan to wake up?"

When Master Zhou saw Tu Yan wake up, he showed a smug smile.

If you don't look carefully, it's easy to ignore the murderous look in his eyes.

At this time, Master Zhou wanted to cut Tu Yan into pieces.

But he didn't allow Tu Yan to be tortured during his coma.

He wanted to torture Tu Yan to death when he was awake!

"Huh? Master Zhou? Oh, he's not dead? Not bad."

When Tu Yan saw that the person coming was Master Zhou, for some reason, he wanted to ridicule him.

"Hehe, keep talking tough, I want to see how long you can hold on."

"Do you know why I didn't kill you?"

"Nonsense, you just want to torture me to death, tell me, what is the way to torture me?"

Tu Yan looked at Master Zhou with disdain.

That look was like looking at garbage.

Just experienced a big battle.

As the highest commander of Tianshui Villa, he was clean and bright.

The soldiers around him couldn't even walk steadily.

Tu Yan couldn't stand such people the most.

"Haha, come here, punish me!"

The servants around him took out the tools of execution.

Red-hot iron!

"You said, if this piece of iron that was burned so red was placed on you, it would taste delicious, right?"

"Speak! You say it! Do you know how my Ying'er died? I can't even find my Ying'er's body! Do you know!"

"Brother Hu, if you want to, just do it, don't force it, okay?"

Tu Yan was very disdainful.

But he had already quietly broken his fingers with force.

With a strong bend, the broken fingers fell to the ground.

Blood dripped and fell to the ground, drawing a strange shape picture.

"Hehe. Go to hell!"

"Lululu, I don't want it, bye."

After saying that, Tu Yan made up his mind and bit off his tongue!

The tongue contains a lot of blood vessels in the human body. If it is bitten off, it will die from a lot of blood loss.

This is also the origin of 'biting tongue to commit suicide'.

Zhou Zhuangzhu saw that Tu Yan would rather commit suicide than fall into his hands.

In a rage, he picked up the hot iron sheet and stuck it towards Tu Yan!

'Ziz~Ziz! '

The surroundings suddenly filled with the smell of barbecue.

"I didn't expect that my meat would be so delicious when roasted, not bad."

Eternal immortality! Activate!

Because it is suicide, the death stacking and death reward cannot be triggered.

Relying on the previous severed finger, Tu Yan was resurrected directly in front of Zhou Zhuangzhu!

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Tu Yan. To put it simply, the ability of a warrior is immortality. Hehe."

"Ah! Ah! You! What's wrong with you!"

Zhou Zhuangzhu looked at the vivid Tu Yan in front of him and the corpse of Tu Yan that he was torturing with great surprise.

He couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

How could this be possible!

"Come on, it's your turn."

After saying that, Tu Yan directly kneed Zhou Zhuangzhu in the stomach!

Then he carried Zhou Zhuangzhu and tied him up.

Let Zhou Zhuangzhu keep shouting.

The several guards he brought with him stopped their steps under Tu Yan's sharp eyes and had to stand there obediently.

Watching Zhou Zhuangzhu being tortured by Tu Yan.

"Okay, you just wanted to use this hot iron sheet to torture me to death? Too slow, right?"

After saying that, Tu Yan walked to the stove next to him.

He picked up the iron stove filled with black charcoal and still looking for fire with the clothes beside him.

With quick eyes and hands, he threw the burning iron furnace directly towards the owner of Zhou Zhuang.

"Ahhh!" The flames burned quickly.

Tu Yan kicked the owner of Zhou Zhuang to the ground.

He kept struggling on the burning charcoal!

"Tell me, let me know what happened while listening to the screams of the great owner of Zhou Zhuang."

Tu Yan came to the side and lit a cigarette.

He looked at the owner of Zhou Zhuang who was in great pain on the ground calmly, and then asked the guard next to him about the situation.

The guard swallowed his saliva.

He couldn't believe that the owner of Zhou Zhuang, who was so arrogant and like a god in front of him, was tortured like this.

Zhou Zhuangzhu is indeed a demon, but the smoking guy in front of him pressed the demon to the ground and rubbed it continuously.

Then, he immediately told everything he knew.

It turned out that after Tu Yan fell into a coma, the big bat never appeared again.

The war is still going on.

The Zang Beast Army was about to win.

But they began to lose their composure.

The two camps of Quan'an Mansion also seized the opportunity.

They quickly launched a counterattack.

Finally, last night, all the Zang Beast Army in this wave was wiped out.

But the loss of Quan'an Mansion was extremely heavy!

Tianshui Villa, which rushed to the front, originally had nearly a thousand combatants.

Now there are only about twenty people left!

And the Meisibang Alliance squatting behind Tianshui Villa was not much better.

They also had only a hundred people left.

The huge shadow, after a brief celebration, quickly swept everyone's heart.

Is this a victory?

No one knows.

"Where is Long Zhihua? Is he dead too?" Tu Yan asked after taking a deep breath of nicotine.

"General Long? He's unconscious, but he doesn't seem to be in danger of death."

"Oh, stop arguing!"

Tu Yan turned around and stared at the owner of Zhou Zhuang who was rolling on the ground.

"Catch him and follow me! Also, don't untie him!"

Tu Yan originally wanted to kill the owner of Zhou Zhuang directly, but he thought that there were only a hundred people left in the two camps of Quan'an Prefecture.

And Long Zhihua's life and death are unknown, and Margaret is missing.

He can only keep this pighead alive for now.

Just when Tu Yan didn't know where to go next.

A desolate voice sounded, interrupting his thoughts.

"Tu Yan."

Tu Yan turned around and it turned out to be Margaret!

"You're not dead, ahahahaha"

"Kill me I'm about to become a zombie."

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