The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 95 Looking up at the stars

And 9527's voice sounded at a very bad time.

"I know you want to show off, but do you know how to get to Wanchao County?"

"Uh" Tu Yan twitched his mouth, he really didn't know the way to Wanchao County.

"Puchi, ahahaha."

Mark, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, covered his mouth and laughed.

Margaret, who was sitting in the back seat 'alone', let herself go and laughed 'fallen over' in her seat.

Tu Yan, with an embarrassed look on his face, had to wait for 9527's projected map.

"Mark, Margaret, I think you two can also come and drive. Who knows what will happen in the future when you will be asked to drive."

In order to ease this brief embarrassment, Tu Yan had to make this suggestion.

"Indeed, I also think you two need to touch the steering wheel on Earth. Don't worry, it's easy with the help of the 'universal steering wheel', and Mark, I think you have too few means of attack. You can learn how to use a sniper rifle."

9527 suggested while transmitting the map.

People who don't know would think that 9527 is the leader of this group of people.

Tu Yan suddenly thought of something and talked to 9527 in his mind.

"Hey, 9527, I remember that the modification materials of the Yanyu motorcycle include the wings of the Tianyi species. Do you want to tell Margaret?"

"If you want to die, you can go and talk to her. We don't know what she thinks of other Tianyi species yet, so let's forget about it."

"Okay, hahaha."

Margaret, who was sitting in the back seat, did feel a strange feeling after getting on the car.

But she didn't think much about it.

Just like that, the Yanyu chariot was on the road again.

Northward, northward, northward!

Along the way, whenever Margaret was driving, Tu Yan would patiently teach Mark how to use a sniper rifle.

When Mark was driving, Tu Yan wanted to continue teaching Margaret, but was rejected by Margaret with a sentence "I have plenty of means of attack."

Tu Yan had to give up.

After all, there is only one 'Barrett's Black Katie Flame'.

As for the little lizard?

There is no reason for the dragon species to learn to drive.

Although the Flügel species have wings, they usually walk on their feet.

The dragon species belongs to the sky.

Fortunately, the material of the Flame Prison Chariot is still mainly the wings of the 'Flügel species'.

Things on other planes and planets will not be affected by the 'speed control field'.

The Flame Prison Chariot was able to drive on the empty highway at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour.

Perhaps there were no humans on the road, so there were no zombies and beasts along the way.

In this way, from morning to night, Tu Yan and his team ran through a small half of the Flame Dragon Kingdom.

At night, they actually got off the highway and prepared to find a place to rest first.

In the small woods on the side of the road, a bonfire was lit and a tent was set up.

Everything was prepared quickly.

While eating the hot soup cooked by Tu Yan.

9527 also mentioned the current location and how long it would take to reach 'Wanchao County'.

"At this rate, we will be able to reach Wanchao County by tomorrow afternoon."

"But we still have one thing to do, that is clothes. In this weather, it is obvious that Wanchao County is covered with ice and snow."

"Of course, I do not rule out the possibility that Wanchao County may become a desert due to the invasion of zombie beasts and the influence of plane fusion."

"But it is better to prepare first. Let's go to the nearby towns tomorrow and search them carefully."

Looking at 9527 chattering, Tu Yan yawned because he was sleepy.

On the contrary, Mark, who has been hanging out with 9527 recently, looked at 9527 with starry eyes.

He even took out a notebook and wrote down 9527's words word by word.

This CP may be a pair that envy and admire each other.

As a dragon species, the little lizard can't understand these.

Some eat, some drink, and some sleep.

At this time, it is also nestled by the fire, snoring and sleeping late.


Who dares to look at her now!

Tu Yan's eyes shifted immediately after he saw Margaret!

It turned out that Margaret had taken a bath in a stream and was wearing very cool clothes!

A small vest and a pair of shorts!

It was exciting to see!

And she was also lying on the ground lazily.

It was easy to reveal her beauty with every move!

Tu Yan, who had never had sex, had a red face.

Seeing Tu Yan's reaction, Margaret smiled evilly, stood up, and leaned her head on Tu Yan's shoulder.

Her red lips were close to Tu Yan's ear.

"How about it, little brother, am I beautiful?"

"Uh beautiful." Tu Yan pursed his lips and nodded.

"Then do you want to play with me, the little sister?" Margaret opened her lips and blew hot air towards Tu Yan's ears.

"No, no, it won't be good if you drain me dry later."

Tu Yankuang shook his head and quickly refused.

He didn't know why he refused, maybe there was still a place in his heart.

And there was always a figure in that place.

That was Heerlen who stayed in Nat City.

"Tsk, boring, a stinky orc who was only interested in medical research, a stinky human who was originally a virgin and extremely innocent, and a stinky dragon who ate, drank and slept all day, plus a projection without a physical body."

"Damn, you're going to starve me to death!"

Margaret was indignant, but she immediately burst into laughter.

She lay directly on the ground.

"Little brother, come with me to see the stars. Although there are not as many stars on your Earth as in my hometown, they are also very spectacular."

Tu Yan also lay directly on the ground, looking at the bright moon and countless stars under the dark night.

Mark also came to the two of them and looked up at the stars together.

"Do you think my planet is over there?"

Not only Margaret, but even Mark stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to find his own planet.

Nothing happened that night.

After watching the stars for a while, several people hurried back to the tent to sleep.

There happened to be three tents, leaving the little lizard by the campfire as a gatekeeper.

The dew in the early morning dripped on the little lizard, and it yawned when it was woken up.

In the drowsy eyes, I saw the person next to me.

"Wake up? Stinky dragon." Tu Yan drank hot coffee and touched the little lizard's head with a doting look.

'Awoo~' Seeing Tu Yan, the little lizard was very happy. It seemed to be calling out loudly to wake up.

This call was incredible.

Not far away, the same call was heard!

And there was more than one!

Its voice was also more mature and hoarse!

Before Tu Yan could react.

Margaret jumped out of the tent in a hurry!

"Quick! Pack up! Go!"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Dragon! Giant dragon species! More than one! If you see more than two giant dragon species in other planes, escape! Is the only choice!"

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