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Xintong has always been calm and rational. No matter what she faces, she analyzes and considers it from a rational perspective. But once this analysis method does not work, she will panic involuntarily.

This completely unfamiliar feeling made Ye Xintong a little overwhelmed. She had no idea how to respond, or even how to deal with this sudden feeling.

Fortunately, Wu Zihao's next message diverted her attention and she stopped thinking about it.

Wu Shuai Wu Zihao: [By the way, Miss Ye, I just happen to have something that I want Miss Ye to help with. ]

Seeing Wu Zihao asking for her help, Ye Xintong's originally confused thoughts immediately became clear.

As long as it is not about those invisible and intangible feelings and emotions, Ye Xintong has always been very calm.

Shuguang: [What is it? As long as I can do it, I will definitely not refuse. ]

Wu Shuai Wu Zihao: [It's not a big deal. I just want to borrow a car from Miss Ye. The higher the better! It doesn't need to be too long, just one night will do! 】

Finally, Wu Zihao sent an awkward and embarrassed expression pack.

Wu Zihao just thought of it in a flash of inspiration.

Tonight he will meet and negotiate with the gold business partner contacted by Yu Zhiyong.

As early as yesterday morning, Yu Zhiyong reminded him to drive a fancy car to show his high-end status when they meet.

Otherwise, if he rides the little lamb over, not only will he lose momentum during the negotiation, but the other party will definitely doubt the business to be discussed when they see that the partner this time is a poor guy who can't even afford a car.

Especially in the gold business, a person who can take out so much gold at one time doesn't even have his own car. I guess they will seriously suspect that I am making fun of them.

In this way, even the final cooperation may not be able to be negotiated. Even if it is negotiated, I guess I will suffer a loss in the specific transaction conditions.

But where can I find such a fancy car in a short time?

Do I have to rent a car? Even if I rent a car, with the other party's ability to eat two or three tons of gold in one breath, I guess they will find it quickly.

Once the truth is revealed, it will have some impact on this business.

Wu Zihao was going to leave soon. When he was thinking about how to go there, his chat with Ye Xintong made him feel moved.

Even if Ye's was squeezed to the brink of bankruptcy, it was once the tyrant of the jewelry industry in Zhejiang Hai City. A lean camel is bigger than a horse. It is impossible that it doesn't even have a few awesome cars, right?

Since there are ready-made rich people here, why should I waste my brain cells?

Ye Xintong was stunned by Wu Zihao's request. He asked me to borrow a luxury car for just one night. What does this mean? What does he want this luxury car for?

Could it be...

Ye Xintong subconsciously thought of some gossip in the circle. Some poor boys borrowed their friends' luxury cars to show off and do those disgusting things in order to go out and date girls.

Wu Zihao borrowed a car from me, and the better it was, and he would only pay it back for one night. He wouldn't do such a thing, right?

Thinking of this, Ye Xintong frowned, and a sour feeling came to her heart.

It's no wonder she would think in this way. In fact, in her impression, all men, except her father and brother, are not good stuff.

After pondering for a while, she still felt that it would be better not to think of him in this way.

There is not even a little evidence. It is too arbitrary to think that a person is so bad just based on this sentence and her own association.

He is definitely not that kind of person in her impression. Maybe he is just reminding her that she has not provided him with a car yet! After all, he is the chief designer and deserves such treatment!

Shuguang: [It's my fault for neglecting it. Mr. Wu is the chief jewelry designer of our company and should be provided with a good car. If Mr. Wu is not in a hurry, I will let Du Bo take you to see the car tomorrow.]

Wu Zihao:...

What does this have to do with that? Why is it related to providing a car?

Tomorrow, it will be too late to go there tomorrow!

Wu Shuai Wu Zihao: [Ms. Ye misunderstood. It has nothing to do with providing a car. I just have something to do tonight, so I borrowed a fancy car to scare people.]

Seeing this, Ye Xintong frowned again, and the sour feeling came to her heart again, but she suppressed it by force.

Impossible! He is definitely not that kind of person! I must have thought too much! He really has something to do!

Thinking about this in her heart, Ye Xintong calmed down with a slightly ugly face, and finally replied:

Shuguang: [Okay, I'll ask Du Bo to prepare one, and you can pick it up from the company building later! ]

I wanted to say something, but I suppressed it in the end. What others do is their private business. What does it have to do with you?

Besides, they may not be what you think. Don't judge others by your own standards.

Thinking so in my heart, the expression on my face could not get better, even when I saw the thank you emoticon sent by Wu Zihao at the end, it did not ease.

When I thought that Wu Zihao might drive a luxury car to do such disgusting things, and this car was provided by herself, Ye Xintong felt upset.

He opened the internal line and called Du Fu in, and told him to prepare a luxury car, and Chief Wu would come to pick it up later.

After thinking for a while, he added one more sentence: Get a car that is not usually used, so that no one can see that it has anything to do with our company.

What if that bastard really does that kind of thing? She can't afford to lose that person.

Du Fu nodded in confusion, wondering in his heart, what happened to the young lady today? Who provoked her?

That's not right! Even if she was provoked, the young lady never showed her emotions on her face!

Shaking his head, he didn't say much in the end, but went down to prepare.

Ye Xintong's instructions were exactly what Wu Zihao thought. He originally wanted this car to be concealed, and he must not let anyone see that it had anything to do with Ye's, and finally implicate Ye Xintong.

The other party was able to eat so much gold at one time, and smuggled in China for many years without any harm, so his power must be not small.

If Ye Xintong's company was involved because of his own affairs, he would definitely not want to see it.

Wu Zihao received the key of the domineering Land Rover from Du Fu, who looked puzzled, and got into the car happily, heading towards the agreed location.

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