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"But you will start to subdue those small forces tomorrow, so what about the third-level zombies here? We definitely can't clean them up in one day!"

Wu Zihao waved his hand:"These zombies won't run around, so it doesn't matter when we clean them up? Anyway, we have already cleaned up this part of the villa area. Even if there is an emergency, it will not affect our retreat, and there will be no accidents in the short term."

"It will only take one day to subdue those minions. Then they will help us fight the one and two level ones, and we will continue to deal with the three level ones inside. Wouldn't it be more efficient?"After

Wu Zihao said this, Yao Lin stopped talking and began to think about the evening training.

After driving for more than ten minutes, Wu Zihao parked the car at the entrance of an underground garage, pointed inside and said,"It's in this garage. There is only one zombie in the entire garage. It is almost grown up. Its special ability is unknown, but its strength should be not low!"

Wu Zihao looked a little serious this time, because he had just used the golden finger to measure that this zombie was quite strong, and even his chances of winning against it one-on-one were only 50-50, and he was likely to lose. The possibility of being killed had reached 30%.

You have to know that even if I was the nearly perfect metalized zombie I met in the bank's underground vault last time, my chance of being killed was only 5%.

At that time, my ordinary attributes in all aspects barely reached 20, and I had no special attributes at all.

But now my ordinary attributes have reached 25, and even my speed has reached 27. I also have two special attributes of metalization and telepathy, which are much stronger than before.

However, now facing this one inside, the chance of being killed has reached 30%, which is enough to show how strong the zombies I met this time are.

After thinking about it, Wu Zihao turned to Yao Lin and said,"I will go down by myself this time. There is only one entrance to this underground parking lot. You help guard it and don't let it escape. Once you see it coming out, use the vehicle-mounted missile to kill it!"

"Is the opponent this time very dangerous?" Yao Lin has followed Wu Zihao for a few days and has some understanding of him.

In the past two days, they have also teamed up to kill several level three zombies, but they have never seen him with such a serious expression. Every time he easily solved the opponent, even if he was a little tired, he was still at ease.

And this time is the first time that he took it so seriously, and even didn't let himself go down. Not only that, he even wanted to use the vehicle-mounted missiles.

You know, the small vehicle-mounted missiles are the weapons they have now, and the zombies that are worth using them must not be underestimated.

Wu Zihao shook his head and said,"Don't worry, although the guy this time is a little stronger, he is still not my opponent. What I fear most is that it escapes suddenly, and I may not be able to keep it. This time it's a big fish, we must not let it slip away! You just wait in the car, we must not let it slip away

"Don't try to hide it from me! Why didn't you let me get off the car if there was no danger? Is this one so strong that even you are not sure about it? That's why you let me hide in the car?"

Yao Lin has seen so much of the world, how could Wu Zihao's obvious excuse for not letting her get off the car be hidden from her?

Thinking of this, her heart warmed slightly, but she said worriedly:"Since it is so dangerous, why don't we leave first? We will come back after our strength is improved and we are sure to kill it. There is no rush!"

Wu Zihao shook his head and said:"This one is almost mature. If we delay any longer, I am afraid it will be promoted! You must know that this is not an island in the middle of a lake. There is no natural trap. Leaving it outside is a time bomb that may explode at any time, so we must take this opportunity to kill it!"

"The reason I didn't let you get off the car is that it's really dangerous for you to fight it with your strength, but I'm different. I didn't lie to you just now, it's really no match for me! But if you get off and distract me, it's different!"

"So you should wait for me in the car, and we will continue to the next goal after I solve it!"

Wu Zihao had to stop Yao Lin from getting off the car, because he had measured with the golden finger that if Yao Lin followed, her mortality rate was 100%. It can be said that as long as she went down, she would die, and he could not protect her at all.

Although this is the end of the world and death is very common, Yao Lin is his woman after all, and she is thinking about him wholeheartedly. He must not disregard her life and death just to increase the chance of winning. He is not that scumbag.

"But……"Yao Lin wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Wu Zihao

"Don't worry, you haven't fully understood my abilities yet! No matter what, I won't be in any trouble! Just take care of yourself and stay in the car!"

Seeing Wu Zihao's confident eyes, Yao Lin finally nodded.

Wu Zihao finally calmed her down, then opened the door and got out of the car, walking towards the underground parking lot with a tense mind.

Even in the morning, walking in this deserted underground parking lot, smelling the faint stench in the air, there was still a bit of a gloomy feeling.

Wu Zihao has been on high alert since he came in, paying close attention to all the movements around him.

This time the opponent is unusual, and he has to deal with it with all his strength.

Moreover, ever since he entered this underground parking lot, he has felt a vague sense of crisis shrouding his heart.

The power supply in the entire city was paralyzed, and the lights naturally could not be on anymore. The only way to stay on was to rely on the light from outside. With the sunlight coming in in twos and threes, Wu Zihao could barely see the overview of the entire parking lot with his eyesight greatly improved by reaching 25.

Turning on the flashlight of the personal terminal on his wrist, Wu Zihao carefully scanned everything in the parking lot.

However, Wu Zihao did not find any shadow of zombies, and did not even hear any movement.

Wu Zihao frowned slightly. If he had not repeatedly used the golden finger to test that the third-level zombie was in this parking lot, he would have thought that there was nothing here.

The third-level zombie is also a zombie. Seeing a living blood food like himself, it did not pounce on him. This in itself is abnormal! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fulu Novel APP

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